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Minor Annoyances (Vol 2)


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I'm up two flights of stairs, and our intercom doesn't work properly - I can buzz people in, but I can't hear them if they say anything. Most of the regular drivers know that, or they'll buzz in to one of the other flats to get the front door open. But every now and then you get a different driver to usual. I am filled with dread every time I get a notification saying that my parcel has been "left with the mailroom" when we don't have one, or "handed to resident" when I wasn't home and I know my partner wasn't either. 

We've got an EVRI driver my partner has started to dread coming round, as one time he delivered something and spotted an old wrestling poster I've got by the front door and tried to talk to her about wrestling for ages, and then she saw him in the street a few days later and he called her "wrestling girl" or something. We've got to a point where if the buzzer goes on a Saturday morning, we debate whether we're answering it or not as there's always a chance it's either him or the Jehova's Witnesses. 


Biggest issue with us for delivery is that we're on an estate that's sort of split in two - the flats on one side have one name, and the flats on the other side have another, and it's not immediately clear which is which (though each building has a sign on the outside). Quite often stuff gets delivered to our building that's intended for the same number at a different building, and presumably vice-versa. I used to take stuff round to our equivalent number if they ever had anything delivered to us by mistake, but the woman who lives there always acts as if somehow it's our fault that it got misdelivered in the first place, and refuses to bring stuff over to us if it happens the other way round, so I just stopped bothering. 

Takeaway drivers tend to get that one wrong more than couriers, though, we've a few times had someone come to our door with a takeaway meant for them. It's been tempting to take it sometimes. 

The worst lazy courier one, though, is we sometimes find parcels left at our building for a number higher or lower than is in our block. All I can assume is that the driver has got there, looked at the numbers on the intercom, not seen the one they need, and just thought "close enough" and left it there rather than taking thirty seconds to find the right building. 

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Spoke too soon with all of the above- latest delivery was from FedEx. Ebay seller hadn't charged enough for delivery, so I had to pay import costs on it, and then I got a notification saying it had been delivered but couldn't find anything. 

Eventually realised they'd left a delivery note, saying that it had been left with a neighbour. Not my next door neighbour, but someone two flights of stairs below me. Myself and my partner have tried knocking on their door at various times for the last three days and got no answer - they're in a ground floor flat and generally have their front windows open, but lights are out and curtains closed, so it looks like they've gone away for a few days. 

So either my neighbours took in a parcel and then left for days, or FedEx have got it wrong. Either way, I don't have my expensive rare record that I had to pay extra fees for.

I clicked "obtain proof of delivery" on FedEx's tracker, and it's a delivery note saying it was signed for and delivered to "residence". No copy of the signature, no photo, no actual proof. There is a name that allegedly signed for it, but I have no idea if that is the right name for the address it's been apparently delivered to or not.

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People not understanding the phrase "Hill to die on" and not using it correctly. 

"Revolver is the best Beatles album and I will die on this hill" etc.

THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS!!! It has to be an unpopular/mad suggestion! 

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24 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

People not understanding the phrase "Hill to die on" and not using it correctly. 

"Revolver is the best Beatles album and I will die on this hill" etc.

THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS!!! It has to be an unpopular/mad suggestion! 

Like "one on one fighting games are all shit and I will die on this hill".

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20 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I'd like to die on that one with the big willy. 

Good way to go.

That's in Dorset

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I feel like absolute shite. Any time I've taken time off work in the last few years, I've immediately been stricken with illness. It's like my body won't allow me enjoyable rest. I was supposed to go and visit some friends on the coast and see my mum and dad, but instead I've been shivering on the sofa watching guff on the telly. 

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Drivers that suddenly lose all knowledge of how to drive when they get to a mini-roundabout.

Also, while I'm on the subject of roundabouts - drivers who don't survey how busy the roundabout is on the approach, and come to a complete stop before looking and entering it even if there aren't any other cars about.

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4 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

Drivers that suddenly lose all knowledge of how to drive when they get to a mini-roundabout.

Also, while I'm on the subject of roundabouts - drivers who don't survey how busy the roundabout is on the approach, and come to a complete stop before looking and entering it even if there aren't any other cars about.

My friend's new car's satnav seems to be obsessed with roundabouts. She picked the car she has now because the satnav on her old one was great, but between that one and this they've completely redone the Satnav, and it's dreadful. "Now, leave the roundabout" every time you've already left a roundabout. It also likes telling you to "turn half left/right"

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