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Forum Awards 2020 NOMINATIONS


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Post of the Year

Frankie's Chippy Tea/Hogan photoshop

On Topic Poster of the Year

Supremo. Funny, always interesting and genuinely informative.

Off Topic Poster of the Year

Chris B, Chest Rockwell, wandshogun

MMA Forum Poster of the Year

Funniest Poster

Mr Danger

Thread of the Year

Spurs one, UK hip hop (always very positive, interesting and not full of gatekeepers/bores), COVID (Genuinely the first 50 pages or so were full of humour and some hilarious posts. Proper shit reason for a thread, but the posts were good)

Please Post More 


Good Au Award 


Worst Thread of the Year

The Belle Delphine thread.

Edited by SuperBacon
Because some people post worse shit than I do.
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39 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

Monkee might be the genuinely nicest person on here. 

Yep. Monkee is one of the people who I feel better for just knowing. When I was really in the depths she would check up on me just to see if I was ok. It meant a lot and it helped a lot. 

Frankie and Butch as well. 

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White noise - a late run for Pat, Bacon, Ralphy, Scorch 


Dolt - Ralphy, Mabs new account 


Failed comedian - Ralphy. Annual Carbomb vote, Uncle Zeb. 


Off topic - Gmoney, Mr Danger, Joe Blog, Max Power, D Mal. King Coconut, David, Lion, Thunderplex 


Funniest - Mr Danger, Gmoney, Woy, one lung houch, King Coconut. Guy Bifkin.

Good egg - Gmoney, One Lung Houch, Frankie Crisp, Gladders, Lion, Thunderplex. 


Please post more: Cletus, Bifkin, and I'll throw my dog on the fire to bring back Philo Vance, Neil

Edited by PowerButchi
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7 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Yep. Monkee is one of the people who I feel better for just knowing. When I was really in the depths she would check up on me just to see if I was ok. It meant a lot and it helped a lot. 

Frankie and Butch as well. 

Fuck off, you lungless prick. 

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Post of the year:

- King Coconut’s ‘Chippy Tea’ song was quite probably the best thing ever posted on this forum. 

- Astro Hollywood gets savaged by a Welsh Terrier in the When Animals Attack thread.

- Butch’s opening post of the Vader’s chinos thread. 

On-topic poster of the year: 

- Ian 

- BomberPat

- Supremo

I barely watch anything new now but between these three you get a bit of everything - knowledge on classic stuff, keeping me up to date on current goings on, the lot. I always nearly learn something I didn’t know from a Pat post, Supremo’s enthusiasm and analysis of the modern day stuff is always good to read and Ian’s takes are insightful and often funny as fuck. This place would be considerably worse off in any of these three stopped posting. 

Off-topic poster of the year: 

- Chris B

- Frankie Crisp

- Gmoney

MMA poster of the year: 

- Jimufctna24

- Egg Shen 

- WeeAl 

These three have been consistently top notch all year for different reasons. Egg’s been a godsend for keeping everyone up to date on non-UFC shows, and boxing too. Jim’s always a good read, especially on the older stuff. And Al’s gone under-appreciated for a while IMO. Also want to throw a mention in for Zebra Kid Mark who’s been a welcome addition to the MMA side of things this year. And Scott Malbranque’s always a highlight when he pops in. There’s only a handful of us in the MMA forum but it’s generally a good bunch. Carbomb, David, Neil, Panhead and others have all added to the threads over there. 

Funniest poster: 

- Scott Malbranque

- Astro Hollywood

- Cannibal Man

Please post more: 

- Magnum Milano 

- Gus Mears (where is he?) 

- Guy Bifkin 

Good Au: 

- Chris B

- Monkee 

- Johnnyboy

This was the category I struggled most with. Way too many good eggs on here to narrow it down. Off the top of my head I’d have to throw in Malbranque, Thunderplex, Scratchdj, deathrey, Frankie, Matrix, Tiger Rick and Jazzygeofferz. And I know I’m still forgetting a bunch more. 

Dolt of the year: 

- Lord Mountevans 

I think I’m forgetting a couple of obvious ones here though. 

Flounce of the year: 

- JakeRobertsParoleOfficer

Edited by wandshogun09
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  • Paid Members

On Topic Poster of the Year - BomberPat, LaGoosh, Chris B

Thread of the Year - The AEW Dynamite thread is the best. Wrestling fans being enthusiastic and excited about wrestling again, fantasy booking and analysing stuff. It's like going into school every Tuesday morning during the late 90's. I love it.

Please post more - tiger_rick doesn't feel like he's posted as much this year. Completely understandable of course, given the year it's been, but I've definitely missed his contributions On Topic.

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