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AEW Full Gear 2021 (Sat 13th Nov)


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19 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Street Fight is No DQ but the decision has to occur in the ring.

As an aside; this always confused the hell out of me as a kid getting into wrestling. So it's a street fight... but it's not IN a street... yet a 'boiler room brawl' was in a boiler room... and the decision has to end *in* the ring?

Great looking card, feels like the show's really snuck up on us since the last AEW PPV. Still, that's what happens when you have angles to get invested in.

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I normally don’t like it when a show has overlap like we have here with a Street Fight and a Falls Count Anywhere, but given the run the Young Bucks have been on this last year or so I suspect it’ll just motivate them to be even more creative than usual.

I’m expecting the Inner Circle match to be your bog standard weapons match punctuated by Jericho hitting Paige VanZant with a Judas Effect like it’s 1999 or something. And then the Bucks and company can have what’s almost became AEW’s greatest style; a wild, arena-wide brawl straight out of a Smackdown vs. Raw video game. Nutters fighting in silly places, hitting each other with daft objects and jumping off balconies. Always brilliant.

Having given it some thought, I’m even more excited about Danielson vs. Miro. Remember how great Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan was? Despite it having to fit into WWE style? And being massively handicapped by Bryan turning heel days earlier, meaning the dynamic made no sense at all? I’m expecting Miro vs. Danielson to be the Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan Director’s Cut.

Edited by Supremo
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Had to take a look and see whether or not Bryan and Miro have faced off before.

They’ve only ever had 1 one-on-one match, a Money In The Bank Qualifier in May 2018.

They were involved in a Gauntlet Match on Smackdown in June 2018, although I don’t know if they didn’t crossed paths 

Everything else has been on opposing sides of 3 Tags Matches on House Shows or Royal Rumble Matches

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5 hours ago, Version1.0 said:

How long until Danielson and Punk form a tag team? 

Surely they will be the ones to dethrone Lucha Bros. 

Name? Team Honor? Team DisHONOR. ?

I'm hoping with the way they brought things up in the Kingston promo that this will be the entry for them to do this

What came of Homicide in AEW? He was at Grand Slam and then nothing else. Be good to see Kingston/Homicide vs Punk/Bryan for a little while

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I wouldn't be surprised if they end up using Homicide more, though - I think they were setting up for Moxley/Kingston against Punk/Danielson at some point in the future, and while they could easily keep Kingston as a singles heel, if they want to keep him with a tag partner/back-up, then putting Homicide in that spot would make a lot of sense, particularly after he was referenced so much in the Rampage promo. 

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10 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

This card is so all killer no filler I'm quite worried the fans will be too knackered to give Omega/Hangman the reactions it deserves.

To be honest there aren't that many moments I can think of on AEW shows where the crowd were burnt out by the end of them. I'd be very surprised if they didn't blow the fucking roof off the place.

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