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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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I've never watched Danhausen's vlog. Never seen him wrestle. I'd seen little snippets and knew the basic gimmick before he debuted. The way he's been explained on commentary has been fine with me.

Either he's a twat dressed up as a horror movie demon that causes a distraction, allowing a wrestler's opponenet to gain an advantage. Or he's a human with some red make up under the eyes that has the ability to curse people...except HOOK.

Having lived through fighting over shampoo commercials, pissing in someone's teapot and Moppy. I'm not sure I need much more of an explanation.


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It’s no surprise at all that Alvarez is the one advocating for Danhausen to be explained better. I can’t think of anyone who covers the business who exists more in the bubble than Bryan. Raw, Smackdown, NXT and Dynamite appear to be the only sports or entertainment he consumes.

You wonder how these people handle normal TV shows and movies, where you learn and develop emotions for characters based on what they do and say on screen. Do they throw their popcorn away and storm out of the cinema twenty minutes in because no-one has screamed who each character is, what their motivations are and how you should feel about them?

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4 minutes ago, Supremo said:

It’s no surprise at all that Alvarez is the one advocating for Danhausen to be explained better. I can’t think of anyone who covers the business who exists more in the bubble than Bryan. Raw, Smackdown, NXT and Dynamite appear to be the only sports or entertainment he consumes.


An odd man indeed. It appears he watches no sports, TV shows or movies whatsoever. That was also before he had children. 

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Alvarez is absolutely right about Danhausen, bubble or not. I have no idea what he is supposed to be, other than particularly nice and especially evil. For example, are his curses real or not? The first couple of times I thought the joke was they weren't, they were just distractions, but because they distracted people they lost and so he could claim they were cursed. That would mean that Hook is just ignoring an idiot. But I increasingly get the sense that they're supposed to be real and Hook is immune for different reasons? Why is he hanging out with the Best Friends? Why did he try and curse Hook in the first place? 

It's not fair comparing him to OC, because OC had matches to explain his character and a few specific feuds. Danhausen, because of his injury, has done bugger all so far.

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Do you think the way he's presented on TV is for you to believe one way or the other? Because the predominant feeling I get is that you're intended as a viewer to walk away asking whether he can actually curse people or if he's just an idiot in facepaint and I think that's potentially more fun to play with than just outright stating one way or the other.

I love some of his schtick but I think he could do with some development around ending his segments - my guess is that he's largely used to doing it in-ring (where the 'cut' is getting back to the wrestling bit) or on YouTube where you can record the whole thing then find a good cut point in post. My biggest issue is a lot of the times his joke ends up kind of petering out rather than ending on the highest point, which can contribute to him feeling a bit like a wet fart.

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21 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Was it Cornette who said something along the lines of how he loves Danhausen and that’s why he never wants to watch him wrestle in case it spoils it? 

It was indeed. I have seen him wrestle and he's very similar to OC in that he is a decent wrestler, but leans more on the comedy side then traditional wrestling

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This is exactly what makes Dynamite such an an enjoyable show though, isn’t it? Things aren’t shouted in your face on day one. You’re actually required to watch and follow over time, and rewarded for doing so, with characters and stories fleshing out, intertwining and eventually paying off. Things are implied or left to interpretation. You’re not treated like an idiot.

What benefit to episodic television would there be to immediately explain everything about who he is and how his curses work? Half the reason there’s no need to watch Raw or Smackdown is because everything is explained on day one and nothing ever evolves or surprises you. The last thing I’d ever want is for Dynamite to be similarly shit.

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I wouldn't want a PSA on Danhausen, but I'd enjoy something like Adam Cole blaming his failure to beat Hangman on that time weeks ago when Danhausen cursed him. Just skits and moments in matches where he gets struck with terrible luck or clumsiness, like slipping on the rope trying to do Panama Sunrise, losing, doing his NXT shocked face, then screaming "DANHAUSEEEEEN!"

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56 minutes ago, Supremo said:

This is exactly what makes Dynamite such an an enjoyable show though, isn’t it? Things aren’t shouted in your face on day one. You’re actually required to watch and follow over time, and rewarded for doing so, with characters and stories fleshing out, intertwining and eventually paying off. Things are implied or left to interpretation. You’re not treated like an idiot.

What benefit to episodic television would there be to immediately explain everything about who he is and how his curses work? Half the reason there’s no need to watch Raw or Smackdown is because everything is explained on day one and nothing ever evolves or surprises you. The last thing I’d ever want is for Dynamite to be similarly shit.

Not that I’m comparing the two but it’s what made The Simpsons so great. There were on the nose jokes that were for everyone, then there were subtle, character led jokes that you understood more the more frequent a viewer you were. Can’t understand why that’s seen as a bad thing. 

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Should be noted AEW didn't do a good job with Orange Cassidy, but the crowd popped and his thing was easy to understand. It only leads to crying when people are 'why is everyone letting him kick them slowly, you'd just punch him' and hey presto, you've forgot wrestling is mad bollocks with orbiting logic for some acts. Orange Cassidy got over to me because I just accepted and enjoyed that he had this funny logic for his opponents. I'd seen absolutely zero footage of him prior.OC is a bit like Danhausen. Orange Cassidy didn't wrestle a singles match in AEW for 8 months after arriving. It 'EXPOSES THE BIZ' but not in the weird realms of literal teleporting Matt Hardy, Hornswoggle running through a hole he drew on a wall, or say zombies that run in on a Miz match. 

Edited by Chili
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I'm fine with just letting things play out and being rewarded over time, but for me Danhausen is currently just replacing Kris Statlander. They never explained her schtick properly either. I really liked her on screen and some of her bouts but I didn't quite get the "why" of her quirkyness and she was barely given any promo time or backstage bits that explained anything, even down to why she hangs out with Best Friends. Or maybe I missed it, I don't know. Dan the Man is just doing the same.

On a side note, I assume it's a slooooow build to something, but Trent is taking an awful long time to do something about being in a gang he clearly has little time for. He'll maybe see the good it did Wheeler Yuta, getting out. Danhausen is hanging around now and he's just kinda letting it go, still. I'm interested to see if he and Chuck move away from the group, if they turn on OC, or if Trent goes it alone, hopefully sooner rather than later. But then yeah, as said above, they've done teleporting and stuff, so fuck it.

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