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2 minutes ago, Nick James said:

How can Tim come across as a lovely chap (unless there's something I'm unaware of?), Yet Jeremy is a waste of oxygen.

Ah, The Hitchens Variant. There’s a thread in “The Lesser Sibling” isn’t there. 

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18 hours ago, Nick James said:

Jeremy Vine makes my skin crawl.

He was shagging around on his missus with a friend of mine when he was on Newsnight, he’s always been a piece of shit.

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On 3/31/2023 at 8:46 PM, Nick James said:

Jeremy Vine makes my skin crawl. For some reason his idiotic, baiting tweets seem to show up on my time line and every time I see them, my eyes bleed. The only thing worthwhile in a Jeremy Vine tweet, is everyone calling him an idiot in the replies.

How can Tim come across as a lovely chap (unless there's something I'm unaware of?), Yet Jeremy is a waste of oxygen.

when I used to listen to Radio 2 at work, Jeremy Vine was always my cue to switch it off and find something else. I got some small enjoyment out of Ken Bruce always barely tolerating him during the handover, though, proper Partridge "failure to control your guest" stuff at times. Or just petulantly pretending not to understand his questions.

One that stands out was Vine saying, "Diana Ross & The Supremes always make me think of two things", and Bruce replying, "are those two things Diana Ross, and the Supremes?". 

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7 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

when I used to listen to Radio 2 at work, Jeremy Vine was always my cue to switch it off and find something else. I got some small enjoyment out of Ken Bruce always barely tolerating him during the handover, though, proper Partridge "failure to control your guest" stuff at times. Or just petulantly pretending not to understand his questions.

We have Radio 2 on all day at work and this was often my favourite part of their programming. You could tell in every interaction they had that Ken Bruce just loathes him, and took great joy in making him look like a fool.

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So this story has been brewing for the last couple of days.

This is a classic example of people not grasping why something could be offensive. Sure you can keep your dolls, but maybe don't display them in your pub. Or do, but don't be surprised if people find them a bit racist.

Some cracking quotes from the landlady though.

"She also denies that the word ‘wog’ is racist. She said: “I won’t use that word because I’ve been told not to. But I don’t find that offensive.” " Oh well, that's OK then, as long as you don't find it offensive.

"Ryley denied that she or her husband were racist. “I’m not a racist in any form.” She confirmed that her husband had been photographed in a T-shirt from the far right group Britain First. She said: “I don’t think Chris is a supporter of Britain First, he was just wearing that shirt because it was convenient at the time.” " Just amazing that quote.

"Sunder Katwala, director of the integration thinktank British Future, said he was concerned by a post by Chris Ryley on Facebook. The 2016 post showed dolls hanging from a shelf in the bar alongside a comment by him saying, “They used to hang them in Mississippi years ago”. Katwala said that Chris Ryley had referenced lynchings in Mississippi in connection to the pub’s golliwogs collection in a Facebook post in 2016."

Fucking hell.

I think we had some of those dolls when I was little (my Nan definitely did) along with these (looking back now) incredibly offensive "chinaman" dolls my uncle bought back from Hong Kong. No idea why we had them.


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A lot of older British black people had Gollywogs when they were little as there was no real alternative for them.  I know some who still have them as cherished childhood toys.  I know things aren’t perfect now, but fuck me its leaps and bounds to what it was.

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2 minutes ago, Thunderplex said:

A lot of older British black people had Gollywogs when they were little as there was no real alternative for them.  I know some who still have them as cherished childhood toys.  I know things aren’t perfect now, but fuck me its leaps and bounds to what it was.

They were still regularly around in the 80’s thanks to Robinson’s jam

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I think I had one in the 80s due to jam. I can understand why people mat cherish them as childhood toys but putting them up in a pub knowing that it will insult people is fucking mental. The missippi hanging sign, with the dolls isn't much different from a no dogs, no blacks no Irish sign on the front of the door. 

I'm curious as to what was convenient about a Britain First t shirt? 

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There was a bloke in my old local in Jersey, probably the best exemplar of "harmless old racist" you could ever find - used racial slurs that were so outdated it's almost too quaint to find them actually offensive, but would be horrified at the suggestion that people of other races were actually inferior, and shocked a few people one more than one occasion by standing up to genuine racist bullies in the pub when they were harassing a member of bar staff. A very "of his time" old nutter who benefited from living in an almost entirely white community and never having been meaningfully confronted on any of this stuff.

I think I must have heard him have the same rants about "political correctness" a hundred times - without fail, he could seemingly turn any conversation around to include the phrase, "they want to call manholes personholes now, well, I'VE NEVER SEEN A WOMAN GO DOWN ONE". For full effect, if you've never heard an old Jersey accent, it's almost identical to South African. 

His other cultural touchstone was repeatedly complaining that you can't buy gollywogs any more, that you're not allowed to sell them, and how "we all 'ad 'em", so how can they be offensive? This overlooking the fact that you very much can still buy them.

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I think my favourite use of a golliwog was that meme on Facebook et al of Shamima Begum with a golliwog peering round the door saying “If she’s allowed back does that mean I can come in too”

Kind of gutted this didn’t happen later on in the year because my idea of Golliwogs wearing poppies would sell fucking loads. 

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