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Covid-19 Megathread


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1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Mate I don't think you get to look down on buzzwords; you were a recruiter..

That's by the by, but this wheelhouse bollocks has gone too far. 

Wheelhouse was a weird shop in Hounslow that sold all sorts of shit, not a catch all for "in my interests".

Don't reply, as I don't want to start a game of telephone tennis with you...

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10 hours ago, Loki said:

There's a job going in Finland in my wheelhouse which I got sent details of today.

Who the fuck is hiring during a pandemic? Especially a company that regularly hires from overseas like this one.  It's just odd.  I've worked over in Helsinki and it's pretty cool, but there's no way I'd consider trying to move to another country during all of this.

One of my friends has actually managed to move countries in all of this.

She brought a mini truck, packed her stuff and emigrated to Sweden permanently having opted to go post Brexit as she is a German National and didn't want settled status or faffing with trying to re settle in the UK once her divorce had been finalised.

In other news. I'm about 2-3 weeks or so from returning to work after being off since mid February because of my operation. I have been battling infection for most of this time and my immune system is shot to shit and some places have registered me as vulnerable, some haven't.  I don't get it. I'm assuming that the Dr's or Government have passed my details on somehow and I'm confused as hell as to if I am vulnerable or not as no one can seemingly give me a direct answer. I haven't had 'the letter' nor have the medical people given any indication whether I am or not. 

Both of my jobs are waiting on my virtual follow up appointment next week before making any decision about how to return me to work as I am stuck 200 miles away from home, with no car and unable to drive back yet because of the medical stuff. I can work both jobs from here virtually so that's something. Job 1 are provisionally going to courier my work laptop down and for job 2 I took my work mobile down with me so can use that to access emails and contact people if necessary. My entire department barring me and 2 others has been redeployed though so I am not sure if once fit I will be redeployed or not, it's confusing and would mean I'd need to relocate as well

My house has been gutted and redone by my landlord whilst I am away and I am waiting on that to be completed before I can actually move back in, let alone travel. Chuck in a police investigation because of being stalked online, and a few other stressful things and then it all adds up to a ball of confusion. Lock down has certainly been eventful that's for sure and I am hankering for a return to some semblance of normality. Being home and in more familiar surroundings having been laid up for nearly 3 months now would be a massive boon as I don't think I have ever felt so disconnected from life.


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16 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

Is that salaried management or are you on a retail agreement? I'm on salary for a standalone freehold but been furloughed but Ive been asked to live in for security which is fine by me as I haven't got BT sports at home. The pub across is on a retail agreement and took over the Friday the pub shotdown came in (poor bugger) and I'm wondering how the likes of Enterprise and the like are looking after people on retail agreements with the free rent but getting 20% or so with which you've got to pay staff. 


Knowing most PubCos, probably not. 

I’m salaried management, but I work for a guy on a retail agreement, if that makes sense. I live on site anyway, I’m officially furloughed but I’m having my full pay topped up. 

As far as Enterprise go (who we’re with) other than the rent holiday and the fact that they’ve said they’ll replace any unbreached lager and stout kegs I don’t know what support, if any, they’re offering.

My boss is confident we’ll be ok. But he also thinks we’ll be back in by then end of June. I’m not so sure on either account! 

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20 hours ago, seph said:

After a week of annual leave (planned way in advance) and 2-1/2 days of work I've been told I'm furloughed as of Monday. Yaay (!). 

Withouth going through 150+ pages to check, who's going through this and how are you coping?

I have been furloughed from day one of it's arrival. In many ways Self Isolation is almost like winning the lottery! I hate my job & generally dislike contact with the outside world.

Financially it has not really effected me because the 20% loss of income has been compensated by a +20% decrease in outgoings. My mortgage is paid off & i have money in the bank (not the PPV :D). The real plus for me is that i have had some really nice days at home with my lad, we have watched a tonne of wrestling & generally had a good old time, without even the smallest of differences.

The negatives would be a couple of bad clashes with Mrs. Mount-evans & two holidays cancelled.

I must also say that despite a few differences of opinion on here, that the UKFF had been a wonderful way to spend part of my day & i commend the vast majority of good folk on here, for being funny/entertaining/helpful & compassionate to their fellow wrestling fans ❤️ 

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3 hours ago, patiirc said:

In other news. I'm about 2-3 weeks or so from returning to work after being off since mid February because of my operation. I have been battling infection for most of this time and my immune system is shot to shit and some places have registered me as vulnerable, some haven't.  I don't get it. I'm assuming that the Dr's or Government have passed my details on somehow and I'm confused as hell as to if I am vulnerable or not as no one can seemingly give me a direct answer. I haven't had 'the letter' nor have the medical people given any indication whether I am or not. 

I've been in a similar situation since this whole thing kicked off. Finally managed to speak to a GP at my local surgery a few days ago, who looked through my notes and immediately decided I should be on the vulnerable list. I had a text message the following day to confirm, then "the letter" arrived the day after that. The doc reckons loads of people have been missed off the official list due to how quickly it was put together. Might be worth registering yourself here just in case:


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2 minutes ago, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

I've been in a similar situation since this whole thing kicked off. Finally managed to speak to a GP at my local surgery a few days ago, who looked through my notes and immediately decided I should be on the vulnerable list. I had a text message the following day to confirm, then "the letter" arrived the day after that. The doc reckons loads of people have been missed off the official list due to how quickly it was put together. Might be worth registering yourself here just in case:


Cheers for that. I'll give it a whirl

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