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2023 New Year's Resolutions


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I’m making it my goal this year to finally leave Primark, I’ve threatened it for five years but everything that’s gone on in the past 4-5 months with the huge turnover in personnel, the utter incompetence of them still interviewing for Christmas temps during the midst of our Christmas trading period and the atmosphere in general has made realise it’s finally time to get out

I still want to work in the retail sector but ideally in the same ballpark hours wise as I’m on now (30 a week)

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For 2022 I set two rough goals and I’m fairly happy with how they’ve gone.

Firstly, making a more concerted effort to improve my mental health - which wasn’t in a particularly bad state or anything, but I’m a big believer that even if you don’t have an actual diagnosis, you should try and look after it as much as you can regardless of what you do physically. I achieved it to a degree and there’s a few other things I want to explore, such as trying to process things a bit better at work and how to try not to let day-to-day work stuff get in the way of a good social life etc. 

Second was making more of an effort to be sociable, get out there and reconnect properly with friends and some extended family. A combination of a much better work schedule post-Olympics and less worrying about Covid (although I did get it for the first time in March!) made this achievable with both friends and family, and I also went back to Portugal with the other half for the first time in four years and it was just mint, properly reconnecting with her brilliant family in person rather than Zoom was lovely. 

For 2023, I want to get in better shape for two reasons. My brother is getting married in June and I’m the best man, so it would be nice to trim up a bit for the photos if nothing else. Also I’m going back to Portugal with the Mrs and her family and we’re going on an actual holiday there to a resort of some sort (haven’t booked yet, looking at options), so got to get beach body ready, especially for her cheeky grandmother who always flirts with me, the naughty minx. 

My other resolution is to go all in on one of my passions in life and to try to not be so embarrassed/shy about it. I’m a massive train/rail geek and have been since watching Thomas while I was in nappies. I grew up not far from a heritage steam railway in Norfolk and from that first visit there at about 3/4 years old I was hooked. Although the interest has always been there, I definitely kept it on the down low during my College and Uni years and didn’t talk about it openly, and it’s not something I’ve ever brought up to work colleagues or on professional/public profiles. But more recently I’ve been heading out on a lot more trips to heritage lines and trying to see some more special rail tours coming in/out of London. I went on the Elizabeth line on its opening day and it was a lovely atmosphere. My other half also loves it for the journey/travel aspect and seeing new places, so she loves tagging along. Not entirely sure how I’ll channel that passion but seeing cool rail-related goings on is good for the soul, physically for getting outdoors more and  even for the step counter just getting to-from different spots. 

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It's literally been a year of two halves for me. So much has happened that I never expected to. My aims this coming year are to try and get myself into a better place mentally, find a job, start eating better and doing yoga again. I have so many old friends to try and reconnect with now that I'm single again, as well as new friends to try and spend time with. Just some stability will be a big help to me. 

Also, I want to try and learn a few magic tricks as it'll help with my hand-eye coordination. 

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Mine is so boring but i really need to get back to the gym. 

I stopped pre pandemic and have grown fat and out of shape. I had a scan on my lower back that showed 3 discs not looking so good. The days of power lifting are more or less over for me. I need to lose weight anyway. I think i will be around 20 stone at 44 thats not going to help said back and all my other joints. 

Its also good for my mental health, being my sons full time carer can be very lonely when hes at school and the mrs is at work. 

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Mine is to stop smoking again. I stopped cold turkey about 7 years ago and then when my mental health deteriorated and my marriage ended in Feb I started again. It really is a daft habit, i’m going to smoke today and then leave it in 2022. I have also started running again and i’m pretty bloody quick (24 min 5k) so I do wonder how much better I could be it I didn’t smoke. 

I have messed about on Duolingo for years but never really committed to any language properly, I think i’ll make it a goal to learn a language this year. 

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I want to travel more. Last few years bar heading to gigs or festivals or moving for work I've not done day trips to new places or small holidays. I lived in both north and south Wales for three months and feel I could have seen so much more of the hidden beaches and seaside towns than I did.

Really want to make it up to Scotland too, take in a Celtic game live.

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17 hours ago, Nexus said:

Go to the gym and lose some weight. I've been put on heart medication because of my high blood pressure by my GP, but then the cardiologist told me I really shouldn't be on it at my age - he wants me to lose weight, so after my wife's birthday (13th Jan), I'm going to make a concerted effort to eat better and do some form of exercise. 


I also hope that taking better care of myself will make me mentally feel better. I need to stop losing my mind at stuff at work.

I went to the gym today for an induction. It's quite small, and therefore quiet. I did some running and some random chest stuff. I will go back with a proper plan, but it was quite fun. 


My only fear is that I think students I teach also use that gym, but they can shut the fuck up. 

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I'd like to say I want to lose weight in the new year, but my greedy arse won't make it to the 5th without eating junk.

So my main aim is to try and slow down a little. I'm quite an overthinker and have to have everything planned to the nth degree otherwise I go into panic mode. By slowing down and just trying to let things go a little, I'm hoping it will lead me to have more patience with things and enjoy the little things more than I do at the moment.

I think I am going to start a mood journal to try and track how I feel each day and what events may have triggered those moods. 

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12 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

My only real one for 2023 is to come off my antidepressants. Made a good start, so I think I can do it after over a decade.

I am not a doctor (Fremulon) and this is not medical advice, and I'm not suggesting you would do this, but do not come off them cold turkey. 

I did once, spent about 3 days in a foetal position in agony, before finally walking into the GP and screaming I was going to kill myself in front of everyone. Not recommended. 

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Have to agree with @SuperBacon, make sure you are doing it with some medical guidance @ReturnOfTheMack


My 'resolutions' are not really resolutions as such and do make me a feel a bit pathetic but it is what it is. I have two main ones. Both are interrelated I guess. Firstly, I have struggled to make any meaningful friendships since moving to West Brom 6 years ago, we've since moved again to Worcestershire and I know even less people here. My friends in West Brom are only 20 minutes away but since I've had kids, I've found that they have become more and more distant as they are at very different stages in life. This is probably the case for many of my friendships and I need to make a bit more effort to meet people. Particularly because I work from home now too, I'm going to end up really isolated. I'm not sure where to start but I need to do something.

The second one relates to the first and should hopefully help with it, but other than reading, I don't feel I've got any hobbies or interests anymore. I spend all my time looking after my kids or working (though I'm on maternity leave at the moment) and have no actual me time so I want to try and find an interest for myself. My youngest is only 3 months old at the moment so I'll be limited in what I can take part in but if I find an interest it's something I can build on over the years when my kids are easier to leave with others.

Oh I also need to lose some weight as my best friend is getting married in July and none of my clothes fit me. Indian wedding attire is ridiculously expensive so I have to get in to ny old stuff and cant really buy anything new.

Edited by deathrey
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In 2021 I started running, this year I added in weight training too along with some yoga and stretching and the odd cycle. For next year my aim is to continue all of it and be the fittest version of myself that I can be.

Set myself a target of completing some form of exercise every day in 2023 whether that's running, cycling, weights, bodyweight, yoga, stretching or even just walking.

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