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Crazy Vince


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3 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Twitter thread on crazy Vince stories. Starts with the usual sneezing one but quickly escalates. This Brisco one is my favourite 


Vince likes his farts, stunning  how someone so successful can have an issue with coughing for having a lack of self control, but when it comes to farts fill your boots he loves those.

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The best thing about Vince is that the madder something sounds the more likely it is to be true. I can definitely see him trying to do one of those fart things he's heard normal people talking about and not fully understanding the concept and shitting his pants.

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If you really want to see how mad Vince is watch the episode of Swerved he's on, it's the WWE version of the prank show Punk'd.

He becomes a weird character and tries to go undercover and prank his employees, it's so bizarre it defies belief. As it goes on it becomes a lot more about enjoying what a weird cunt Vince is than the actual pranks. I'm surprised it doesn't get referenced more when talking about Vince being a nutter.

Here's some highlights but the whole thing is great.


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As I said in the Twitter thread, not letting the beard win is my favourite.

With that Brisco one, it's gets madder.  Vince took off his keks and chased Brisco around, swinging them over his head.  Triple H got Brisco but the old timer put his skills to use and got out of the hold pretty quickly before a half naked Vince could attack him with his soiled pants.

I'm convinced he was part of the inspiration for the character of Chandlers boss in Friends who smacked everyone on the arse.

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I've never seen that Swerved clip. It's fascinatingly unfunny in a real uneasy, kitsch sort of way. I had crack bugs under my skin watching it. Why was Bob Backlund there? I can't tell if he was planted or - because wrestling really is this mad - he just happened to be hanging around the lobby that day.

WWE is such an narcissistic, self enveloped theme park to itself that I bet he was just hanging around. I bet the place really looks like how it seems in Edge & Christian's show. You'll get lost, open a broom cupboard, and IRS is just there having a sandwich.

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14 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

I've never seen that Swerved clip. It's fascinatingly unfunny in a real uneasy, kitsch sort of way. I had crack bugs under my skin watching it. Why was Bob Backlund there? I can't tell if he was planted or - because wrestling really is this mad - he just happened to be hanging around the lobby that day.

WWE is such an narcissistic, self enveloped theme park to itself that I bet he was just hanging around. I bet the place really looks like how it seems in Edge & Christian's show. You'll get lost, open a broom cupboard, and IRS is just there having a sandwich.

I still reckon that skit with Road Dogg begging for a push is based on a true story.

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First time I've seen that Swerved thing, and not sure what to make of it. Is it a full on work, or are we supposed to believe that WWE's employees and visitor's to their HQ won't recognise the boss(and one of the most recognisable people in the industry) just because he has a bit of a fake beard and stomach padding?


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