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Jesus Fucking Christ

Frankie Crisp

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18 hours ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

I drove home in my sunglasses, but left my normal glasses on my desk at work. Fuck sake. I'm sat in the house wearing shades, me and Bono. Fuck sake



“Hello ReturnOfTheMack. The Edge is fine.”

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I know it’s just a bit of fun and if adults want to pretend expensive plush toys are food to try and squeeze out a little bit of precious serotonin then I shouldn’t begrudge them, but on the other hand I sort of think maybe humans kinda a little bit deserve the extinction we’re careening towards. Now, back to watching and reviewing pretend fighting. 

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I've had a tweet go a bit mental (don't worry I won't link it, that's a bit cringe, you can find it if you so wish) and I've been called everything from a motherfucker to a cunt (fair) to being accused of condoning animal violence and one called me an abuse apologist. Nutters.

Time to find a better use of my doomscroll time.

It also made my phone go really slow, so I have no idea how the people that regularly receive 10s of thousands of replies cope.

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2 hours ago, JLM said:


I know it’s just a bit of fun and if adults want to pretend expensive plush toys are food to try and squeeze out a little bit of precious serotonin then I shouldn’t begrudge them, but on the other hand I sort of think maybe humans kinda a little bit deserve the extinction we’re careening towards. Now, back to watching and reviewing pretend fighting. 

I love JellyCat stuff and I've bought lots of their toys for my daughter. Their stuff is really beautifully made and imaginative. But I wouldn't shop there out of sheer embarrassment.

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5 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I love JellyCat stuff and I've bought lots of their toys for my daughter. Their stuff is really beautifully made and imaginative. But I wouldn't shop there out of sheer embarrassment.

They're absolutely lovely but christ is it expensive.

My eldest was having a rough time recently so I bought her a bubble tea one, £26!!! It was tiny as well.


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JellyCat stuff is great. That shop's a bit daft, but it's cute. Someone in the comments compared it to a Black Mirror episode - dial it back a bit, mate, it's a stuffed toy shop with a gimmick.


I've had a tweet go a bit mental (don't worry I won't link it, that's a bit cringe, you can find it if you so wish) and I've been called everything from a motherfucker to a cunt (fair) to being accused of condoning animal violence and one called me an abuse apologist. Nutters.

If I didn't need it to sell copies of my book, I'd be glad of the complete lack of engagement I get on Twitter these days. There's always a tipping point when a Tweet breaks containment - it's fine when it's just within your usual circles, then it goes a little bit beyond that but enough degrees of separation away that people broadly get it, then you get to a weird space where people sort of get it but are trying to "Yes and..." a joke or just replying but adding nothing, and then after that it's the complete nutters and you have no idea how they found it or how they reached whatever conclusion about it they have reached.

The biggest one for me was Blue Kane. I booked him in a match that went viral, and within a few days of the video being up, it was everywhere; I was walking home listening to Jeff Jarrett's podcast and he was asked about it on the episode I was listening to, it was getting millions of retweets, people were sending it to me as something I might find funny without realising I was largely behind it in the first place. But the two weird steps were people who didn't get the joke but thought they got the joke by inventing a whole new one, and then, it's wrestling comedy so you know you're going to get people tagging Jim Cornette hoping he'll fire off a lazy insult about it, and we got plenty of that, but people were tagging all sorts - tagging WWE and Triple H and rattling off pseudo-legal language to insist we were infringing on their copyright, tagging Vince Russo and complaining that it was "disrespectful to Glenn Jacobs", obviously tagging Glenn Jacobs, and then the most idiotic one I saw was someone who tagged Dutch Mantell, and said that as if it wasn't bad enough to have Blue Kane, his opponent, Jerry Bakewell, was clearly a parody of AWA wrestler Jerry Blackwell and somehow that was more offensive. Aside from the fact that he really obviously isn't, why would a charity show in London be booking a parody of a bloke nobody's heard of who retired in the '80s?


My most recent was a blog I wrote about Donald Trump. It's not gone massive, but it got out there enough to get some weird responses from people who don't follow me. The most recent was a string of six or seven replies about how the attack is definitely a False Flag, for all the reasons I dismiss in the blog itself. It's always more irritating when something like that happens for a bit of long-form writing, because it's people replying to the Tweet, not to what you've actually written, and if you're not going to read and engage with the actual work before replying then I'm not going to engage with you either. That and I used to have it in my Twitter bio that I would block anyone who used the term "False Flag", and while that's not there any more, I'm still not going to reply to anyone doing that shit - especially when they're doing it in response to a blog that's partly about why it's so stupid and offensive.

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Yeah, with the work I do my personal Twitter is regularly interrupted by players who love our game but haven't worked out personal boundaries yet (in a usually well-meaning way) and it's at the point where most of my friends have stopped trying to interact with me on it knowing they'll get replies from players asking questions about the game, or trying to get access to me.

In one very fun turn my darling wife got suspended for a 'threatening tweet' when she made a joke at me that they all took offense to and mass reproted her for. I thought it was hilarious but she wasn't so pleased.

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I had a tweet do numbers a while back after Stockport's Barclays got attacked by Palestine supporters. It just a picture of what had happened with me saying "Stockport Barclays got got". Then it got retweeted by Palestine Action and oh boy, that was quite a morning let me tell you. Fuckloads of Zionists and people asking me why I don't move to Palestine. One bloke who thought I'd done the damage - like I attacked it at 7am, stood around for 3 hours waiting for them to put boards on the windows, and then took the picture.

One Israeli woman invited me round for a coffee and although I'm 100% sure she wasn't being serious, it's the best offer I've had in about 14 years so I fairly strongly considered seeing if RyanAir did flights to Tel-Aviv.

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The Brianna Ghey murder happened in my old hometown about 5 minutes from where I used to live and work so I tweeted something pro trans rights and that was hopefully my first and last encounter with what they call TERFS. Completely unhinged psychopaths with a 9/11 level obsession with something that I think if there were something else 'controversial' going on in the world, people would focus on that instead. Empty people with empty lives. I think the highlight was several of them accusing me of being Trans myself, one on the basis of my real name. Absolute lunatics.

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Twitter is an absolute cesspool of bots, racists and porn (or amalgamations of the three) thesedays, to the point I'm close to just deleting my account.  I've only ever used it to follow bands, wrestlers and some funny animal meme accounts and yet all I seem to see thesedays (even in the replies to the aforementioned follows) are posts about Israel, Trump, OnlyFans, etc.  It's such an user unfriendly experience to anyone that isn't a complete cunt or nutter that it surely can't sustain itself going forward. 

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2 minutes ago, CTXRussomark said:

Twitter is an absolute cesspool of bots, racists and porn (or amalgamations of the three) thesedays, to the point I'm close to just deleting my account.  I've only ever used it to follow bands, wrestlers and some funny animal meme accounts and yet all I seem to see thesedays (even in the replies to the aforementioned follows) are posts about Israel, Trump, OnlyFans, etc.  It's such an user unfriendly experience to anyone that isn't a complete cunt or nutter that it surely can't sustain itself going forward. 

I'm always on the For You column and not the Following tab so I do get what I'd prefer to see, so my experience isn't that shit unless a tweet takes off and morons get involved or someone thinks they're a political dynamo and RT's loads of politics nonsense, usually I'll just mute the word, which actually really helps. You never fully escape the shit though, someone on my TL absolutely loves RT'ing Owen Jones, who I've just about had me fill of, or anything from bloody LBC.

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