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I’m splitting my time between Sea of Stars and Starfield, and for whatever reason I’m struggling to feel invested in either. 

As others have already pointed out, the space travel between planets in Starfield is incredibly boring, and the fact there are 1,000 planets is a weakness, rather than a strength. They’d have been better off creating a much, much smaller number of planters with no procedural generation, making a real effort to make each one feel distinct and worth exploring. Instead, most feel barren, and are inhabited with very similar creatures. 

On the other hand, if ever there was a game that could be significantly enhanced by mods, it’s this one. There are serious opportunities to make this game more than it currently is.

Sea of Stars is…fine, but as of yet the story isn’t gripping me. Perhaps it’s a slow starter (I’ve just reached Brisk), but I’m struggling to care. I didn’t expect to feel that way at all, as I’m a massive fan of JRPG-style games, and this, in theory, should tick all the boxes. So far, it’s not living up to the glowing reviews for me.

Edited by RedRooster
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10 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Sea of Stars is…fine, but as of yet the story isn’t gripping me. Perhaps it’s a slow starter (I’ve just reached Brisk), but I’m struggling to care. I didn’t expect to feel that way at all, as I’m a massive fan of JRPG-style games, and this, in theory, should tick all the boxes. So far, it’s not living up to the glowing reviews for me.

You're slightly ahead of me, and I'm already in the same boat. It's charming, but I'm struggling to care.

There's a book called Fight, Magic, Items about the history of JRPGs, and I can't remember if the line comes from a quote from a developer or the author's own, but he says that the key to a good JRPG is that it has to create a world that the player wants to save. Again, early days, but not there yet with Sea Of Stars - love a lot of the gameplay decisions, but the world isn't winning me over.

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33 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

Nintendo Direct at 3pm and a PlayStation State Of Play today at 10pm

If we get more Rebirth today prior to Tokyo Games Show I may explode.

I'm usually underwhelmed by the State of Plays, but I'm really excited for the Direct. Given that we're heading towards the end of the Switch's life as the "main" Nintendo console, the games line-up is so exciting. I can't wait to see what they add to it. 

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13 minutes ago, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

In two words, not much.

Oh, I don't know about that - for a console at the end of its retail life, there's a nice line-up on the horizon. 

The Princess Peach game looks fun, and I'm absolutely buzzing for Paper Mario - I used to love that game. F-Zero 99 looks fun, and the Mario vs Donkey Kong games are usually very enjoyable. It's nice to see Another Code get a new lease of life, and the tactical RPG from Atlus look like it has a lot of potential. 

I enjoyed the Direct, but you'd have to assume the announcement of a new console is coming soon. 

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The new (to me, I must have missed a previous reveal) Prince of Persia looks cool. I'm definitely down for trying the Tomb Raider trilogy if it gets a somewhat modernised control scheme, if not... I just can't, I'd break things. Either way I hope it's successful and we could get the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld trilogy at some point. They'd be perfect for Switch, not requiring all the modernising of the classics, nor the mass scaling back they'd need to get the newer ones running at all.


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Thought today's Nintendo Direct was overall the worst I've seen. Some real shit in there that I wouldn't have wasted my breath on for a Direct. That being said F-Zero 99 looks really fun and Thousand Year Door is an excellent choice if only because it should and hopefully will absolutely sink the price of the original that "collectors" have been asking for stupid money for.

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Managed to get about four hours of Mortal Kombat 1 in last night. Absolutely tremendous. It has managed to strike an impeccable balance of seeming totally new and fresh while retaining the familiarity and legacy built up by previous entries in the series. I reckon if you're a fan of MK or if you're looking for a reason to buy a next-gen console, then this could be it for you: the stages in this game are absolutely beautiful to look. 

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