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Vince McMahon is back. "I hear ya a racist now, father?"


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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

I have more faith that Tony Khan could land this Sami Zayn storyline than either Hunter or Vince. Confetti at the ready!

Surely, based solely on the optics, Vince would never ever sell to Tony though?

If it goes to a bidding war, Vince would have to go with the top bid, otherwise there would be potential investigations into the decision

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9 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

If this means Jeff Jarrett watching Raw on a monitor during the simulcast and calling Dolph Ziggler a soon to be unemployed slapnut then count me in. 

Right, gonna need someone to Photoshop the last WCW nitro, but with Tony and Nick.


"The name on the contract does say Khan"


Bonus points if Tony's in a turtleneck.

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9 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

If this means Jeff Jarrett watching Raw on a monitor during the simulcast and calling Dolph Ziggler a soon to be unemployed slapnut then count me in. 

It would be quite the full circle moment if Jarrett got to say on a post-merger simulcast that Vince is "G-O-O-N-NE".

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You'd assume that just getting the story out there would benefit AEW in the public eye - it puts them on a level that's comparable to WWE, if people believe there's a chance that they could buy them out, and the more potential buyers are in the offing for WWE, the more that will push up the value of AEW when it comes to renegotiate deals. 

I'm not sure how any of this works, but if the Khans made a serious offer, how much information would they get about WWE's financials? Could it in part be a ploy to see how much they're being valued at?

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This is probably just a clever way of getting AEW some publicity.  WWE is much the larger company, so it'd be an odd unequal merger.  I doubt Vince would be interested anyway.

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9 minutes ago, Loki said:

This is probably just a clever way of getting AEW some publicity.  WWE is much the larger company, so it'd be an odd unequal merger.  I doubt Vince would be interested anyway.

Its had to fathom if it happened how it would even happen in reality

As the last two, its a good PR stunt to get AEW some exposure 100%

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I don’t understand how any of this works, but as a public company, if they have to go with the highest bidder, I hope Tony Khan keeps offering an extra 20p, just so Vince has to sell through gritted teeth.

Not that a new monopoly would be beneficial to anyone. Would be fucking funny, though. Selling your company to a pencil-necked Observer subscriber.


EWR? Completed it, mate.

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Tony Khan buying WWE is absolute worst case scenario as a wrestling fan for me. Not only would WWE change, AEW would be up against the wall as well, we have seen how it went down with the ROH purchase. Finally having two company's actually putting out good content has gone a long way to restoring my fandom. I'm not an AEW fan, I'm not a WWE fan, I just enjoy being entertained for a few hours a day with fantasy fighting and a merger could be a huge detriment to that and the business as a whole. 

All hypothetical of course, I very, very doubt that the Khans would buy WWE. 

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I don't think there's any chance of the Khans buying WWE, and a return to a monopoly where one rich bloke owns all of wrestling is obviously less than ideal. Short of WWE going out of business altogether, it's a potential worst case scenario (though I imagine the news will find new and novel ways to surpass it).

It would definitely be interesting if a potential new owner has a less isolationist view of wrestling than what we've been used to, though, and is prepared to consider some kind of WWE/AEW cross-promotion. That's getting into the realms of insane fantasy booking, but you never know. 

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Does anyone on here have any knowledge of what US competition/monopoly merger laws are like? Fairly sure it wouldn't be allowed here - it's one thing to allow a monopoly to "naturally" occur via one competitor going out of business, but deliberately creating them via merger would be against the rules. 

Normally, I'd say that, given how fundamentally fixated on the free market and competition the US claims to be, it would be against the rules, but, on the other hand, given how often their establishment complex allows those rules to be openly flouted, it's tricky to know what would go down if the Khans did attempt to acquire WWE.

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If we get Cole and Taz back doing commentary on Smackdown then it might not be too bad.

Did the news break on a Wednesday so Tony's official press release can include the words "don't miss Dynamite tonight"? 

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