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Wrestling podcasts 2023


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15 minutes ago, Ro_y Disco said:

I really wanted to like the Foley podcast.

I listened to the first half an hour or so but it was so rambling. I started skipping ahead but every bit I got to was so mundane. For example, a story about not being able to attend a WM after-party because he had to look after his youngest. 

I finally got to a bit where they were talking about the match the episode was meant to be about, his HIAC retitement, after 2 and a half hours. He was just saying *exactly* the same as he wrote in his book about it 20 years ago. Nothing new. 

Maybe the next episode will be better when he's settled in, but I'm not sure if I'll be wasting my time to find out. 

I hope the Regal one is better. I loved his TIJ interview, so hope for more of the same. 

I feel like a lot of wrestling podcasts these days are a little long-winded, to be honest. Whenever a new one pops up, especially the Conrad ones, they're always like two hours, sometimes closer to three and the material included (aside from the hour of adverts) isn't usually strong enough to sustain interest for the whole time. 

I reckon an hour or ninety minutes is the sweet spot for most wrestling pods. If it's a big topic or they go close to three hours, make it a two-parter. 

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54 minutes ago, Ro_y Disco said:

I hope the Regal one is better. I loved his TIJ interview, so hope for more of the same. 

I found the first episode to be a bit meandering and disappearing off in tangents. Maybe with a more focused topic it could be held together. Problem is I'd imagine a lot of these will be profiles on people he has worked with or experiences which are going to be open ended topics.

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I know I’m years and years late but I started listening to the New Generation podcast a few months back and I’ve been slowly working my way through them. Really enjoying it.

Anyway, I’m currently on the In Your House 2 episode and I forgot all about this;


What the fuck were they playing at doing this at all, let alone in a lower card match, in 1995 WWF? 

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3 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

I know I’m years and years late but I started listening to the New Generation podcast a few months back and I’ve been slowly working my way through them. Really enjoying it.

Anyway, I’m currently on the In Your House 2 episode and I forgot all about this;


What the fuck were they playing at doing this at all, let alone in a lower card match, in 1995 WWF? 

Yeah that’s a favourite of mine, went through the whole thing again during Lockdown 1. There’s a moment in there Summerslam 97 that’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever heard.

As for that gif, absolutely ridiculous spot made even more ridiculous with how Sean Walkman had just come back full time from a neck injury. Absolute insanity 

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my favourite thing about 1995 WWF is that there is absolute mad shit like that hiding in the midcard; Aja Kong murdering Chaparita Asari, Hakushi and Jean Pierre Lafitte both doing stuff you just didn't really ever see on TV in terms of dives and whatnot, and 123 Kid quite often did some surprisingly risky stuff for the time period. All while you've got Duke Droese and Doink knocking about, and William Shatner promoting TekWar.

Edited by BomberPat
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29 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

my favourite thing about 1995 WWF is that there is absolute mad shit like that hiding in the midcard; Aja Kong murdering Chaparita Asari, Hakushi and Jean Pierre Lafitte both doing stuff you just didn't really ever see on TV in terms of dives and whatnot, and 123 Kid quite often did some surprisingly risky stuff for the time period. All while you've got Duke Droese and Doink knocking about, and William Shatner promoting TekWar.

We almost had Hayabusa around that time, too. That's pretty much my biggest "what If?.

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On 6/3/2022 at 11:08 PM, Louch said:

Its meant to be about the start of AEW and where regal was . It doesn’t get close. The host needs to step in and reign him in when he’s off on a tangent and not answering what’s asked 

More of the same in Week 2.

The 2 hour episode was about Regal’s “Real Man’s Man” period, and when he said (about 1.5 hours in) “It only lasted 5 weeks and because of the drugs I don’t remember any of it” that was the only time they went on-topic.

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58 minutes ago, dopper said:

More of the same in Week 2.

The 2 hour episode was about Regal’s “Real Man’s Man” period, and when he said (about 1.5 hours in) “It only lasted 5 weeks and because of the drugs I don’t remember any of it” that was the only time they went on-topic.

I’d forgotten that they’d said they were covering The Real Man’s Man so just went into the episode willing to listen to whatever. I hadn’t heard the story of he and The Benoits being involved in a car crash before, and there were a couple of other tidbits spread throughout that were new to me too.
As for Real Man’s Man, as Regal said himself it lasted 5 weeks and he was smacked out of his bin for most of it, there was no way they were filling an entire episode with it.

I’m still willing to give it a few more episodes in the hope that Regal finds his groove, but it might be worth him doing some research to fill in the gaps in his memory or cover some topics that he’s able to recall more clearly.

Foley Is Pod suffers a similar problem of taking a bit too long to get to its subject, but Mick seems to remember things quite clearly, which considering his brain should be mashed spuds with the amount of chairshots he took over his career is quite the achievement, and he speaks well throughout the whole thing. There are a couple of points where you think that he’s probably bullshitting Conrad, who hangs on Mick’s every word as being gospel, but on the whole is an easy listen.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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I don't mind listening to Regal ramble on a bunch of topics, and while he tends to go on tangents, he always remembers where he started and gets back there eventually. That he didn't have much to say on the Real Man's Man gimmick shouldn't have been a surprise, as he's repeatedly said he has very little memory of it and that it was all over very quickly - the team behind him should have known that and realised they weren't getting a tight hour out of him on that topic.

There are a few points when he mentions a match and asks when it was, and the host doesn't really have anything to add - I don't know if they don't have the likes of Derek Sabato, who does research for Conrad's podcasts, working on his, but it just doesn't feel like the background work has been done to make it anything more than just William Regal rambling for an hour. I'm not saying it should go full Conrad and just be an annoying man reading whole passages of the Observer and then saying, "what are your memories of this?" or trying to be One Of The Boys, but it could be tightened up a little more. 

If, in a few months time, it's still Regal talking around topics and going on about how he'd go to PWG shows and make sure he was stood up rather than sat down, or repeatedly saying "I don't have a pack mentality", then I'll give up on it, but I still think it's an easy and fun enough listen at the moment. 

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I like it, but as I've said before, Regal just having a ramble seems more him than the Conrad format. I'd rather it be another Arn Anderson history cast than some 'I don't recall' Michael Hayes impression and Regal doing dickpill ads. 

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The guy accompanying Regal sounds terrified of interrupting him and they also have zero chemistry. Dud so far for me anyway, which is a massive shame. 

I actually really like Foley's podcast. He has a surprisingly great memory for interesting little details and him and Conrad both sound like they're enjoying themselves. 

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54 minutes ago, DCW said:

The guy accompanying Regal sounds terrified of interrupting him and they also have zero chemistry. Dud so far for me anyway, which is a massive shame. 

I actually really like Foley's podcast. He has a surprisingly great memory for interesting little details and him and Conrad both sound like they're enjoying themselves. 

Matt Koon had his own podcast a couple of years ago and it was torture to get through.  Has the voice but nothing else - a nice enough guy it seems but isn't really cut out as a podcast host.  Is Regal's show actually part of Conrad's network?  Odd that he isn't taking it on himself if so.  I know he's already doing about 10 others but that's never stopped him before, and he's been passing some of the less popular ones off to other people so no reason he couldn't have done the same here. 

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Regal would benefit from being on with someone he has history with doing shows with to reign him in. Can’t see it lasting that long given how it’s started, hedoesn’t give impression he’d keep it going when it stops being fun for him 

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