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This needs highlighting. Lots posted in the Minor news thread but it clearly isn't.

Really dreadful stories circulating about some high profile promoters and wrestlers.

Daniel Edler:

Strangler Davis:

Tom Russon:


Latest accusation:


Edited by tiger_rick
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How many British Wrestlers have made a stand & said "The abuse within British Wrestling is wrong & i have never participated in any of it" or words to that effect?

Very few so far! & IMO for very good reason! The vast majority of them all piss in the same pot, at least to some degree & dare not risk putting a target on their backs by making any sort of hypocritical denial. 

For anyone looking for abusers of trust, i would suggest you start by looking at all those who have a lengthy involvement within the "industry" as from my own experiences, they are a lot more likely to have become "one of the boys" or whatever you want to call a culture of sleazy behaviour?

Edited by Lord-Mountevans
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Having trained at LDN for about a year in 2009/2010 I can say that Bagga was a complete cunt to myself and other trainees. Being racist and bullying/manipulating people were daily occurrences for him.

Nothing sexual ever happened or was implied however he did spend an unusual amount of time claiming that other people (including myself) were gay and would claim to have slept with a large amount of women whenever anyone joked that he was in fact gay.

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23 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Mad Eli was a nonce as well. Apparently loads of wrestlers knew it, but just laughed it off as "the mad old sod." Anyone who keeps WrestleMania XI in the cooker is definitely the Crazy World of Arthur Brown.

I visited Mad Eli's home on once. It was a strange experience! Full of ornaments & wrestling memorabilia (covered in dust) with his bed in his kitchen. I never heard the rumours about him, nor did i ever suspect anything. But he did try to cover me in badges & swear some kind of oath about being in "Mad Eli's wrestling gang"? 

He did say that he spent his entire childhood in care & had seen & been the victim of every kind of abuse you could imagine. From my limited contact with him, he came across as rather nice & not nearly as "mad" as he would lead you to believe. Not that i am saying any accusations are false, just that he only gave me the impression of a lovable old eccentric.

I did hear rumours about the rather aptly named (for it's time) Gay One Al Vipond & M.C. John Harris.

Back to today's crop of wrestlers. I was heavily involved in a promotion for six years & have to say it was full of sleazy characters,with a whole load off dodgy stories & rumours. Not nonce stuff, just grubby situations that normal people would be shocked by. I was never actively involved in such activity & for that reason,not in any clique. So I probably only got to hear about a very small percent of what went on. It was never ending, every week or two there were new whispers of shadiness.


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31 minutes ago, Lord-Mountevans said:

I did hear rumours about the rather aptly named (for it's time) Gay One Al Vipond

I've never heard any specifics about Al Vipond beyond "young boys", but he's really, really hated by the WOS generation of wrestlers. By all accounts, a real nasty piece of work.

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21 minutes ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

I've never heard any specifics about Al Vipond beyond "young boys", but he's really, really hated by the WOS generation of wrestlers. By all accounts, a real nasty piece of work.

Yeah i heard he was always on the prowl for boys. Could be wrong, but i think he died of aids?

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13 minutes ago, False Alarm! said:

Rather worryingly from what I've read, nobody really seems to have taken an issue with Bubblegum, and there does seem to be a bit of a 'no problem at all' attitude attached with it. The vast majority of wrestling fans utterly disgust me.

I would be more worried about his colleges. He was popular with his fellow wrestlers & they do tend to hunt in packs, sharing all their stories later on for the ones who "missed out".

It does disgust me,but the nature of being "in the wrestling" does tend to desensitise you to all but the very worst. There was also a really warped sense of humour that could cloud your judgement at times,too & an almost "playground" type of atmosphere at shows/training.

Will most fans have any real idea what is really going on? It is hard put across how mental the wrestling business is, unless you have lived it to some degree. Obviously the nonce stuff is very bad, but when i have tried to tell people about the day to day stuff, you start to think that people assume you exaggerate.

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Wow this is horrid. I hope they all go to the police. The messages Bubblegum sent are evidence. Over the age of 16 or not sending nude photos to anyone under 18 is a crime and at the very least he should be a registered sex offender.

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Independant Pro Wrestling is an unregulated market.

There are many cases of grown men slamming underage kids on their heads with referees in the ring who have never followed any emergency service course. Many people are unqualified. No background checks are done and every help is welcomed by promoters. It is therefor simply a dangerous place for underage kids to be around.

If you like wrestling and have kids, just go visit and enjoy the shows. Take pictures, have fun but never allow your underage kids to become more active in it than this.

Promoters should never allow underage people to be in that ring, training or backstage i.m.o. Period. You have limited life experience at 16-17 and your brains and body are far from being fully developed.

When it comes to the BGUM accusations:
Maybe he simply thought/was told she was 18 and liked her. Why is she in the business so young??

In any scenario, MrWilliams has exposed his daughter to lots of potential dangers. Why would you knowingly enroll your 16-17 year old daughter to a dangerous world (in-ring and backstage) filled with testosterone and hormones!?

Don't get me wrong here, B-GUM has some issues if he knowingly sends dick pics to a 16-17 year old. However, don't be so easy to dismiss and Judge him.

Edited by LWOLeN
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