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UK Kat Von D

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I've no issue with any lifestyle choice anyone makes. I do have an issue with people pushing thier lifestyle choices on others. That's not something all vegans do, but it is what some do. Because those who don't make a fuss can slip under the radar it's a shame it gets a bad rep from some because of a arrogant minority. 

I've only know one person who was a committed vegan, and the look of exasperation on thier face when someone else in the office started and routinely made such a song and dance about it all the time. They crumbled mighty quick though, which was a blessed relief for everyone. 

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Conversely though, how often does someone mention, usually because they're asked, they they're vegan and they are attacked and bombarded by people pushing their lifestyle choice on them.  Sadly, there are people who hear "I'm vegan" and think "Aha, challenge accepted!" then bombard them with questions trying to catch them out on a technicality. "That beer you're drinking isn't vegan, check and mate".

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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Conversely though, how often does someone mention, usually because they're asked, they they're vegan and they are attacked and bombarded by people pushing their lifestyle choice on them.  Sadly, there are people who hear "I'm vegan" and think "Aha, challenge accepted!" then bombard them with questions trying to catch them out on a technicality. "That beer you're drinking isn't vegan, check and mate".

Yeah, that's dickish behaviour. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I've not seen or heard anyone I know doing that, but I'm not surprised that there are - I can well imagine that such people take a vegan lifestyle as a challenge to their own values, when it's anything but. A different level of horrendousness, but I'd imagine the same thought process goes on in the heads of homophobes when they see gay couples or marriage, or in the heads of misogynists when they see women doing well.

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8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Conversely though, how often does someone mention, usually because they're asked, they they're vegan and they are attacked and bombarded by people pushing their lifestyle choice on them.  Sadly, there are people who hear "I'm vegan" and think "Aha, challenge accepted!" then bombard them with questions trying to catch them out on a technicality. "That beer you're drinking isn't vegan, check and mate".

It wasn't that often for them to be honest, not when I was hanging around with them at least and them being vegan wasn't really a topic of conversation for us as we talked about other stuff than the rights and wrongs of meat, but I don't doubt it happens and they are clearly cunts for doing that and should just let people get on with their own choice. 

Both sides should shut up and just be free to do what they see fit is the crux of my point, and most people on both sides do for the most part in my experience and it's a small number of cocks who spoil it. 

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1 hour ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

Pete Dunne is vegan, as is a martial artist/stuntman I used to train with. Seems to work for them.

All of British Steong Style are, I think Pete was the catalyst for that. Last time I saw Trent when I was really fucked up I offered to tattoo him and he said he wanted a pair of Vs on his hands. Gonna get a Vegan related tattoo soon myself, gonna be my first face tattoo as well 


1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

Conversely though, how often does someone mention, usually because they're asked, they they're vegan and they are attacked and bombarded by people pushing their lifestyle choice on them.  Sadly, there are people who hear "I'm vegan" and think "Aha, challenge accepted!" then bombard them with questions trying to catch them out on a technicality. "That beer you're drinking isn't vegan, check and mate".

It’s happened a lot in this thread, which is called VeganMania. I don’t understand why someone so opposed to it would enter a thread with the sole intention of claiming something is being pushed on them. 

Imagine if someone on this forum kept losing it because wrestling was being forced on them. Bonkers really 

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2 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

All of British Steong Style are, I think Pete was the catalyst for that. Last time I saw Trent when I was really fucked up I offered to tattoo him and he said he wanted a pair of Vs on his hands. Gonna get a Vegan related tattoo soon myself, gonna be my first face tattoo as well 

Just don't get it on your forehead, it'll make you look really angry

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Just now, UK Kat Von D said:

I always wear a bandana after watching Rock Of Ages, so no one would even see it if I did. Gonna get it on the side of my face under my eye 

Sounds like one of the more painful areas. Is that something you'll trust to someone else, or will you do it?

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26 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Sounds like one of the more painful areas. Is that something you'll trust to someone else, or will you do it?

It’s only little so won’t be that bad. Palm of my hand and sole of my foot were much worse than face could be. A dude who works for me who I trust has agreed to do it for me

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13 hours ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

Pete Dunne is vegan, as is a martial artist/stuntman I used to train with. Seems to work for them.

On the British Strong Style front, a fella I train with once said that he loves Moustache Mountain because you can look at both of them and think, "how the fuck does a vegan end up looking like that?"

13 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Conversely though, how often does someone mention, usually because they're asked, they they're vegan and they are attacked and bombarded by people pushing their lifestyle choice on them.  Sadly, there are people who hear "I'm vegan" and think "Aha, challenge accepted!" then bombard them with questions trying to catch them out on a technicality. "That beer you're drinking isn't vegan, check and mate".

This is very much the case - most vegans and vegetarians that I know don't go out of their way to mention it, but it's going to end up being brought up more often than if you have a more "conventional" diet. I had a team lunch yesterday, and had requested a vegan option ahead of time - so I had to let the waitress know, and that of course triggered a lot of questions from everybody else; how long have you been vegan? Why? Don't you miss cheese? And so on. 

The same thing happens if I'm at a wedding reception, or a corporate do, or whatever, where there's finger food, or any situation where I might be offered food - breakfast meetings where the boss suggests ordering in a round of bacon rolls, for example. In situations like that, you have to bring up your dietary requirements, but because you've mentioned them at all, that sticks in people's minds and sounds like you bang out about it. There are guys who drink in my local who will crack jokes about me not eating meat practically every time I see them, when it's very rare that I'll feel the need to bring it up myself - but because it's a point of difference, they remember it. And that's fine.

As I've said earlier in the thread, I encounter more people complaining that vegans never shut up about being vegan than I encounter vegans. I encounter more people banging about how great bacon is than I do people criticising meat-based diets - but that never gets framed as "ramming their lifestyle choices down our throats", because it's a cultural norm.

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The bacon thing is stupid. It's like when non-fans say "You know it's all fake, right?" when they find out you like wrestling. No, genius, I didn't know something so fundamental about something I'm passionate about.

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16 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Come on, now - you know why it was brought up. I'm not saying he's on steroids either, but the claim being made is that he can't achieve that level of build with just a vegan diet, that he had to have used steroids in conjunction with, not instead of diet and workout. David did say nutrition wasn't important, but that workout was; bear in mind that David can also be a right wind-up merchant, too.

I'm not winding anyone up, I'm asking the question that most people think when they see a guy who looks like that, be he a meat eater or not.

Here's the thing, the whole vegan bodybuilding market is very lucrative. Much like the regular bodybuilding industry, you'll have guys who claim to look how they do simply through diet and hard work, and they promise that if you put in the work you can accomplish the same.

Oh, and they can tell you exactly how they managed it...for only 90 bucks.

The majority of them are a complete swizz. You can pretty much guarantee that what they put in their paid plan is not exactly what they're doing.

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