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WWE Extreme Rules 2019


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Outside of the shit main event, the cruiserweight title match and the SmackDown women's title match, this looks to be a pretty strong offering, on paper. It has the feeling of a very long show though. 

The Taker/Roman Vs Shane/Drew match could turn into a shit show or could have the perfect amount of smoke and mirrors for it to work. 

There's enough there to grab my interest anyway. As long as the last person out before the main event turns the lights off after them. 

Here's the card:

Winners Take All -- Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch vs. Baron Corbin & Lacey Evans (Extreme Rules Match

WWE Championship -- Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Samoa Joe

Roman Reigns & The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre (No Holds Barred Match): 

United States Championship -- Ricochet (c) vs. AJ Styles:

Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley (Last Man Standing Match):

SmackDown Women's Championship -- Bayley (c) vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross (2-on-1 Handicap Match):

Raw Tag Team Championship -- The Revival (c) vs. The Usos

SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- Daniel Bryan & Rowan (c) vs. The New Day vs. Heavy Machinery: 

Aleister Black vs. Cesaro:

Cruiserweight Championship -- Drew Gulak (c) vs. Tony Nese: 

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Frankly, I'm just happy to have a break from the two-out-of-three fall matches.

I didn't realise until the other day that this is the last PPV before Summerslam, so they'll likely make some big moves. Wouldn't be at all surprised if this is when Brock finally cashes in, leading to a rematch with Seth at summerslam. Since the natural big match seems to be Nikki Cross rising up and turning on Alexa, I wonder if that'll be the match for  Summerslam and for the second time running Alexa will kill Bayley's push dead?

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I can definitely see them putting the Title on Corbin, only to then immediately transfer it to Brock.

It's totally their style, wanting to get that initial reaction but too scared to actually go through with it properly.

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As much as I've never liked him, surely putting the belt on Corbin has to be worth a shot at this point? Even if it feels a bit JBL, it's not like things can get any worse. Then have him ducking Lesnar until SummerSlam where you pretty much guarantee Brock is going over.

Have Seth lose clean, Becky ditch him and Seth goes away to find himself for two to three ... years.

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I will be going against all odds and put 50 bucks on Joe. Joe winning the tilte was 6X your money last time I checked.
Start of a new era.

Eric Bisschoff loves Samoe Joe (listen to the clip below).
I'm sure he's in for a massive push. He needs to get a "W" somehow (DQ/countout whatever) to keep looking strong.

Change direction. Joe vs Brock for the title on FOX will give the product credibility.

It's time for some shock value. It's all so predictable these days. Something needs to change. 


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Given the suggestion by a combination of Meltzer and @wrestlevotes over the past week, it’ll be interesting to see how many of the RAW and Smackdown matches have a sense of finality about them, devoid of screwy or ‘open issue’ finishes.

By the way, when did Triple H hand the running of 205 Live over to Adam Pearce? I remember reading he was the main Producer/Agent but I think Mike Johnson said recently that he runs it now.

Or am I muddled? 🤷🏿‍♂️

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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

I can definitely see them putting the Title on Corbin, only to then immediately transfer it to Brock.

This has got me intrigued to see how the boo-boys would react. They been all “Brocks a part timer~!” and all that shite, but you can bet if Corbin wins the belt only for Lesnar’s music to hit they’ll do a 180 and pop for it

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Personally, I’d love for them to use Corbin to turn Brock babyface. Worst thing they ever did was start portraying him as lazy sell-out who hated wrestling and was only here for the money. It completely killed the one real star they had. If it takes a month of Corbin as Champion for Brock to smash the fuck out of him and regain some of that momentum he once had then I’m all for it.

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"the only rule is...there are no rules"...Oh fuck off with that bullshit. When you call your main event an "Extreme Rules match", by literal definition, it has rules. [/pedant]

Can see Lashley going over Braun with the reports of Braun working on injuries. I'd love them to pull the trigger on Joe, not a squash per se, but a dominant performance. 

If there's a clean finish in the main, I may eat my words, but as others have said, I'm expecting Corbin to get the belt, followed by an immediate cash in. And with Vince being so high on Lacey, she'll do as a temporary champion through Summerslam.

Rest of the card, Nikki opens her eyes, turns on Alexa. Ric retains over AJ, possibly DQ. Black/Cesaro, I can't call. Could go either way depending on how they're booking it. Revival over Usos. The "Graveyard Dogs" win via Shane nearly killing himself leading to, I'm thinking Superman punch, watusi stumble into Tombstone. Smackers...fuck it, let Heavy Boys win, if only so Otis can hold the belt and caterpillar.

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I think we're also forgetting that if Corbin wins the title, he's only winning the Universal Title. That belt's been around three years, it's been part-time for half of that, and it's already been vacated twice, so it's hardly dripping in prestige. All it'd mean is that the Universal reached the Swagger Level in a much shorter time than the Big Gold Belt did.

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Surely there has to be some sort of twist to that awful main event. I was hoping Bray would make his presence felt somehow. I'm all up for Corbin getting the title, should be good for a laugh. Have him put Becky away with the End of Days for extra heat. Seth already had an all time bad title run a few years ago, let's mix it up a bit. It's a double edged sword though. Evans winning the strap will send me into full blown internet meltdown. Fuck that. It will be interesting to see how Philly reacts to this if it is the last match.

The rest of the card looks really good. I'm hoping Usos and The Revival get some decent time to do their thing and I'm all up for a Joe WWE title run. Chuffed to see Cesaro get a singles PPV outing, although I wouldn't be against him getting squashed by Black. Smakdown women's match could be a cluster, dynamic's all over the place. I can imagine Bayley being beat down two-on-one to cheers. Is this how Sasha returns?

The Undertaker selling Shane's nonsense will be a laugh.  

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