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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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I really don’t understand why they changed up Elias, his gimmick worked so well and he drew tons of heat whenever he was on screen.

Did having Boogs get called up have anything to do with it? Can’t have more then one guitar player? Considering he’ll be on the shelf for a while now I can’t see why they couldn’t have just brought back his old gimmick. 

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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3 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

I really don’t understand why they changed up Elias, his gimmick worked so well and he drew tons of heat whenever he was on screen.

Did having Boogs get called up have anything to do with it? Can’t have more then one guitar player? Considering he’ll be on the shelf for a while now I can’t see why they couldn’t have just brought back his old gimmick. 

Or just have a feud built around two lads who play guitar. Comedy wrestling that books itself. 

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I’m a big supporter of Cody Rhodes returning to where he probably belongs and getting a chance at success, but… fuck me… he’s annoying isn’t he? That guy is potentially the best heel on planet earth, if he’d just wake up to it.

On another note, I’m not sure this weekend is the success story it’s being sold as.

Sure, he’s looked a megastar and will probably win the world title and might even stay in the main event for a while. Great. But… isn’t it a savage indictment of their ability to build stars that he had to fuck off for six years and have a multi-million dollar tantrum to get to this point?

The guy absolutely fucking drips WWE. He’s a fucking WWE wet dream. As I said in the Mania thread… he looks like a WWE guy, Talks like one, wrestles like one, dresses like one. He might as well have been built in a lab by Pritchard and Vince.

They should have been able to get to this point without him ever leaving the company. The Dusty story was there all along, for one thing.

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2 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I’m a big supporter of Cody Rhodes returning to where he probably belongs and getting a chance at success, but… fuck me… he’s annoying isn’t he? That guy is potentially the best heel on planet earth, if he’d just wake up to it.

On another note, I’m not sure this weekend is the success story it’s being sold as.

Sure, he’s looked a megastar and will probably win the world title and might even stay in the main event for a while. Great. But… isn’t it a savage indictment of their ability to build stars that he had to fuck off for six years and have a multi-million dollar tantrum to get to this point?

The guy absolutely fucking drips WWE. He’s a fucking WWE wet dream. As I said in the Mania thread… he looks like a WWE guy, Talks like one, wrestles like one, dresses like one. He might as well have been built in a lab by Pritchard and Vince.

They should have been able to get to this point without him ever leaving the company. The Dusty story was there all along, for one thing.

I don't really agree. It comes down to an argument a lot of people had that they never treated him right etc. But he had SO many chances. Way more than a lot of people get. Different reinventions and interactions with other guys and whatever else. Sometimes you do have to leave a particular environment and find yourself and what works, and that's not always the fault of where you were working in the first place.

That's not to say that WWE haven't screwed up a LOT of easy wins with talent because they obviously have, but I've never really thought Cody was amongst those missed opportunities. I could rattle off a huge list of names that are better examples of their inability to build stars.

I see him more in the Drew McIntyre mould. Not exactly obviously but a willingness to go out there, work your arse off around the world and develop your style and character etc to the point where you've convinced a hell of a lot of people that you're pretty damn good and the right people start taking notice. Same as what Matt Cardona is doing at the moment really.

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10 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

“I am Elias’ younger brother, Ezekiel”

Jesus Christ.

There's some (comedy, if nothing else) legs in a repackaged wrestler flat out denying they are the person they used to be even though it's obvious, in my opinion. But adding the younger brother aspect was totally unnecessary, on the first night at least.

Raw peaked early with Cody's head poking out of his funny little box before the lift started working.

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The Elias thing was great, I thought.  It’s clearly Elias and we’re not meant to think it’s not.

 He did a similar thing at the end of his NXT run, turned up under a mask as El Vagabondo, and it was hugely over.

 Also shades of the Joseph Parks story in TNA where everyone knows it’s Abyss BUT Parks.

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Granted I’ve maybe not been paying attention before but Cody’s lisp seemed so much more obvious on WWE TV. I really don’t know if it’s because he was choking up or what but I’ve not seen it like that since he was last in WWE basically.

I know he gets a lot of shit on here but Seth Rollins is fantastic from theme music to suits to acting like The Riddler. He is brilliant at being a horrible human being.

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