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The Smackers Thread


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13 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I’ve read this at least 10 times and I think I’m missing something because surely your daughters 12 year old brother would be your son?

Yeah, me and my Daughters Mother are long seperated, she has a Son from a previous relationship. So technically he's my Daughters Brother isn't he? What else would he be?


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My seven year old doesn’t give a single shit about pro-wrestling, but between Logan Paul, KSI, Prime and The Rock, this is the closest he’s ever came to knowing or caring about the characters. It’s the most finger-on-the-pulse the company has felt in forever. Really tapping into that YouTube generation that communicate exclusively through memes. Get Mr. Beast in and bring back Big Match John with a new entrance that includes, “..AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!” before his music and they’ll be truly cooking.

You assume it’s KSI and Logan vs. Orton and Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania. Brilliant match up. So much better than the Logan vs. Orton singles match. Those celebrity special attraction matches always deliver. I don’t expect KSI to be as athletically gifted as Logan Paul, but the small amount we’ve seen of him suggests he’s got a great mind for the business. The neck brace stuff is classic, and that spot at Wrestlemania when he went through the table dressed in the Prime Bottle is still one of the funniest things I can remember from WWE. If we’re being honest, probably the highlight of Seth’s career, too.

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25 minutes ago, Supremo said:

You assume it’s KSI and Logan vs. Orton and Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania.

I'd assumed it was going to be a triple threat between Paul, Orton and Owens, but I'd not considered this possibility at all. If that's on the card, that could be a heck of a lot of fun. 

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It's always about this point in the run-up to Wrestlemania that you realise what a huge machine the modern WWE is.  Its cultural reach is just so vast in comparison to its competitors, and its history so deep.  Watching the company stack up the star power for this Wrestlemania, turn the handle and crank the anticipation - it's impressive.

Despite our grouching about it, they also know how to get wrestling fans on the hook.  Look at the turn around for the Rock on this forum - it was a matter of weeks ago that he was a big steroid baby with a face in the back of his head who was embarrassing himself.  Now we're calling for him to be handed the title because he has lightning in his entrance. As Danielson said.. fickle... fickle. 😛

It's undeniable though, Wrestlemania is the biggest thing going and this one is shaping up very nicely.  Also, Smackdown is the best wrestling show on tv despite Kross.  Just don't think about what it'll be like in, say, July when Rock is gone, Reigns is on hiatus, and we're having Kross v Andrade main events every week.

Edited by Loki
SuperBacon's mum, again.
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm absolutely buzzing for the huge Wrestlemania main event between superstar babyface 'Final Boss' The Rock and crybaby heel Cody Rhodes.

Imagine starting the week with that Cody Rhodes promo, and ending the week with the audience booing him and chanting for The Rock to whip Cody and make him bleed. Absolute fucking disaster in my books.

I know I'm riding this bus on my own, but The Rock's introduction into this story has ruined Wrestlemania for me completely. It's shit. The Rock may be personally entertaining at times, but he's just completely knackered the balance of all of this. 

Seth Rollins and The Rock can fuck off. Pricks. Hate it.

I know this 'final boss' thing will eventually play into the Roman Reigns/Rock feud, but the way this is all playing out they may as well have not bothered changing their plans back. Instead of shooting Cody in the head, they're just letting him slowly bleed out. 

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6 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I know this 'final boss' thing will eventually play into the Roman Reigns/Rock feud, but the way this is all playing out they may as well have not bothered changing their plans back. Instead of shooting Cody in the head, they're just letting him slowly bleed out. 

This is what I’ve been getting at when I’ve said I’d do Reigns vs Rock at SummerSlam then potentially Cody vs Rock (if that’s on the cards) at Mania 41. We still end up with Rock vs Reigns on last and overshadowing Cody, we just get it next year instead of this year.

That said… at least it looks like we’ll get Cody winning THE title at the landmark Mania and getting his run, so I’ll live with it. Even John Cena had to make do with just being on the card rather than on last at a few Manias (3 in a row in fact) during his peak title-winning years, once he’s made it to the top. Once he’d made it…. As long as Cody still makes it.

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9 minutes ago, air_raid said:

This is what I’ve been getting at when I’ve said I’d do Reigns vs Rock at SummerSlam then potentially Cody vs Rock (if that’s on the cards) at Mania 41. We still end up with Rock vs Reigns on last and overshadowing Cody, we just get it next year instead of this year.

That said… at least it looks like we’ll get Cody winning THE title at the landmark Mania and getting his run, so I’ll live with it. Even John Cena had to make do with just being on the card rather than on last at a few Manias (3 in a row in fact) during his peak title-winning years, once he’s made it to the top. Once he’d made it…. As long as Cody still makes it.

Next years fine, whatever.

It's just frustrating that for once, this year, they've told a long story that was set to peak at the right time, between a clearly defined heel and babyface who were the two biggest stars of the industry, and they've just needlessly took a massive diversion.

Chucking in The Rock who can't bring himself to be a heel without letting everyone know he's really a good egg, and Seth Rollins who has no idea what he is, is like seasoning a gourmet ice cream with lime pickle. Absolutely needless and just clashes completely with all the things that made the original proposition so exciting.

And, as much as I might not like The Rock, I accept that he's a huge megastar that eclipses everyone around him. I just don't think that was a helpful addition to a feud which was about how they'd finally found their big, clearly defined rivalry that everyone gave a shit about.


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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It's a shame if it has ruined WrestleMania for you personally as there's a lot of entertaining stuff going on and The Rock is putting in a strong shift. He's not half arsing it.

Yes there was a logical story there originally and yes it could have been a lot more straight forward but at some point the majority had to make the decision to let go of that and make the most of what we're getting now.

Fair enough if you don't want to and you want to hold on to the anger a bit but it's not going to change. We are where we are and unless you can build a time machine we're here now.

Plus knowing we could've ended up with something far worse anyway.. yeah, I think the build up we're getting now is a good effort and Mania itself should be another solid one.

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8 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Yes there was a logical story there originally and yes it could have been a lot more straight forward but at some point the majority had to make the decision to let go of that and make the most of what we're getting now.

'Make the most of what we're getting now' - the WWE brand proposition summed up as succinctly as I've seen it.

I mean, it's fine, whatever. People seem to be eating it up, and are happy to cheer The Rock and boo Cody. Good for them.

It's wrestling, it doesn't matter hugely, but I've personally gone from thinking about booking the Monday off work and watching both nights live, to now just thinking whether I'll have even have time in the week to watch it.

But, again, whatever. I'll live. If I don't watch, I'll give it a few weeks and pretend it was a moral boycott based on the McMahon scandal.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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It’s mad that they kept the belt on Roman for so long, only for his eventual loss to be completely overshadowed by The Rock. Rock vs. Cody now feels like the biggest match of all time. Roman’s the sidekick goon. They should switch Night 1 and Night 2. Main course should come last.

All because Black Adam bombed. Bet Roman is wishing he bought more tickets for that theatrical run.

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