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Best segment by a mile was Hangman/Swerve.

Swerve is a tremendous arrogant, cold, psychotic twat. Loved how smug he was at the no touchy touchy rule, only for Hangman to use that to absolutely fucking tee off on him personally. Damn right he should too, Swerve went into his house. Daft as it was a bit, it deserved the reaction that Hangman gave.

Adam Page is still so brilliant at being a guy regardless that you believe him. Thank fuck they put the fire back in his belly. That match will be ace and hopefully help push Swerve over the hill that little more.

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I have absolutely no idea why a nearly immobile Paul Wight, who works like André in 1990, is getting dropped onto a car bonnet from a height like that.  Absolute nutter.  I'm guessing he really wants to help Hobbs out and has asked for this feud, and fair play to the man, but Paul.  Enjoy what you have, man.

Loved Ibushi getting clotheslined off the bike although, boy, he landed mainly on his head. Brian Cage's superplex to the outside.. amazing and perfectly landed. I was thoroughly sports entertained by this whole thing BUT half a dozen high risk bumps, that pile driver... boy.

Also loved the Joe squash, otherwise a perfectly ok episode of Dynamite.  The company is miles away from where it was in terms of momentum, but still trundles along.

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Noticed it myself at the time and went back, but when Roddy is backstage talking to Cole on the screen, when he's accusing MJF of being The Devil, when he says on his life he is the Devil, he points both his hands at the screen where Cole is on. AEW are clever sometimes with the little bits you don't notice but you're meant to if you pay attention (Hangman standing at the back of the curtain when Young Bucks and Kenny were celebrating etc), definitely felt like this was one of them and it being Cole would make sense.

I guess it just depends how long Cole is unable to wrestle for before they do the reveal.

Edited by Doog
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16 hours ago, Loki said:

Loved Ibushi getting clotheslined off the bike although, boy, he landed mainly on his head.



I don’t know what this version of Ibushi is, or what they’ve done with the original, but I don’t like it at all.

10 hours ago, Daaaaaad! said:

Didn't he once shoot fireworks at himself on top of a Ford Focus in Bethnal Green? I think this absolutely is the original.

Yes. Let's not recon Kota into a 100% full time serious wrestler, please.


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I thought that was a really good go-home show for the most part.

-Orange Cassidy realising his most powerful weapon is now useless against the final boss Mox.

-Hangman finally rediscovering his fire and Nana being as funny as ever.

-Samoe Joe/Not Serpentico delivering one of the best wrestling gifs ever.

-Young Bucks reverting to their best punchable dickhead characters (cracking little match too - Komander is doing well to rise above this current crop of luchas and stand out a bit more).

-Street Fight main event being a ton of fun. Paul Wight is an absolute madman. Ibushi isn't far off, that clothesline off the bike was crazy. Thought everyone played their parts well here and I'm up for seeing Don Callis vs Omega/Jericho continue, no matter how long it's been going already.

Also, while I find the MJF/Jay White storyline a bit pedestrian, MJF is still one of the most compelling characters in AEW right now and I've no doubt the match will be a belter.

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I thought this was a pretty decent show. Nothing is absolutely popping at the moment but the good stuff is coming along nicely even if it isn't feeling OMG MUST SEE or anything.

- Opening match was fine. I'm getting pretty bored of HOOK to be honest. It's a shame that Mox's injury knocked the steam out of the Orange Cassidy story, which I would say has been the best story in wrestling this year. Fantastic bit of business at the end though with Mox steamrolling through both OC and HOOK then just burying OC on the mic to show he's in total control and dominance. Mox screaming "I'm going to grind you to dust!" while OC looks on with horror is as good as it gets. OC looks like a man who has just realised hes organised his own execution. I love it!

- Hangman/Swerve was a totally brilliant segment. If they booked Hangman consistently and he turned up every week like he did here there's no reason why he couldn't be the biggest star in the business. I loved the set up for this angle. Swerve looking cocky as hell, thinking he was in total control of the situation, evil grin on his face and obviously planning to mock Hangman knowing there's no retribution but fuck that, Hangman took it all away from him by not even giving him a second to breath before absolutely laying into him. Swerve sold this perfectly, for the first time it looked like a babyface had shook him, looking scared, embarrassed and angry all at once. Hangman then using the no-contact stipulation to perfection to remind the audience that "hey Nana was at the house too" and sparking him the fuck out while Swerve stood helpless. All three men played a blinder. AEW book Hangman like this ALL THE TIME!

- I don't care how many times Roderick Strong screams "Adam! I will always find it funny.

- Great textbook Samoa Joe squash and promo but this story has been a bit muddled. Joe wants to be MJF's tag partner but also wants to beat him for the title? It's weird.

- I don't really enjoy the Gunn's tag squashes and feel like they could use the TV time a bit more effectively. I also really hate the "two words for ya - guns up!" catchphrase. Not only because it is an obvious and intention rip off of the worst catchphrase ever but because it doesn't even make sense. I would have placed a Wardlow squash/promo segment here instead of having it as a video package.

- Bucks vs Kommander/Penta was an uneventful but good enough TV tag match. Penta is way more enjoyable when he's not teaming with Fenix and I've really been enjoying him lately. Bucks turning heel is exactly what they need as they have been cold as ice for the past few months. They really need to change things up a bit as the act is stale, hopefully they find a new spark over the next few months.

- Terrible suit on Jericho aside, the street fight was bonkers fun and felt like proper AEW stuff. Silly nonsense and crazy bumps is what this company was built on! Ibushi barely selling a tombstone piledriver off the ring apron onto chairs was very weird. Not really enjoying his work in AEW so far at all. 

- The Callis Family vs Omega feud has been going on for ages now with no clear end in sight, hopefully they come up with a natural conclusion soon. Perhaps something like Takeshita vs Omega 2 at Winter Is Coming or World's End and if Omega loses he has to rejoin Callis but if Omega wins Callis has to leave him alone/leave AEW or something.

- Takeshita looked the business in his purple trousers and jacket, he should consider making them permanent.

- Hobbs slamming Wight on the car hood was fucking mental - they should have done it as a big separate angle to really increase the impact of it rather than slotting it in a match. They need to repeat this on TV every week for 6 weeks straight.

- Takeshita beats Omega twice, Hobbs squashes Jericho - but somehow this story has become more about Jericho teaming with Omega against the Bucks than the whole Callis Family thing. How does Jericho keep doing this? He's a top level sneaky fuck for sure.

- Red Velvet vs Skye Blue went on seemingly forever and wasn't very good. I am not following this Skye/Julia/Statlander story at all.

- Final segment with MJF/Jay White was perfectly fine and both men delivered. This feud has been ok but too long however as a first big story to established Jay White as a legitimate upper midcarder on the roster I would say it has definitely done the job as he feels like a bigger deal and more firmly like a real AEW star now than he did previously. The match will be excellent I'm sure.

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29 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:


- Great textbook Samoa Joe squash and promo but this story has been a bit muddled. Joe wants to be MJF's tag partner but also wants to beat him for the title? It's weird.


I don't think this is weird, I don't think Joe necessarily wants to be MJF's partner, but he will be his partner and help him keep the tag belts in exchange for a guaranteed world title shot.

In reality Joe should be at the back of the line as he lost his opportunity a couple of months back, so this would put him back in the mix again. 

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I think I said the same a few weeks ago but the White/MJF build has had to go on too long. Like they've been treading water for a bit to get to Full Gear. I guess moving to 12 PPVs a year going forward will combat that a bit. I might be up for MJF dropping the belt to White and perhaps they could move to a Swerve vs White feud for the belt?

Ibushi is washed but I still love him.

Bucks are always better as heels, so hopefully they just go full heel soon. Tony S saying he'd "never seen the Bucks" do something like hit low blows before is funny given they were heels for about a year when the Elite were running roughshod over AEW and did all kinds of nefarious shit.

Quite hyped for a full day of AEW tomorrow. Wake up, watch Rampage and Collision, watch the Count Down show, watch Full Gear.

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Now The Bucks have turned heel, I like the idea of Adam Cole and the Young Bucks being revealed as The Devil and his accomplices. Pays off the Cole/MJF feud and gets The Bucks back in a top position where they’ll hopefully continue giving a fuck.

Hangman attacked Swerve at the Revolver show last night. Check it out! The fucking fire of this man! What a reminder that this is the guy. Top babyface stuff. Texas Death is going to be nuts.


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