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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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With Braverman frothing at the brain on the back benches and those left wing woke snowflakes The Supreme Court deciding that the Rwanda plan is unlawful it looks like there's going to be plenty of blue on blue fire over the coming days and weeks. I for one am here for it. 

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9 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

it looks like there's going to be plenty of blue on blue fire

You love to see the Tories infighting.  As long as Labour don't decide to shoot themselves in the foot and start their own civil war... oh.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Rishi might be in the shit with his own far-right flank. He's been in with the 1922 Committee this afternoon and was questioned about his Rwanda policy, because they didn't feel it was tough enough.  Now Jenrick has resigned as Immigration Minister because he doesn't feel the Rwanda plan is tough enough. The letters of no confidence will be flying in. 


Don't call him Rishi. I'm saying it for you Keith. ?


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14 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

A policy that was deemed illegal by the Supreme Court wasn't tough or extreme enough?

Correct. The Rwandans have said today that they will comply with all international law and only break the agreement with the UK if the UK breaks international law. The Rwandans keeping us on the straight and narrow. 

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Is this likely just more ministers gearing up for a more extreme right conservative opposition when Starmer comes in?  You've got these visible faces who're playing the standard tunes and when inevitably quality of life doesn't immediately improve under Starmer they'll be able the bleat their favourite rhetoric "vote me in for change, we understand the true cause of this issue and it's absolutely people who don't look like you, make britain great again, yadayadayada".

They've now clearly disassociated themselves from this government, they won't be losers or associated with any of the shit that's befallen this country since conservative rule began, they're voices of the suppressed white working class. Ready with their innovative new ideas for change.


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17 minutes ago, organizedkaos said:

Is this likely just more ministers gearing up for a more extreme right conservative opposition when Starmer comes in

Pretty much. Tories will lose voters to Labour and to Reform or whatever Brexit Party are called this week, so by shoring up the more right wing votes it’ll mean they’re the party for the more right wing. Labour are usually a placeholder government for when the tories are in disarray so I think we will see a more populist Trumpian style from the tories. 

That’s if they do lose the election of course. 

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18 hours ago, organizedkaos said:

Is this likely just more ministers gearing up for a more extreme right conservative opposition when Starmer comes in? 

That's what I thought, but I think we're underestimating the insanity of the hard right wing of the party.  They think that if they "solve" the migrant crisis, they can win the next election.

I mean, consider for a moment that most of these MPs in the swivel-eyed groups like ERG or New Conservatives are sitting in consituencies that will almost certainly be lost at the next election, so they are going to lose their jobs.  The party can take a longer-term view and prepare for opposition/lay a minefield for the next Labour government, but the individual MPs understandably want to do SOMETHING to save their seats rather than roll over.  It's just that they think that being more right-wing is what is needed, because they are lunatics.

I think if they lose the next election and are reduced to 100-150 seats, you could see a complete realignment of the parties.  I think the Conservative will become a Republican-style hard right-wing party, possibly containing Nigel Farage and other right-wing exiles. The Lib Dems will gain a bunch of seats and possibly end up sitting just to the right of centre if they attract wet Tory voters/politicians.  And Labour will occupy the fertile ground of the centre-left and be in power.  Or the Conservative Party will actually split completely into two parties, one of which will eventually merge with the Liberals as all smaller parties do.


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What're the Liberals doing at the moment. Are they just sitting and waiting? The danger would be whether they could be overwhelmed by batshit Tory members joining them.

If I'm understanding things correctly. The new Rwanda bill. Is an attempt to override any possible opposition via legal routes. For the likes of Braverman and Jenrick. The bill doesn't go far enough into "we don't care what anyone else says" territory. Hence Jenrick resigning as Immigration minister.

Rwanda seem to be a bit puzzled by the governments stance, and could actually make things difficult for the Government.

Certain elements of the government have their fingers in a very juicy Rwanda pie.

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But you mentioned the “Batshit” ones. If the Tory party isn’t right wing enough for them, the LibDems certainly wouldn’t be. They’d join Reform. 

Plus of course a lot of these won’t actually be MPs after the next election so they won’t be bringing votes with them if they defect after losing their seat. 

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