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2023 New Year's Resolutions


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Are you bothering to make one this year? How did last year's go?

As I hinted at briefly in the PS1 thread, this year I've had a few issues with mental health and without trying to sound snobbish or like a grumpy old man, a lot of it stems from my reliance on technology and media and frankly just how miserable the world is currently.

To combat this I've been falling back into retro games a lot and my resolution coming into the new year is to put the phone down and just be off the grid more often.
I deleted proper social media like Facebook a couple of years ago but still visited Reddit a lot and what seems like years of being flooded with non-stop Donald Trump, Elon Musk, School Shootings, Energy Crisis, Republicans vs Democrats, and just misery, I've deleted that too.

Even in the week or so without it I've come to find it's really helped me appreciate the moment more and not have me in a poor frame of mind morning to night. I'm picking my phone up less so can focus more on things, and it's helping with minor day to day things like avoiding wrestling spoilers, and now my wife sees memes before me which she's happy about as she can show me them without me saying I saw it a week ago.

What's everyone else trying to get done?

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11 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Even in the week or so without it I've come to find it's really helped me appreciate the moment more and not have me in a poor frame of mind morning to night.

Absolutely. This is something that I am wanting to push more myself. The thing is half of what I end up scrolling or getting wrapped up in is stuff I would usually not give a crap about, but I find myself completely sidetrack by the crap and miss out on a lot of “now”. 

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Smoking. It's a weird one as I only really smoke when I go out to work, or am massively stressed.

If I'm working from home, I won't go out for one and I can go weeks without having one. But then something happens and I'll smoke 10-15 in a day. Then go weeks without one again. 

And it's a habit I can absolutely break. For instance if I'm in the office and finish at 5.00 and my bus isn't for 40 minutes, I'll just get a coffee and then go somewhere and have 3 or 4 whilst I wait for the bus. But I don't need to do that do I? Crazy, silly habit.

Oh, and I suppose I should give you all a break and stop posting in the Out Of Context thread :)

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20 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Stop being such a recluse I think.

I've always been fairly socially awkward and have a lot of anxiety but the pandemic got me way too used to being at home alone.

Apart from going to work I don't think I've actually seen any friends at all this year.

Same again mate. I’ve enjoyed working from home for the most part since the pandemic and still favour it over going into central London each day, dealing with two rush hours and people I don’t really like in work, but getting too comfortable with an indoors life has led to cabin fever a bit. Hardly see any of my proper mates, this is also due to most of them having kids now and everyone having other priorities since the pandemic. Social life has taken a right nose dive!

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Go to the gym and lose some weight. I've been put on heart medication because of my high blood pressure by my GP, but then the cardiologist told me I really shouldn't be on it at my age - he wants me to lose weight, so after my wife's birthday (13th Jan), I'm going to make a concerted effort to eat better and do some form of exercise. 


I also hope that taking better care of myself will make me mentally feel better. I need to stop losing my mind at stuff at work.

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13 minutes ago, Nexus said:

Go to the gym and lose some weight. I've been put on heart medication because of my high blood pressure by my GP, but then the cardiologist told me I really shouldn't be on it at my age - he wants me to lose weight, so after my wife's birthday (13th Jan), I'm going to make a concerted effort to eat better and do some form of exercise. 


I also hope that taking better care of myself will make me mentally feel better. I need to stop losing my mind at stuff at work.

I'm hoping to lose weight too but I'm not making it a resolution, just going to casually try and do it as the year goes so there's no pressure. My wife has been doing slimming world for a while and is doing well at it, but I've been in the mince pie zone all month and need to claw my way out of it.

I think the main reason is I work in apparel and I can't buy anything decent unless it comes in XL which is rarely. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin again.

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I lost over a stone on Slimming World but it killed my mental health because it was taking all the fun out of cooking. All the tricks, tips and shortcuts just made me want to die. I'm going to start by cutting out the unnecessary food (pastries in the morning, chocolate at lunch etc.) and then go from there. 

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I had three for this year and only achieved one so it's a roll over ....

Wanted to maintain my weight after I lost 3 stone and did. 

Wanted to re try stand up comedy, but couldn't find any open mic nights in the North East do it, but I did write some sets. 

Wanted to get back into surfing/paddle boarding but didn't do either. More on me this one. 

This year, the above, would love to "tone up" at the gym - I go most days but mostly do cardio as don't know what am doing with the machines and it's full of roid heads hogging them. 

Get more fulfilment at  work whilst maintaining the work / life balance I found during lock downs. 

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