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How do you solve a problem like the AEW commentary booth?


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It’s pretty clear at this point that the AEW commentary booth isn’t working to the point they’re genuinely uncomfortable to watch at times.

So how would you solve that problem? Replace them all? Ditch Marvez? Ditch Ross? 

I’d move Marvez to a backstage interviewer role for sure, and I think I’d also ditch Jim Ross. He makes it clear that he doesn’t like what he’s watching far too often and regardless of how shitty your content is, that should never happen. He also constantly feels like he’s one step away from saying something massively offensive.

I’d keep Excalibur though. 

No idea who I’d get to replace them (well, in an ideal world I’d like Kevin Kelly, but I’m pretty sure he’s unavailable) but there must be someone out there who can at least pretend to like what they’re watching.

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Keep Excalibur, but tell him in no uncertain terms he needs to tweak his act a bit. What's fine for the PWG audience isn't necessarily suitable for the mainstream audience AEW are supposedly aiming for, and he should have realised this already. He's too concerned with name dropping obscure wrestlers like Animal Hamaguchi, or after a series of strikes saying the wrestler was "channeling Super Dragon". Yes Super Dragon might have been an indy favourite 10+ years ago, but his highest profile gig was a few shows in Ring of Honor during the feud with CZW. Dropping in random obscure names really doesn't achieve anything beneficial, so stick to putting over the wrestlers and the action in the ring instead.

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I'd just revert to Ross and Excalibur for now. Keep Marvez for your pre-shows and to throw to as an analyst and interviewer. Even if all three were great, a three man announce team is unnecessary anyway.

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I hate their polo shirts, they look like they're working in a hardware store.

Also I'd really make sure Jim Ross knows what's coming next, it kills the atmosphere when he goes all weird and quiet for a sec and questions what's going on and it's happened on every show I think.

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That Goldenboy fella on the Fyter Fest show was infinitely better than Marvez. I’d make Excalibur and Goldenboy the regular team. Bring Jim Ross out for semi-main and main events. Put Alex Marvez in the bin forever.

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You can't be having a lad sat there with a mask on, it looks ridiculous. Especially when no fucker from the casual audience has a clue who he is or would recognise the mask from anywhere. It looks so tinpot.

Jim Ross has to go too. He has a good mind for the business, so employ him elsewhere. I'm on his side when it comes to not enjoying a lot of the shit on the show, but it doesn't help the product to have him out there making it obvious.

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Move JR exclusively backstage. Fire Marvez out of a cannon into the sun. Fuck that 3 man shit, that's one of the things people hate about  modern WWE presentation and they need to recognize that quickly. Get a decent colour alongside Excalibur. There MUST be a decent colour commentator available somewhere? Any ideas?

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1 hour ago, Tamura said:

Keep Excalibur, but tell him in no uncertain terms he needs to tweak his act a bit. What's fine for the PWG audience isn't necessarily suitable for the mainstream audience AEW are supposedly aiming for, and he should have realised this already. He's too concerned with name dropping obscure wrestlers like Animal Hamaguchi, or after a series of strikes saying the wrestler was "channeling Super Dragon". Yes Super Dragon might have been an indy favourite 10+ years ago, but his highest profile gig was a few shows in Ring of Honor during the feud with CZW. Dropping in random obscure names really doesn't achieve anything beneficial, so stick to putting over the wrestlers and the action in the ring instead.

Believe it or not, he has toned it down a helluva lot. The occasional nod to an 'obscure' wrestler is hardly going to stop a casual fan from watching, and only  annoys people like yourself who, weirdly enough, actually understand the reference.  

The odd reference enriches the product and the history, and gives us geeky twats an Easter egg to quietly smile at. I can't see your average channel hopper quickly turning over because Excalibur mentions Super Delfin during a Lucha Bros tag match.

Personally, I'd keep Ross for the big PPV matches. No way can he be calling the weekly TV or B-level shows as he's struggling enough as it is. I'd actually go down the PWG route and have Excalibur going solo, with the occasional special guest wrestler to help push the stories and keep the chemistry at the table fresh. 

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37 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

You can't be having a lad sat there with a mask on, it looks ridiculous. Especially when no fucker from the casual audience has a clue who he is or would recognise the mask from anywhere. It looks so tinpot.

I think having a commentator in a mask is a great idea for wrestling, it's not match of the day, it can get away with weird stuff like that.

A commentator in a mask is potentially a really cool visual, unfortunately in his polo shirt and cheap kid's mask Excalibur looks more like a nonce in disguise than anything that conveys the unique glamour ofwrestling.

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The trouble is I have no idea who else is out there, so maybe these guys are the best on offer, but to me Excalibur and Alex Marvez are awful. Marvez is so bad he shouldn't be allowed to announce again, because he's got nothing. At one point in the main event he was excitedly boasting that the show was so good that no one had left before the end. Wow, what a testament. Horrible voice as well. Speaking of horrible voices, Excalibur sounds like a nerd doing an impression of a commentary, which is exactly what Gabe Sapolsky used to sound like on ROH. He's got that false sports intonation thing that reminds me of kids playing with figures. Is there really no one out there with a decent, rich voice out there? 

Jim Ross is also well past it, but I did enjoy him being audibly irritated with Alex Marvez. 


EDIT: I actually quite like a commentator wearing a mask, but I don't like the one Excalibur wears with his beard hanging out. Feels a bit 'gimp'. 

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I haven't seen enough to comment on the standard of commentary but for me a masked wrestler who becomes a commentator should absolutely keep the mask on. It's wrestling and masked wrestlers have been around forever so why wouldn't one end up on commentary when non-masked wrestlers make that jump all the time? 

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13 minutes ago, Bellenda Carlisle said:

I think having a commentator in a mask is a great idea for wrestling, it's not match of the day, it can get away with weird stuff like that.

A commentator in a mask is potentially a really cool visual, unfortunately in his polo shirt and cheap kid's mask Excalibur looks more like a nonce in disguise than anything that conveys the unique glamour ofwrestling.


8 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Is Excalibur wearing a mask really any worse than Jerry Lawler spending most of the Attitude Era on commentary shirtless in a crown?

Apparently not that different. 

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I think it's madness to suggest taking JR out of the role. He is there so that when they get to TV, there is a recognisable voice for the casual. He's not great anymore but he is by far the most sensible available choice to start up your company that you want to seem big time. 

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47 minutes ago, sj5522 said:

There MUST be a decent colour commentator available somewhere? Any ideas?

Just been thinking and have realized.... there aren't any. The art-form is basically dead, because everyone wants "sports" presentation and achieve that by hiring people with the personality of a stale ryvita. Give me a funny baddie who loves all the other baddies over this shit any day.

With this in mind, I'm forced to choose someone purely based on comedy value. Excalibur's new co-commentator................. Booker T, baby!

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