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Wrestling #MeToo #SpeakingOut

Keith Houchen

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2 hours ago, Ralphy said:

Can fans attend shows now then or will it be empty venue with streaming? 

Empty with streaming I believe , trying to keep people subscribing to their online service. 

Not surprised he has booked Ospreay, look at Quildan's handling of Bodom and Samuel's kicking the shit out of a referee. He will just plead ignorant, reality he's just a bit of a cunt. Go on their Facebook page and their fan page, they trust whatever he does. 


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Unless I've missed part of the story, I'm not sure why Will Ospreay is getting treated like he's one of the offenders. Not defending him either because, honestly, the entire story about who did what seems pretty murky so having a strong stance either way seems silly, but from what I saw, one promoter said he got a call from the building asking not to use somebody and Will said something dumb online?

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Basically, my understanding is that one of Will's mates was in the list of who is accused. He heavily defended him and slagged off the woman involved, to the point of recommending to other people that she wasn't booked, as she was a liar/troublemaker.

With more info having now come to light, that's coming across as pretty scummy behaviour, especially as some people appear to believe that Ospreay knew the woman in question wasn't lying.

(I'd have to go back and refresh my memory on it, but I believe that's the rough story)

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If he knew it was true, defended a scumbag knowing he was guilty and tried to get somebody out of the business who is a victim, it's bullshit and deserves scorn for sure. That's quite a few ifs. Not saying I don't believe it because I have no idea, and I know how some folks in his lovely line of work can be, and Will isn't the sharpest, as we've seen.

I'm not sure how much of it has been proven? (That's a question, by the way, not a denial, I'm not on Twitter so I'm asking.)

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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15 minutes ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

If he knew it was true, defended a scumbag knowing he was guilty and tried to get somebody out of the business who is a victim, it's bullshit and deserves scorn for sure. That's quite a few ifs. Not saying I don't believe it because I have no idea, and I know how some folks in his lovely line of work can be, and Will isn't the sharpest, as we've seen.

I'm not sure how much of it has been proven? (That's a question, by the way, not a denial, I'm not on Twitter so I'm asking.)

And regardless if he knew it was true he's shit, and if he defended someone he believed was telling the truth to him and he was lying, that's not great either. But my guess is its the later, so it's an awful take by Will and he should have come out and apologized, but lets not put him in the same box as people that have groomed and sexually assaulted box. He can go in the shit arse defender box. Will has proven time and time again he jumps on bandwagons without checking facts. He needs to take more responsibility for his actions for sure, but I don't hold him in the same regard as people who have actually committed the crimes.

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39 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

And regardless if he knew it was true he's shit, and if he defended someone he believed was telling the truth to him and he was lying, that's not great either. But my guess is its the later, so it's an awful take by Will and he should have come out and apologized, but lets not put him in the same box as people that have groomed and sexually assaulted box. He can go in the shit arse defender box. Will has proven time and time again he jumps on bandwagons without checking facts. He needs to take more responsibility for his actions for sure, but I don't hold him in the same regard as people who have actually committed the crimes.

Yeah, that's where I'm at with it. The reactions seem extreme, as if Joey Ryan were booked on a show. That I could understand this level of backlash. If Will was malicious and knew it, he's an arsehole and fair enough. But if not, then he's just an idiot for jumping on the wrong horse and going strong on it, but that alone is not worthy of being put in the same league as the true offenders.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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The promotion confirmed that Will had contacted the view who in turn didn't want Pollyanna booked. If they booked her they lost the venue. Yeah he may not have sexually assaulted anybody but he was happy to help keep in place an industry where people couldn't speak out if anything bad happened to them. It sounds like people are just brushing what he did under the carpet saying he isn't the brightest. 

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15 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

The promotion confirmed that Will had contacted the view who in turn didn't want Pollyanna booked. If they booked her they lost the venue. Yeah he may not have sexually assaulted anybody but he was happy to help keep in place an industry where people couldn't speak out if anything bad happened to them. It sounds like people are just brushing what he did under the carpet saying he isn't the brightest. 

No one has defended him here. But you cant say a someone defending their friend against sexual assault accusations is the same as a the person doing the assault. It's not the same level. Would it be nice if he lost bookings because of it, see what it feels like to get blackballed himself? Yes, just deserts. But is him being booked as dangerous as booking actual sexual predators on your card. No. And I am saying this as someone who has worked with him, and called him out on here before for dickhead behavior.

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13 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

No one has defended him here. But you cant say a someone defending their friend against sexual assault accusations is the same as a the person doing the assault. It's not the same level. Would it be nice if he lost bookings because of it, see what it feels like to get blackballed himself? Yes, just deserts. But is him being booked as dangerous as booking actual sexual predators on your card. No. And I am saying this as someone who has worked with him, and called him out on here before for dickhead behavior.

The issue is not defending his friend. The issue is him causing damage to her career.

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18 minutes ago, Chris B said:

The issue is not defending his friend. The issue is him causing damage to her career.

I understand your point. I guess what is the resolution. Should he be completely blackballed in retaliation? If he apologizes, is that enough for people to forgive him (and I know he has plenty of fans who don't care about this situation with him anyway, so I am talking the rest of us)? Pardon my ignorance, but has the wrestler concerned said anything? Does she want to return or is she done because of how she was treated by her peers?

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Not once have Hannibal or I defended anything, we've been pretty clear on that. The point is that there are levels of degree with the offenses mentioned, and people shouldn't lose sight of it.

As an aside, when the building called the promoter to say Ospreay didn't want the person booked, what was the outcome? Did the promoter oblige, did he explain it to the building and they backed off, what happened?

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