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Star Wars Thread - Spoilers, yo.


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1 hour ago, CavemanLynn said:

a bunch of nerds in badly-coloured outfits

Yeah there's definitely a Power Rangers-esque cheapness to their outfits.

When the show started it was a fun exploration of the criminal underbelly of Star Wars which is what people wanted, they've seemingly abandoned all of that now in favour of Mandalor nonsense. I'd love for them to actually give me a reason to root for the Mandalorians. At the moment they all seem like a boring bunch of twats.

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4 hours ago, BomberPat said:

his community - but are we supposed to want that? Are we not supposed to see Mandalor as a society that's prohibitively obsessed with ritual and procedure? I just don't understand what his motivation is, or what the narrative any more is. It's just 40 minutes a week to spend pottering about in a Star War, and that's fine, I guess, but is it The Mandalorian? 

I read it this way too. I don't know if the Mandalorians are supposed to be cool. They're a very weird ultra dogmatic bunch and I feel like the show is critiquing that, along with religious indoctrination of children. The actual human interaction between Mando and Heavy Weapons guy thanking him for saving his son cut short with the weirdly stilted "This is the way", Grogu being all scared when he was getting lectured at the forge, Bo Katan sort of scoffing at the fact they all have to go and find separate spaces to eat so they can take their helmets off. I have a feeling something bad will happen with the bird foundlings too that will drive more of a wedge between them. 

Then presumably the weirdos will have plans for Grogu that Mando doesn't like and he'll have to make some decisions there. 

If none of that is what they're going for then they are failing quite hard though, yes. I also definitely agree that the show is lacking direction and I'm not really sure what the plan is. I enjoyed this one more than Dr. Clonenstein eating space ice lollies though. 

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Final episode Mando takes his helmet off, replaces it with cool sunglasses. Turns to camera. "This is MY way". Limp Bizkit plays. Jet pack outta there. Grogu reveals himself to be THE REINCARNATION OF DARTH PLAGUEIS THE WISE for the neckbeards. STAR WARS IS SAVED. 

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Thought this weeks Mando ep was pretty fun. Good action with stakes and a bit of mystery/wider world building on the side. Grogu is essentially a non-entity at the moment though. Looks like Moff Gideon will make his grand return soon, hopefully they give him a bit more to do than try to kidnap Grogu for the third season in a row.

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Really poor episode of Mando this week. Usually the bad guy of the week formula is where the show shines with big set peices and battles but this week the robot stuff was boring, Jack Black and Lizzo were awful, and the possible showdown between Mando and Bo-Katan was pissed away.
It was still better than that dull Empire episode earlier this season, mind you. One big positive was Christopher Lloyd who is always welcome to show up.

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Just in case someone, somewhere hasn't seen the Ahsoka teaser from celebration.

The bigger news in this house though is that trailer for volume 2 of Visions. Volume 1 is  my daughter's favourite Star Wars and she absolutely loves Cartoon Saloon's stuff so we're very hyped for that. Also my wife being a proper 90's teen cackled with glee at the Aardman stuff. She's a sucker for a Star Wars critter so seeing them in lovely plasticine really hit the spot.

Back to the Ahsoka teaser though, as someone who watched Rebels it's really cool to see that Filoni is continuing the stories that he established on that show. I've not minded this season of Mando, it's felt like a broadening of the canvas and frankly I quite like that it's felt daft and wobbly. I'm not really into the Andor/Rogue 1 stuff. I want my Star Wars with Silly Jet Pack People and Space Wizards, so the Filoni shows are definitely more my jam.  





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I’ve had a fun time at Star Wars Celebration over the weekend. Tons of queueing for pretty much everything, but got to watch the opening showcase with all the previews of upcoming stuff (and a properly goosebump-inducing opening video package). Got a photo with Andy Serkis and he is lovely. Indulged the Andor itch with a couple of behind the scenes panels. Possibly bought my weight in merch. And got a preview of this week’s Mandalorian episode (it’s better than last week’s). A good time was had.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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39 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

I’ve had a fun time at Star Wars Celebration over the weekend. Tons of queueing for pretty much everything, but got to watch the opening showcase with all the previews of upcoming stuff (and a properly goosebump-inducing opening video package). Got a photo with Andy Serkis and he is lovely. Indulged the Andor itch with a couple of behind the scenes panels. Possibly bought my weight in merch. And got a preview of this week’s Mandalorian episode (it’s better than last week’s). A good time was had.

Decided not to go as it seemed very expensive and busy. Really enjoyed the last one I went to though. Glad you had a good time! Andy has always been a fantastic guy. First met him in 2003. Wonderful to see the successes he's having to this day.

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Three episodes in to Kenobi (I know, it's been out for ages). Didn't think much to the first ep, but the second and third were pretty good. I found Obi Wan far too mopey in the first ep but I was very quickly put in my place by Mrs Facesitter: 

"He's sad because of what happened to his pupil! If you had someone in on work experience and built up a good relationship with them and offered them a job, but they joined another company you would feel exactly the same!" 

...She's not wrong ?

EDIT - Also, the young lass is brilliant in her role. 

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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I can't help but feel like the mandalorian has moved so far from the original premise just to serve as a link to the sequel trilogy and satisfy Filoni. It's become a live action clone wars instead of the mysterious gunslinger in space.

A much better episode this week but I just don't enjoy it as much as season 1. 

Edited by Wideload90
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10 hours ago, Wideload90 said:

I can't help but feel like the mandalorian has moved so far from the original premise just to serve as a link to the sequel trilogy and satisfy Filoni. It's become a live action clone wars instead of the mysterious gunslinger in space.

A much better episode this week but I just don't enjoy it as much as season 1. 

This is our opinion now too. Neither of us enjoying this season because The Mandolorian no longer feels like it’s own show, it’s a hub for all the other spinoffs like Boba Fett, Ahsoka, etc. 

Mando was best when he’d just rock up and get Peli Motto to babysit while he went and fucked shit up. 

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10 hours ago, Wideload90 said:

I can't help but feel like the mandalorian has moved so far from the original premise just to serve as a link to the sequel trilogy and satisfy Filoni. It's become a live action clone wars instead of the mysterious gunslinger in space.

He's become a side character in his own show.

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A fairly lacklustre series overall.

I think we've been spoilt with big surprises and reveals that left this finale being a bit flat. On one hand, I'm glad they didn't rely on returning characters, but on the other, it just didn't have that sense of urgency or drama.

That is all.

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