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Interactions with other wrestling fans

CL Punk

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9 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

this sounds fucking great, to be fair.

Don't get me wrong, the guy was obviously having a great time, was clearly in to it (which I'd always prefer over the chuntering dickheads) and cut a good promo, I just don't do well with awkward situations like that. Same reason I would mute the telly during the crap auditions on Britain's Got Talent or when they'd have to say something before they did the course on Total Wipeout, only it was in a working mens club that I couldn't escape.

Edited by cobra_gordo
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To be honest I find the general online wrestling fan to be more cringey than any I've actually met in real life.

Its unfair really and very prejudicial, but I'm generally very skeptical of anyone that takes their wrestling fandom too far and/or spends hundreds on replica belts (for example), in a way that I wouldn't judge a football fan who spends even more on replica shirts and travels 6 hours every weekend and midweek to follow their team.

I know there's a big crossover between wrestling and comic books, cosplay etc, so I used to be a bit weary when attending Comic Cons etc in the past as I've never read a non Dandy/Beano comic in my life and couldn't give two shits about super heroes etc.

That said, I can't say I've ever seen anything particularly embarrassing at either other than me being a total fish out of water and wondering who the hell most of the non-wrestling guests were other than Boycie from Only Fools! 

Edited by garynysmon
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3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Probably my least favourite was a guy sat in front of me at a CHIKARA show, who spent an entire match telling the guy next to him about other matches he'd seen one of the wrestlers in. He's in a match now. Right in front of you. Maybe focus on that one instead? Any variation of that kind of fan who feels the need to be the smartest guy in the room all the time - whether it's through Not Using Slave Names, starting shit chants or heckles that rely on knowing what a wrestler Tweeted about last week, or a match they had in a different promotion two years ago, any of that shit.

Reminds me of a CHIKARA show held at Aston Uni in Birmingham. Chuck Taylor was doing the gimmick where he wasn't allowed to use his name, so he'd have a different name on every event (my favourite being 'This Is' Howie Dewitt).

Anyway, his name for this show was Stewie Scrivens or something like that, but it definitely had 'Scrivens' as the surname. Around this time, Scrivens of the 'New Gen Podcast' had just had a new baby, which prompted these weirdos sat in the opposite row to myself to start chanting "BABY SCRIVENS! *clap clap clap clap clap* BABY SCRIVENS! *clap clap clap clap clap* BABY SCRIVENS! *clap clap clap clap clap*" at a confused Chuck Taylor and a confused crowd who didn't go along with it. None of the NGP lads were even at that show as far as I'm aware, not that it would make the chant any less cringe.

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On 9/5/2021 at 1:22 PM, WyattSheepMask said:

Similar to this one, the first time NXT were over here we heard a guy talking about how much he loved Kevin Steen. Not Kevin Owens, no no no, because “I don’t refer to people by their slave names”

Clearly no issue with giving WWE his money though

These very words were uttered by some fan in an indy wrestling doc I saw a while back. Bit of a coincidence. 

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10 minutes ago, Silky Kisser said:

These very words were uttered by some fan in an indy wrestling doc I saw a while back. Bit of a coincidence. 

I heard the same thing said personally queueing up for NXT Takeover Brooklyn in 2015.

This is what I wrote on the UKFF at the time...  image.thumb.png.009b032bc4d17094c3adeb44917652f8.png

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1 minute ago, dopper said:

I heard the same thing said personally queueing up for NXT Takeover Brooklyn in 2015.

This is what I wrote on the UKFF at the time...  image.thumb.png.009b032bc4d17094c3adeb44917652f8.png

It must have been filmed during that Takeover then because that was verbatim. 

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My favourite was at the last WWE event I went to - the NXT event at Royal Albert Hall. I was more-or-less next to a guy who was wearing a (fucking awesome) Royal Rumble painted jacket, who was enthusiastic throughout. He was solidly supporting the Undisputed Era and booing Moustache Mountain, until MM won, and he joined in the celebrations - and took it in good cheer when I playfully called him a hypocrite who'd just been cheering their opponents. 

Didn't really chat to him, but I enjoyed that interaction. And I'd enjoy hearing more about some of the fun and enjoyable people who you've met at shows. Nothing better than seeing an arena full of people taking up a chant started by a 10 year old, for example. 

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On 9/5/2021 at 12:47 AM, Hannibal Scorch said:

Friends I’ve made outside of wrestling but who are wrestling fans, great.

People I’ve met just at wrestling shows, normally knobs.

This, 100% this....if I happen to meet someone organically and we get on and they just happen to like wrestling, that's a bonus.

I like to think there is a difference between "normal people" who like wrestling and "wrestling fans", probably because I hope I fall into the former category. I also hate these fans who believe understanding some insider terms make you a "proper" who has a greater love for the product, complete nonsense.

I often wish I could take back my first peak behind the curtain, sure it gives you a greater appreciation of the skill and talent that goes into everything, but I think you lose some of of the awe. Watching my young daughters watch wrestling now is amazing because they completely buy into the characters and have no interest in work rate or ability, they just take everything at face value.

Watching all out for example, they couldn't understand at all why anyone would like CM Punk as he just looks like an old man, and he was trying to beat up their hero Darby Allin.
They thought Christian was amazing and he should "teach Omega a lesson"
They think Alexa Bliss is great great for all the reasons people don't like her 

Anyway I digress...proper wrestling fans...booooo

People who I like who like wrestling...yaaaaaaay

This is in no way subjective ?

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I genuinely miss going to wrestling shows but more the family fun All Star type than the modern indie stuff and that's mostly because of the type of fans you get at them these days. I took a bunch of mates all bar one are your metal types to a Rev Pro show in 2013, all were casual fans and the more normal of them looked well put off by some of the types sitting around us. They all seemed to prefer watching Premier with a few beers locally to going to a "bigger" show.

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I've only been to a few wrestling shows but i did watch WM 30 at a Sports Bar. There were a small group of fans already pissed up before the show even started and they just got more and more out of control. As Taker's streak ended and the majority of fans stood up in misbelief these clowns were jumping around cheering in peoples faces and throwing drinks around. Security threw them out, and as one lad got lairy trying to get back in the security guard gave him the Razor Ramon fingers thing! It (almost) got the biggest pop of the night

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On 9/5/2021 at 9:27 AM, Daaaaaad! said:

I was stupid enough to wear the CM Punk “Best in the World” ringer tee to the cinema once. After the same guy twice yelled “BEST IN THE WOOOORLD!” across the lobby at me, it wasn’t hard to make the decision never to wear it out in public again.

In my defence I hadn't noticed your T-shirt, I just really like your posts.

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