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There's no way Reigns is losing the title in a chucked together fatal fourway. Which additionally means LA Knight will have failed again. Which cheers me up no end. I don't like LA Knight.

So the Elimination Chamber will probably have a number one contender's stipulation, and I think Rhodes will win that and get the title match at Wrestlemania from that. Reigns and The Rock can do their thing there. Or they'll do something really stupid and not any of this.

I don't like liking wrestling again.

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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Or they'll do something really stupid and not any of this.

I don't like liking wrestling again.

Hahaha this is too real and too relatable. You could put this on the end of a post about almost any program from any promotion at any time. It’s such a maddening hobby.

One of the podcasters I listen to went on a rant about how much he was praising a WWE storyline for referring back to an incident from six months ago. The thrust of it was that wrestling fans are said to be so demanding and never happy with any direction, but in reality the bar to impress us is so low. Give us some basic writing continuity or follow through on the direction you’ve established and we will call you a creative genius. 

Edited by JLM
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That Kross/AOP thing is a perfect example of why Kross will never be as successful as someone at WWE seems to think he will be.

The man has zero physical charisma or aura or whatever you want to call it. He's ostensibly the leader of that faction, your eyes should be drawn to him, yet even in a still image he's overshadowed by Ellering as well as Scarlett now.


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44 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

There's no way Reigns is losing the title in a chucked together fatal fourway. Which additionally means LA Knight will have failed again. Which cheers me up no end. I don't like LA Knight.

So the Elimination Chamber will probably have a number one contender's stipulation, and I think Rhodes will win that and get the title match at Wrestlemania from that. Reigns and The Rock can do their thing there. Or they'll do something really stupid and not any of this.

I don't like liking wrestling again.

Rock/Reigns on a show that starts in the US at 10am just isn't going to happen surely.

Rock/Reigns and Cody/Orton at Mania, Cody can dethrone Roman at Summerslam if they must "finish the story"

Not sure why any long title reign has to end at Mania.

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Posted (edited)

I worry, having pondered if Orton vs Gunther or even Orton vs Cena might be a goer for Mania, and slightly hoped that AJ might be paired with Rey for a “great match for the sake of having a great match” match, that the four way will intensify the Styles/Orton enmity and they will end up thrown together for Mania. Which would be the most “this didn’t need to happen at Mania again” match since Orton vs Wyatt.

1 hour ago, The King of Old School said:

Rock/Reigns and Cody/Orton at Mania, Cody can dethrone Roman at Summerslam if they must "finish the story"

The tone reads as though Cody’s story is the “can’t deviate from the plan” rubbish that pissed everyone off years ago rather than a direction plenty of people want and many of us think was wrongly postponed last year. It’s hardly pushing on with Orton vs Batista at Mania 30, is it? Although I love another parallel to holding off until a SummerSlam to pull a trigger that’s already overdue by Mania, just like they did to Roman himself.

1 hour ago, The King of Old School said:

Not sure why any long title reign has to end at Mania.

It’s not just any long title reign, is it? It’s a chance to have the big bad knocked off after the longest recognised World title reign for 36 years, crown the next “face of the company” and do it at a landmark Mania, that being 40. This is never going to come around again.

Edited by air_raid
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1 hour ago, The King of Old School said:

Rock/Reigns on a show that starts in the US at 10am just isn't going to happen surely.

Rock/Reigns and Cody/Orton at Mania, Cody can dethrone Roman at Summerslam if they must "finish the story"

Not sure why any long title reign has to end at Mania.

It's earlier than that isn't it? I'm sure I've seen it as an 11am UK start time 

So that's 6am ET/3am PT in the US

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That four way will be a great match!  The WWE has always done 4 way main events well.  I’m hoping for a Knight victory just to hear Devon’s crying from Guildford.

 Realistically though unless The Rock costs Reigns the match, this means Reigns is retaining.

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1 hour ago, Loki said:

That four way will be a great match!  The WWE has always done 4 way main events well.  I’m hoping for a Knight victory just to hear Devon’s crying from Guildford.

 Realistically though unless The Rock costs Reigns the match, this means Reigns is retaining.

I'm all aboard The Megastar train again! YEAH! 

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19 hours ago, FUM said:

Really loved that ending with Roman celebrating completely unaware of the consequences of his actions while the viewer was. A proper “take that you bastard” moment for the fan watching at home.

Reminded me of that Christmas Raw in 97 where DX twisted Slaughter’s plan to cause tension with them by pulling a fake to get the Euro title on Triple H only for Sarge to book H against Owen Hart the following week while DX were goofing in the ring

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46 minutes ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

Reminded me of that Christmas Raw in 97 where DX twisted Slaughter’s plan to cause tension with them by pulling a fake to get the Euro title on Triple H only for Sarge to book H against Owen Hart the following week while DX were goofing in the ring

Which HHH no showed so Slaughter made Michael's defend the wwf title instead. 

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6 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

Which HHH no showed so Slaughter made Michael's defend the wwf title instead. 

It was a pretty well-timed injury from Hunter ; Owen should have received his match with Shawn on telly regardless after coming back strong at the PPV, even if they did use a finish geared to moving Owen on to Hunter. A cursed feud ; Hunter was still injured when Owen finally did wrestle the Euro title (beating sub TAFKA Goldust for it), and by the rematch in Phoenix Owen had done his ankle in and definitely shouldn’t have wrestled, and then wasn’t really 100% at Mania either.

Always felt they should have done HBK vs “The Blackhart” at the Rumble rather than shunt Owen into his consolation prize feud so quickly, but the problem when you have a guy so clearly earmarked for top babyface as Steve Austin was, you can only have one. Still, Shawn vs Taker III only existed to do the Kane swerve and gets things back rolling towards Taker vs Kane. Could have achieved exactly the same by having Kane cost big brother the Rumble (half way through so as not to distract from Stone Cold) the after a few minutes dwelling on Austin’s win, cut to the fight backstage and do the coffin bonfire out in the car park or something and go off the air with exactly the same visual as they did. Would have also had the side effect and benefit of casting doubt on the result of a ludicrously obvious win for Stone Cold had Undertaker also been in the field for the Rumble. Hell, have Kane be in it too. Could have had them clear the field midpoint and Kane betray him and set him on fire at that point instead of the end of the show. For bonus comedy points the next man down, Marvelous Marc Mero gives the scrapping brothers or flaming casket a wide berth as he scuttles to the ring clearly shitting himself and not sure what to do. A hushed crowd and wrestlers alike are not sure what to do for the next few entries as the charred extinguished remains of the casket are cleared off, things coming back to life when Austin enters, show eventually goes off the air with him celebrating his big win instead. Easy.

Edited by air_raid
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I just want to sing the praises of this Smackdown main event, as a showcase for the sort of wrestling WWE do well.

All 3 guys understand exactly what's needed, how to pace offence, how to make stuff look good but keep the risk to a minimum.  AJ Styles is a perfect example of a wrestler who's adapted his style as he aged, both to allow a longer career and to adapt to the WWE main event scene.

You have brawling, with hard impact but grounded stuff on the outside, for most of the match.  Then when someone DOES fly, it gets a proper pop.  And the crowd laps all of this up, they're happy with the storytelling and aren't simply waiting for the next head drop.  I know there's a lack of diversity of match types lower down the card, but this sort of thing is great to watch.

LA Knight really does fit perfectly into the WWE top card - he works the crowd as well as anyone nowadays, and has the look and moves to look like a threat even to a gassed up Orton.

The 4 way should be an absolute cracker.

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