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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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52 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

That match was fantastic. I genuinely believe that Bryan might be the greatest wrestler of all time (sorry Bret, please forgive me, I love you)

One thought I did have watching it: Could Bryan's 'heel' character be put on (in kayfabe)? As in, he wants Page to succeed, and knows hes the biggest face, so by being such a shit, hes allowing Page to be the greatest face he can be?

Or is he just really the greatest and can be an incredible face or heel depending on what he wants to do this year?

Honestly, what a fucking wrestler.

That'd be another heel move, surely? "I belittled you; insulted you; knocked out, maimed and choked out all your friends, but it was to make YOU a better champion!" Nah, fuck that guy. But to be fair, I'd actually enjoy Bryan trying that. He wanted to face the best wrestler, he wasn't there (in Bryan's opinion), so he tried to make a new one. Imagine Bryan telling Page that the reason Bryan hasn't beaten Page is because Bryan's the better wrestler. What a mind job. It was confusing just writing that down.

In fact, what was missing from this match was a kind of post-match to set the stage. I know there are fans of work rate, and I can stomach an hour-long one once in a while (#OutOfContextUKFF), but the promise of another epic isn't that much of a draw to me, and likely not to casuals tuning in for the first time to find out why their dad was crying at the TV a month ago. Not necessarily a scrabble for a win after the bell, but some kind of face-off to set up how this match has changed things for both of them. Hopefully Dynamite will heat things back up, but it would've been nice to see it here rather than an anticlimactic fade to black. 

Edited by CavemanLynn
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One thing I think we can all agree on is that it's fucking great to have a show that we all care enough about to debate in the first place. No opinions are wrong here. We all get different things out of it. But at least it's a product worth watching and investing time and emotion into.

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3 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

One thing I think we can all agree on is that it's fucking great to have a show that we all care enough about to debate in the first place. No opinions are wrong here. We all get different things out of it. But at least it's a product worth watching and investing time and emotion into.

Honestly, for me, the reactions and observations in the AEW threads on this forum are part and parcel of the whole enjoyment. It's great knowing that the days after even just the TV shows, there'll be a couple of pages of quality posts and opinions. Really positive stuff, too.

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The title match was really good, and before the show I never paid any thought that they might go to a Broadway. 

Five minutes after it started though it was clear if it wasn't a draw, then they were going to push the winning pinfall to the very last second. The pace was extremely deliberate early on. 

They had me by the end. I thought Page was going to do it. I was fucking raging when the bell rang and he didn't get the win. I guess that's the point, there is an easy re-match to build off the back of it and both men come out still looking strong (Danielson didn't get beat, yet Page had him where he wanted him).  

I'd go to the re-match soon, the TBS debut I think. That match has to be totally different too. A relative sprint compared to this one, about twelve minutes and Page winning clean in the end. 

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15 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

Apart from that time someone said Minoru Suzuki is rubbish

When not carried by Bryan Danielson, Minoru Suzuki in AEW has been rubbish. 

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13 hours ago, Loki said:

I agree with you about most things, Supremo, but I'm not sure about this.  I can't see anything babyface about Danielson at the moment, and I don't get this sudden backlash against Hangman.  

It’s not a backlash against Hangman. It’s a backlash against his complete lack of material since winning the belt, juxtaposed with this huge, bombastic character of Danielson.

And whilst Danielson’s character is unquestionably a heel, his portrayal hasn’t been without babyface traits. The focus of every episode. Fighting every week. Calling his shots. Winning clean. Nine times out of ten this wouldn’t necessarily stand out but when the actual babyface is just watching from afar like a boring ghost, the whole thing feels completely backwards.

It also doesn’t help that Bryan is so fucking good and so wildly entertaining. He’s on the brink of being such a great heel that it goes all the way round and you want to cheer him. For instance, when this feud is over and Danielson returns to being a babyface, does anyone want him to drop this new stuff? Fuck no. I hope he continues flexing every time he submits someone with the triangle. He’s the greatest of all time.

I forgave the wonky booking of Hangman and Danielson because this was obviously Plan B or C when Moxley wasn’t available. I was also utterly convinced any and all momentum Bryan had built would be transferred to Page when he lost to him clean. That they went to a time limit draw was just the worst result at the worst time.

I know it’s completely different characters at a completely different time and with a completely different context, but imagine if after Wrestlemania 14 Dude Love was the focus of every show, won clean every week, whilst newly-crowned champion Stone Cold just sort of existed on the same show. And then they went to a time limit draw.

3 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

One thing I think we can all agree on is that it's fucking great to have a show that we all care enough about to debate in the first place. No opinions are wrong here. We all get different things out of it. But at least it's a product worth watching and investing time and emotion into.

Absolutely this. Also; the only reason stuff like this even stands out is because of what a high standard we’ve come to expect from AEW. A floundering babyface world champion isn’t even worth discussing in WWE. That’s every babyface world champion.

It also helps to know that 95% of the time they either pivot to fix the problem or do a reveal that shuts up dickheads like me and proves they knew better in the first place.

Edited by Supremo
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It's absolutely true that all Danielson would need to do to affect a babyface turn is get up after Page beats him in the return match and shake him by the hand. It'd make sense as well. Be better if they did it like the end of Summerslam 92 and have Page offer the handshake. 

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53 minutes ago, Supremo said:

That they went to a time limit draw was just the worst result at the worst time.


Jesus Christ, have a bit of perspective. This match is the first thing they've done right with Page since he won the belt. 

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I understand his style isn't to everybody's tastes, but he's earned his reputation. His match against Danielson was great, as was the one he had with Josh Alexander on Impact.

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Hello everyone, 

Bit of help please, I cannot stand the ITV hub (due to the ads and general streaming issues I have had with it) and have set my virgin box to record the show when it's shown on a Friday night but the past couple of weeks it has started half an hour later due to the Darts and Snooker. Is there another replay on actual TV I am unaware of that I can set a recording up for? I couldn't find anything but wanted to come to you guys to see if you know. Thanks for any help you can give.


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I don't think they've much wrong with Hangman since he became champ.

He had his homecoming, he challenged Bryan every week only for Bryan to refuse and he came out looking after his mates in Dark Order when Bryan took it too far. His character is that of an insecure bloke, so he's not going to be coming out every week cutting Rock-like promos. I don't even know if Adam Page the man, let alone the wrestler, is comfortable speaking publicly. But he did get the best line in any exchange between him and Bryan, stating he beat Kenny within 30 minutes. And he's hardly the first wrestler to bomb on commentary. Look at the grief Jericho got on Rampage for being the complete opposite of Page. 

And I'm a firm believer that the champion shouldn't be wrestling every week anyway. He's already the champ, he doesn't need to prove his worth. Bryan needs to prove he's worthy of facing Page, not the other way round. And it came across to me that Page wanted to fight Bryan whereas Bryan wanted to fight anybody but Page, hence why he kept pissing off whenever Page got in the ring and that's why their eventual match started with Bryan doing all the rope breaks to further frustrate Page from getting his hands on him.

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