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Minor Annoyances (Vol 2)


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Plenty of families who are on the breadline don’t change their socks and pants, and indeed their clothes daily because it cuts down on laundry bills. When you’re poor, every way to save money and ensure food it put on the table is valid. 

Im not sure how this relates to Mr Porsche. 

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16 hours ago, RalphyV2 said:

Talking on loudspeaker with it positioned one inch from their mouth should be a life sentence 

Managing to combine the annoyance of a bus phonecall wanker and a bus no-headphones wanker, just the absolute pinnacle of the form. Arseholes.

Today's bus annoyance - the bus was late; fine, it's pissing it down, more traffic than usual, these things happen. It was much busier as a result - everyone crammed in, standing room only. A few people got off at the next stop, and three people who had been standing sat down on the now empty seats - and all of them sat on the seat nearest the aisle, not the seat by the window, thus meaning nobody could sit down next to them. I know people sitting next to you on the bus is shit, but it's sort of part of the deal, and how do you know feel like a massive prick taking up two seats to yourself and looking at a bus full of people stood up? Wankers.

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Not going to lie, I'll bring socks into a stupendous two day extravaganza if it's some real post holiday/feeling sick downtime and I'm not leaving the house. 

That's the absoloute limit though.

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1 hour ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Not going to lie, I'll bring socks into a stupendous two day extravaganza if it's some real post holiday/feeling sick downtime and I'm not leaving the house. 

That's the absoloute limit though.

I work from home, so I'm wearing socks for warmth most of the time rather than in shoes.  So two days is fine, saves on washing.

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I remember once in Manchester I was upstairs on a packed bus and the front two seats were taken up by aisle wankers talking to each other loudly, leaving two window seats empty. They were talking loudly about their church when a young hijabi came up the stairs, looked around for a seat and was about to head back downstairs when a Muslim man told her there were two seats at the front. 

The look of disgust from the aisle wankers was a picture. Being put in their place by members of another religion. They didn’t even move to sit together, they let the woman squeeze past one of them to get into the window seat and they were silent for the remainder of the journey. Wankers. 

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1 hour ago, Gus Mears said:

I asked someone if I could take the seat next to them when they had a bag on the spare once. They said no. Needless to say I gave them a piece of my mind (said nothing and stood in the aisle like a twat).

I've found the trick to maintaining politeness is to ask them a question where either option results in the bag being moved - e.g would you like me to pop your bag up on the rack for you or would you rather put it by your feet? Not fool proof but I think it ups the success rate!

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God, just seen something I've been noticing a lot recently.  People, usually young people, walking along listening to their phone by holding it flat in their hand with the end pointing at their ear, using the speakerphone, and then moving it to point at their mouth when they want to talk.  And back and forth.

Do we now have a generation that don't realise you can hold it to your face and do both like a normal phone?  Is this the post-landline generation?

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21 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

People that talk on their phones on public transport.

Unless it's an emergency, I'd make it a fineable offence if I had my way.

But there was one time when this absolute wally was on the bus a few seats in front of me, talking loudly on the phone about some girl he’d shagged the night before. Only for the phone to start ringing. He got off at the next stop sharpish and probably never left the house for a month.

That’s the only time it’s paid off though. So yeah, should be a fine for that shit. 

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On 11/15/2022 at 7:34 PM, SuperBacon said:

People that talk on their phones on public transport.

Reminds me of a train I was catching on the way back from Villa Park after Villa-Spurs with my Villa fan mate, listening to a Londoner shouting down the phone to his equally cretinous mate, seemingly oblivious to the fact he was surrounded by Brummies.....

"Alright Lurch, YOU PRAT! Oh mate, you thought Blackburn was bad, this place is 'ORRIBLE. Yeah yeah mate, get a raaaand in! Make it a proper raaaaand, not like the ones you get in at the 'ome games! YOU PRAT!"

Sadly I was staying on the train until Halesowen, so I don't know what kind of shoeing he got when he got off at New Street. You prat.

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