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The Smackers Thread


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I think it was obvious he was going for the low blow, but given the story seems to be that The USO’s are desperate to believe that Roman can return to the light, I’ve no issues with them not seeing it.

I think Roman was tremendous in that segment, I think the sharing words thing The USO’s do is a bit mid-card, but up until the low blow it was great.

I agree the beat down after that was too long, but I did enjoy the final segment.

In general, I think it was very good but there’s a danger the WWE become too aware of how good it is and drive it into the ground with over exposure. It’s the WWE’s oldest trick, to be fair.

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44 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

The post-traumatic Sami disorder is very strange. They’ve very clearly moved on.

I just think it would be really cool to come back to it next year with a Sami rumble win.

40 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:


No reason Roman can’t be doing something else come April next year.

The Rock 😎

Could see Roman/Solo at Survivor Series maybe. Solo as face for a short time before maybe a double turn there, with Heyman siding with Solo.

You could then get to Cody/Solo at Mania, I'm sure they could heat it up but right now it sounds the most underwhelming Mania main event ever.

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I don’t think Cody/Solo - if they ever do get to that - needs to be the big main event at a Mania. Even if you were to run Mania with it, you’d also have the World Heavyweight Title, Women’s Titles, whatever Roman and Brock are up to going on.

I’m coming to the point where I think ‘Roman’s reign will end’ and ‘Cody needs to win the WWE title’ don’t have to be part of the same story, and it may actually be holding everyone and everything back thinking they do.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Sometimes obvious to the fans is fine. Why would The Usos not believe he was being legitimate? Man had real tears rolling down his cheeks.

Thought the segment was excellent till then - mainly due to Roman being such an incredible promo. The brawl went on far too long though but I’ll let it slide as I can see what they were trying to achieve.

Austin Theory is shit. Grayson Waller isn’t even that good - though granted this was first match of his I’ve seen - but he can do and has everything Theory has.

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Logically and I imagine it’s the dream scenario for WWE the Bloodline ends with Roman working his way through the family and facing The Rock to end it all. It’s probably why they’re holding on to it for so long in vain hope that they can somehow make that match down the line. Ain't no way they ever get Sami that hot again. 

Edited by Mr_Danger
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I cannot get behind Solo being the one to dethrone Roman.

For me, he is the weakest link in this entire saga (although he's still great in the confines of the Bloodline story) I don't think he'll flourish as a singles performer and that would be a complete waste IMO*

It has to be Cody. 



*Based on the 10 or so times a year I watch WWE.

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10 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

By the end of the year he’ll either be GM of Smackdown or stalking The Undertakers wife.

You’re not wrong.

It’s very funny that everyone’s got hung up On the age thing… he’s in the same ballpark age wise as all the main stars, and is younger than Orton/Styles et al

 Given how over he is already, there’s very little building they’d have to do to make a success of him as a mid to upper-mid card guy. The age thing makes absolutely no sense.

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