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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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I'm guessing we get Gargano tomorrow night, given that it's Cleveland. I could do without him getting immediately involved with Adam Cole and rehashing a done-to-death NXT programme, but interfering in a Lights Out Match to help fight off The Elite seems as likely a spot as any.

If it means Gargano knocking about with Best Friends for a bit, rather than entering straight into a singles feud with Cole, I can live with that. I have more time for Gargano as a tag team guy, where his worst tendencies can be better hidden, and he and Chuck Taylor were good fun teaming together back in CHIKARA. 

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More than anything, I just want the further adventures of the goofball Gargano we had in that last year in NXT. It’s easily the best thing he ever did. Hooking up with the Best Friends is a good shout. I reckon they could cut some belting promos trying to make each other corpse.

Worst case scenario is Gargano teaming with the Undisputed Era to set up Team NXT vs. Team AEW down the line.

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9 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm fed up of surprise debuts. Part of what has made AEW so enjoyable to watch throughout its history has been watching new, young talent grow. I want to see more of that, it's not like it's something they're short on. 

AEW have had that many surprise debuts, that its gotten to the point that whenever someone does debut as a surprise, it's now met with 'oh it's such and such....next'. People now expect a surprise debut pretty much every month, most of which, haven't done a great deal.

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I checked the weather for Cleveland today. I know it's low hanging fruit at this point, but come on, why not save the Beach Break name for a show that at least takes place in the summer. I'm not expecting it to be Bash At The Beach 95, but this is a bit daft. 


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I don't mind it being in the early part of the calendar year. The AEW Bash at the Beach made a kind of sense at it fell around the time of a holiday weekend. When they changed it to Beach Break, tying it into Spring Break season probably would have been a good idea.

If they wanted to do a special edition in Cleveland call it something else.

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