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Covid-19 Megathread


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5 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

Personally, I'd be on the phone/email right now getting that cancelled. We're going away in May and I'm going to try and cancel that this evening. Not sure if this is a business or personal trip, but I think businesses would rather staff didn't travel right now anyway and if staff choose not to, that should be more than understood.

it's a personal thing - myself, my Dad and my Aunt, none of whom really see each other more than once or twice a year. 

I'm still in two minds about it, but will try and make a decision tonight/tomorrow. 

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9 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Fucking hell. 


Something he and Billy Corgan can have a chinwag about on their next little podcast together.

Alright, that was a sideswipe, so while I'm on my high horse, let's not forget that Pornhub knowingly hosts videos of actual rapes, ignoring victims' pleas to take them down until they pretend to be lawyers. But what larks they have with the press, eh?

Sorry, back to the collapse of civilisation by other means.

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4 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Just in case of emergency turn the shower head upside down and clean that bad boy out bidet style. 

I'm surprised @Chest Rockwell hasn't been crowing about his Bum Gun.

11 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Fucking hell. 


"Wretched Cunt Being Wretched Cunt" shocker. I'm reminded of Astro's post about Hatie Kopkins and the fact that professional trolls like her eventually have to go to the absolute lowest point in order to maintain any kind of public profile, and this seems to be Jones' break for the gutter. Don't know what it will take to finally flush that floater.


I'm in a different part of the entertainment industry to @Loki, but looks like my business could be hit too. I've currently got people on studio jobs and a few in stage productions; this could hit us hard. We're lucky in that, as we're a small family-run business, we have very few overheads, and almost no physical logistics, so we'd almost be "plug in and play" once this whole situation passes, but it's a while to be without income, for us and our talent.

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29 minutes ago, David said:

Scotland has just cancelled the Rangers vs Celtic game. Shit is getting serious now.

Ridiculous, mindless panic if you ask me Dave. They should be heading to the pub before getting a supporters bus to the game.

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Just now, PunkStep said:

Ridiculous, mindless panic if you ask me Dave. They should be heading to the pub before getting a supporters bus to the game.

It is ridiculous. For the record, the pub remains open so I still have that option, thankfully.

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10 hours ago, PunkStep said:

Eh? BBC reported it as cancelled hours ago. It was sometime during the afternoon as I sent the link to my friend (whose partner works for Mercedes F1) while I was at work. 

The BBC was the only news channel that was reporting it and that was word of mouth from 2 officials talking to Andrew Benson rather than an official statement. The FIA didn't make the official announcement until I just mentioned. Therefore, Lion's statement about wondering whether Vettel (Ferrari) and Raikkonen made the decision to leave before or after the statement was my point - it was before.

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52 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

surprised @Chest Rockwell hasn't been crowing about his Bum Gun.

? I wish. Unfortunately I don't have one in my current place yet. Waiting until I can redo the bathroom, as I think I'm going to go all in with a Japanese super toilet with built in warm water bum spray with joystick control.

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2 hours ago, scratchdj said:

Personally, I'd be on the phone/email right now getting that cancelled. We're going away in May and I'm going to try and cancel that this evening. Not sure if this is a business or personal trip, but I think businesses would rather staff didn't travel right now anyway and if staff choose not to, that should be more than understood.

France have announced that they're closing schools and universities, and any public gathering of more than 100 people. Belgium have announced that they're closing pretty much everything from this weekend - restaurants, cafes, bars, and cultural centres. If they do that in France while I'm there, we're fucked. So I'm increasingly thinking that it would be a bad idea to carry on regardless.

Eurostar have just said that any trips for between now and the start of April can be cancelled and an e-voucher issued that will be valid until the end of June. So that might be the wisest course of action.

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