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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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I think Rollins is a good wrestler with very few, if any, great matches under his belt, which is pretty characteristic of what the WWE style is today. It's rare you get a bad match, but I never care about any of it.

Atsushi Onita talked in an interview once about he did violent deathmatches because they left powerful images in the audience's mind, that you could see a perfectly executed wrestling match, but you'd have forgotten all of it by the next day, whereas what he did lingered and you remembered it. I don't want to go as far as WWE booking for Wrestlemania Moments™ , but I do think really great matches have those moments and visuals that stick with you long after the match is over - Austin bleeding in the Sharpshooter is the obvious example that comes to mind - and I have never got that out of Rollins as a singles wrestler, he has technically excellent matches and then they're over and you move on, and I'd struggle to tell you what happened in one Seth Rollins match over any other.

It's part of the broader WWE problem, though, that heels don't wrestle like heels. Nobody cheats outside of the finish, Roman Reigns is talked up as a conquering record-breaking hero rather than as someone relying on outside interference to cling to his title, and Seth Rollins does Phoenix Splashes and high spots whether he's a face or a heel, and if I happen to catch RAW on TV, I can't tell from his promos whether or not I'm supposed to find him annoying this week or not either. 

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5 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Did we ever figure out what he was the Architect of?

I haven’t watched in years but I thought it was his way of taking credit for the success of The Shield, as it started right after he turned on them. I’m guessing it hasn’t been acknowledged in years but the nickname has stuck?

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His initial heel run with the Authority was his best solo stuff, in hindsight. It's rose tint because on a week to week basis that Authority stuff was brutal but at least there was a bit of a consistency to it. He was a smarmy git, looked sharp in a suit and snuck his way to victory constantly. 

Most of his face stuff since has always felt a bit like watching somebody get really lucky becoming one of the faces-on-the-production-truck. Like you're told he's a locker room leader but you never quite believe it. It's sort of difficult to describe but I got the same thing when Miz suddenly ended up as champion that first time. Every time the "Say goodbye to the good old days" line hit in his theme song it felt like this really on the nose thing of "Yeah it's all shit now isn't it, but it's allowed me to rise to the top so suck on it hahaha!" 

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Saw a video of him on an awards show with Becky and it's the worst wrestling related thing I've ever seen. If I was still a fan, I'd have died of embarrassment right then and there.

4 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

His initial heel run with the Authority was his best solo stuff, in hindsight. It's rose tint because on a week to week basis that Authority stuff was brutal

You're right on both counts. The best I've ever seen from him was absolutely fucking abysmal.

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3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Atsushi Onita talked in an interview once about he did violent deathmatches because they left powerful images in the audience's mind, that you could see a perfectly executed wrestling match, but you'd have forgotten all of it by the next day, whereas what he did lingered and you remembered it. I don't want to go as far as WWE booking for Wrestlemania Moments™ , but I do think really great matches have those moments and visuals that stick with you long after the match is over - Austin bleeding in the Sharpshooter is the obvious example that comes to mind - and I have never got that out of Rollins as a singles wrestler, he has technically excellent matches and then they're over and you move on, and I'd struggle to tell you what happened in one Seth Rollins match over any other.

I think another problem with trying to find those defining moments in the current roster's careers is the longer time they've been there on our screens. I always use Stone Cold as the example - he debuted in the WWF in 95 (after only 6 years elsewhere), and 8 years later was retired, and for a chunk of the mid and latter part of that was injured or in a huff respectively. Finding the top 5 moments of a guy is much easier when there's only a few years to choose from, in the way that your brain naturally filters out memories that are similar to one another; I might've had an absolutely bangin' breakfast 2 years ago, but I've had so many breakfasts since then that I simply won't recall it. Seth Rollins is in his 11th main roster year wrestling the same style he always has, against opponents wrestling the same style they always have, in storylines that don't affect the in-match storytelling (the Cody cage match notably aside) wearing different skins to keep the toy lines running.

It's an issue affecting the majority of the roster, but it stands out more with Seth because he's so fxxxin' loud, and the disconnect between his in-ring work and out-ring persona is so massive.

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Seth Rollins does cool stuff. Exciting stuff. Thrilling stuff, at times. I think.

But, none of it matters because he has such a terrible understanding of character and so there’s no emotional impact with any of the stuff he does. That’s why his matches are completely forgettable because none of it matters as it lacks any sort of connection to anything any sane person could possibly care about. It’s just a silly little man doing a lot of cool stuff at a quicker pace than most people.

He’s wrestling fast food, designed to be consumed and forgotten. 


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He's someone who can do it all fine, but absolutely nothing seems to register post Shield. As someone not that arsed anymore he's always managed to stick in my mind as someone who never adapted doing face or heel. Strange bird, he can absolutely wrestle but I'd agree with @d-d-d-dAz amusing take in that he feels like wrestling fast food.

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Even worse he is a tough shitburger, because its tough shit for people watching as he is going to be on TV every week whether you like him or not, because he is dependable. It'll be an OK promo, it'll be an OK match. There is no risk putting him out there because the live crowd likes singing his song. He gets a reaction and that is all WWE want. 

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