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Shitting, AGAIN

Divorced Dad

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2 hours ago, scratchdj said:

he was in there so long the automatic toilet light went out and wouldn’t come back on so he had to fumble his way back out in darkness.

I once worked in a place that had a physical light switch in the toilets (rather than a sensor one) and many a time, someone would turn the lights off and you'd be stuck in complete darkness until someone came in. Always funny to be fair.

I have also sat in toilets so long the sensor has gone off, and then you have two options. Wait it out, or start lobbing toilet paper over the top to get it to sense the motion.

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With leisure centres and doctor’s surgeries being closed I had to resort to having a shit in a toilet that has a door like this today.


Seat was lined with toilet roll aplenty and luckily the hole in the wall has been (poly)filled.

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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

I have also sat in toilets so long the sensor has gone off, and then you have two options. Wait it out, or start lobbing toilet paper over the top to get it to sense the motion.

Or do as I once did and stand up, kecks round your ankles, and open your cubicle door to wave at the censor just as someone enters the freshly lit room.

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3 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

With leisure centres and doctor’s surgeries being closed I had to resort to having a shit in a toilet that has a door like this today.


Seat was lined with toilet roll aplenty and luckily the hole in the wall has been (poly)filled.

Tag yourself, I'm 'I LOVE TO COCK'

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10 hours ago, scratchdj said:

We had a work-shy little fucker work at our place who would have his hour for lunch and then go and have a poo for an hour, every day.

Worst I've seen was a co-worker in a factory job who would fuck off to the toilet for at least twenty minutes of every hour. Our targets were based on the amount of people on the line so it actively fucked the rest of us over, not that he did much work when he was there anyway. He lasted a couple of weeks before a supervisor finally spoke to him about it and he walked out in protest.

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3 hours ago, Scott Malbranque said:

I'm strangely proud of me dog for the consistency in which he does this. Honestly, I'd say it's every third gik that I expect to hear someone chant "Kalima"
His bowels must be like a scene from Inception or some sort of Christopher Nolan sci-fi flick. Astounding...

Somewhere, Richard Dreyfuss is making a model of it from mashed potato.

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