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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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I reckon they would have planned to straddle the generational overlap to maximise sales but it’s highly unlikely they achieve that. Far more likely is it’s in a good few years so they can give people the chance to actually purchase a current gen console. They certainly wouldn’t be launching on 20m PS5’s and 10m Xbox’s or whatever the actual numbers are.

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The combat's decent enough, but pretty much everything else is really dull and repetitive. Go here, follow a fox, go there, sit down and wait for some long-winded (and unskippable) dialogue to finish, follow another fox, go over there and sit down again but this time you get to press X a few times to write a haiku, oh look follow another fox etc etc etc. It does look nice, but even on a PS5 and a big fancy telly it's nowhere near as OMG STUNNING!!!1! as people claim it to be. 6 out of 10 at best.

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16 minutes ago, gmoney said:

Thank you for saving me from ever buying this game.

This is something that should come up as an “Are you sure” as you press the buy button. AC Odyssey let’s you skip to the next bit once you’ve read the subtitles, speeds things up massively. Thanks for the warning @CAREBEAR LUVVA

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23 hours ago, PunkStep said:

The GTAV thread on here is over 10 years old. 10 years! Back then United were still winning league titles, Anthony Joshua's career hadn't begun, there was a 'coalition' running the country and Brexit was probably the name of Lidl's Weetabix knockoff. 

The PS2 had 3 main GTA releases in its lifetime. The PS3 had 1 or 2 & PS4 had 1 or none based on how you class gta 5 which is apparently set to be dumped on PS5 this year if wiki is to be believed, which is amazing given it was originally released on ps3. 

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a new GTA title release until we are approaching the next gen. 

Edited by Tommy!
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Ghost of Tsushima dlc was better than the main game by miles IMO. Much better story. 

The main game at times was a utter utter slog to push though. I was to invested after paying for the ps5 upgrade to give up on it. But I skipped loads of fox/poems/outposts 

On the other hand days gone was shit canned. I absolutely loved that game. I’m gutted there won’t be another one. 

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Pricks. I loved it, remains my only platinum! I can see how you wouldn’t share my love of it if you don’t love the world, story or combat to be fair. For me traversal was the biggest negative. If they do a Ghost of Tokyo or whatever next I’d like them to throw in some parkour and evolved combat as I’m guessing you won’t be doing samurai stand off’s in the next one.

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15 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

I downloaded the Truck Sim 2 demo earlier and have been driving round getting addicted ever since. Now it wants my money and, by fuck, I'll pay any price.

Euro Truck 2? It's often on sale but yeah 15 quid is still a steal at full price, now the DLC makes it a pricey affair.

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