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On 2/26/2023 at 6:31 PM, Nick James said:

Hangman's statement letters were fantastic and the correct way to use twitter.


Yeah, Hangman only cries about stuff in the ring, unscripted. Much more professional.

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On 2/28/2023 at 10:07 AM, gmoney said:

Yeah, Hangman only cries about stuff in the ring, unscripted. Much more professional.

I still find it funny that Punk was so upset by Hangman's extremely tame "shoot" comment when half Punk's gimmick is that he makes shoot comments in promos!

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I love Hangman as a performer, but i'm never going to pretend anyone's perfect. I was reminded when watching the Jay Briscoe memorial that the Elite are still mates with Marty Scurll. And are smart enough to avoid referencing it in public knowing knowing the negative backlash it brings.



My reaction to this week's Dynamite was to find this video.


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Only watched the first 50ish minutes this week but enjoyed what I've seen so far.

OC is perhaps, very quietly, the best wrestler in the world. His matches are always brilliant, he knows how to actually include his character into the match seamlessly and even when he goes over (which is pretty much always) his opponent comes out looking strong. Big Bill, despite the name, definitely has something to him. He's great and wrestles like a proper big man, really making his opponent earn every single bit of offence they get on him. And even Stokely Hathaway is turning it around now he's in Black Panther attire rather than stupid cardigans. The bullshit cast on his arm he can use as a weapon is the perfect heel touch. Hopefully they can ditch The Firm stuff because Bill and Stokeley together feels like a proper, complete act with lots of potential.

Good lord that Mox promo. Screaming in that gravelly voice as his blood drips down onto the cold concrete. He's an absolute treasure. Made the Texas Death Match feel like it's going to end in one or both men dead. I CAN'T WAIT!

That House of Black attacking The Elite segment was really cool. The fans are desperate to really get into House of Black and always go nuts for them, AEW just need to book them right. Angles like this are the right way to do it. My only criticism is that this should have happened a month ago and been the angle to kick off the feud not the go-home angle for the PPV.

The ladder clusterfuck had just enough nuttiness to be entertaining. Psychology-wise none of it made much sense but who cares - you know what you're getting with this type of stuff. I don't know who Kommander is but fuck me he was on a mission last night, some proper jaw dropping bumps. Hobbs and Takeshita leathering each other with clotheslines made me really want to see a singles match between the two. I've rarely been as anxious as I was seeing Hobb's trying to get that gold ring down while standing on the top of a broken ladder, I was terrified he was going to fall off getting down from it. Joe and Taz were great on commentary during this too, with Taz claiming after Kommander ran the entire ropes and did a mad flip that he "did that once years ago on an indy show in Poughkeepsie" and after Hobbs winning Joe saying "imagine going through all that and now you've got to get beaten by me next week".

Post match Wardlow shenanigans were really fun and exactly how he should be being booked. Loved him just carelessly gutwrenching up and lobbing one of the security guards without even looking. Joe running away while Hobbs watches laughing was top notch heel schtick. 

Genuinely funny OC/Danhausen skit backstage. Love these guys, Danhausen thrown in with OC's slacker and the laid back, angry weirdo Best Friends somehow just works.

And that's when my train journey ended and I had to go to work. Really enjoyed the show so far, but as the train pulled up Chris Jericho was coming out so I assume it all went downhill from there.

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I’m not as high on Mox as a lot of people are, but that promo was the best thing he’s done in ages. Shame it sounded like he was cutting it in the Grand Kanyon, get a boom mic in there Tony.

The build to HoB v The Elite has been shocking. This was also too short to mean anything or warrant HoB getting a title shot.

The assumption of knowledge, a problem in the promotion’s early days, is starting to creep back into the show. Are we just supposed to know who Komander is and why he’s earned a spot in the Sonic Ring Ladder Match? Don’t get me wrong, he did some spectacular stuff, but who is he?
“Takashita, a man with plenty of Ladder Match experience himself” - such as? 
Action Andretti nearly dropping Jericho’s mate on his head from the top of the ladder is a sure fire way to send himself packing. 
I’m all for the wrestler’s safety, but at least try and keep the faction of refs holding the ladder for Hobbs out of the shot.

Great promo from Christian, but having No Holds Barred Match and a Texas Death Match on the same show is shoddy booking no matter which way you slice it

I’ll watch the rest later, but the first hour has been a big improvement on recent months.

“Pat Paterson had a lot of success here in San Francisco” - careful now Taz. 
“….in the Cow Palace” - nice save

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36 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

“Takashita, a man with plenty of Ladder Match experience himself”

I think that's pretty nitpicking - you can't say that you're being asked to assume knowledge, and then one of the examples being the announcers telling you that he has ladder match experience. You don't need to have seen those previous matches, you're smart enough to assume that they must have happened elsewhere. 

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5 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I think that's pretty nitpicking - you can't say that you're being asked to assume knowledge, and then one of the examples being the announcers telling you that he has ladder match experience. You don't need to have seen those previous matches, you're smart enough to assume that they must have happened elsewhere. 

Fair point but if you’re going to say someone has “plenty of experience”, be it in Ladder Matches or otherwise, give an example. To some people Wrestling is just WWE and/or AEW.
“Takeshita has plenty of Ladder Match experience, he had an incredible Ladder Match against Wrestler X in 20whenever for Insert Promotion” does much more than “this lads been in loads of these before”

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Elite v. HoB was meant to have been delayed due to Kenny Omega's visa issues. Which is why it's so infuriating. If they thought they had enough to work with to have several weeks of proper build for the PPV and beyond. I have no idea why they've stalled the entire build.

The best bit I have seen in it, is a literal bit from BTE where the light goes off in the dressing room because Cutler bumped it off. Only for the Elite to be to be in their hammy acting fighting pose scared of a HoB attack.

Adjust it for the live crowd and take the piss out of the HoB and cut an actual promo. It was complete apathy with the double light switch off when the crowd realises they aren't going to see the brawl after the initial reveal.


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9 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Fair point but if you’re going to say someone has “plenty of experience”, be it in Ladder Matches or otherwise, give an example. To some people Wrestling is just WWE and/or AEW.
“Takeshita has plenty of Ladder Match experience, he had an incredible Ladder Match against Wrestler X in 20whenever for Insert Promotion” does much more than “this lads been in loads of these before”

calm down Vince

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23 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

The best bit I have seen in it, is a literal bit from BTE where the light goes off in the dressing room because Cutler bumped it off. Only for the Elite to be to be in their hammy acting fighting pose scared of a HoB attack.

That actually sounds like a decent skit and is right up my street and more of this type of stuff should be on Dynamite.

If I could get past the inside jokes and what not, BTE is the exact type of thing I SHOULD enjoy, but I just struggle with it every time I try. 

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Best Friends (the Chuck/Trent portion) must be so frustrated, in character at least but perhaps even really? They've been ping-ponging up and down the roster for years, not ever really near the top of the tag division, but striving and working away to the point where finally I thought last week Trent was going to earn them a shot in the title match at the PPV, coming up just short in the battle royal. A week later, and they've been beaten up backstage, replaced by their stable mates, and shoddy wrestler Danhausen and an injured OC grab the same PPV spot with relative ease. Trent always looks pissed off. When is he finally going to do a Wheeler Yuta and send them all packing? I'm not saying he should, and you could do a New Day and have them just go their separate ways while still being best buds, but... oh I'm thinking about this too much.

The Mox promo was superb, what a mad bastard. Enjoyed the short and sweet Danielson/MJF segment at the end too. I'm intrigued to see how MJF skanks his way to a win, and wondering how/why Danielson would just accept it afterwards if he is screwed.

Agree with most of the above about the ladder match (I was so worried about Hobbs at the end too!), the fun commentary, and the opener was a great match. I'm not always on board with Orange Cassidy's shtick but everyone involved, and the crowd, played their part beautifully on this show.

Oh, also laughed at Keith Lee throwing into his promo that he forgot his funny coat this week...!

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