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UKFF Post of the Year 2016


Post of the Year 2016  

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Votes have been tallied from the Post of the Year thread, and here are the six posts that got the most nominations this year.


The posts will be spread across three posts in this thread because formatting is causing me pain and keeps crediting PowerButchi with every post for some reason!




Cannibal Man, CHEESE ON, December



I've got an uncle I secretly name 'CHEESE ON' to myself whenever I happen to either mention him or think about him owing to his years old habit, one he doesn't do at all any more, of referring to Cheese On Toast as 'CHEESE ON'. Not unusual because i've heard people refer to beans on toast as 'beans on' but the name stuck because whenever he either asked for 'CHEESE ON' or heard somebody was having 'CHEESE ON' he'd stand up and do this bizarre ritualistic dance where he'd wave his arms about like he was cupping two sets of imaginary bollocks and a running on the spot type of thing and shout out load a variation of -




Which obviously always seemed completely mental to me, but it goes back to that entire side of the family doing the exact same thing every time you expressed any sort of interest in something. Years before it all one uncle went to see the Robin Hood film with his school and when he got back instead of asking him how it was or if he enjoyed the day out his other two brothers gathered round him with my mum and grandad and all made some sarcastic mass groan that sounded like 



Until he had to leg it out of the room without saying anything. Yet similarly despite the experience, that uncle once saw me eating quiche at his dining room table and grabbed the back of my head and yelled to me



pronouncing it as 'Kwesh' the entire time and picking up handfuls of it and rubbing it into my face. That one had a particular habit of whenever he was asked to give something back once he'd nicked it and arsed about with it he'd shove it down the front of his trousers and shout that 'NOBODY CAN FUCKING HAVE IT NOW CAN THEY'. The one specific example I remember is when he had a coca cola lolly ice that I wanted a go of and instead of just saying no or some variant he did the aforementioned act and then lashed it into a football playing field we were walking past and stormed off home. He isn't my favourite uncle but he did once shag a wall during a game of charades and before giving us a clue to what it was or how many words he started shagging the wall in the room and going WHOS THIS WHOS THIS HEY and was spectacularly had off by my cousin who responded 

"well it's you shagging a wall isn't it"

Back to 'CHEESE ON' in closing though, he was always my favourite because despite being a lunatic who couldn't be trusted, as evidenced by the updates I get every few years saying he's been fired from the buses again for stealing fares, he was always given the responsibility of letting the fireworks off every year which always either resulted in the shed going on fire because he'd nailed the catherine wheel to it as if he was putting a shelf up or the time when he specifically aimed a load of rockets at Ken's greenhouse next door.




chokeout, Total Nonstop Chas & Dave, January






I'd be rocking and rolling for Impact if they used Chas and Dave. At least they've been on mainstream TV more recently than the Smashing Pumpkins (Xmas night, Channel 5).

Ask and you shall receive




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Okay, now it's not crediting anyone with the posts. I give up, you can tell who wrote them.





JNLister, Kris Travis tribute with 1000 most common words, March



There was a pretend fighter in pink who people called shooting star. He was good at pretend fighting but also could make people laugh when he did it. He was doing well in a game to see which pretend fighter could go across the sea. Then he got a very very bad thing in his stomach that made him sick. He did some real fighting and got better and even came back to do some more pretend fighting and made everyone smile. Then the bad thing came back and he had to stop pretend fighting. He tried to be strong and kept fighting for real but the bad thing won. Now people are crying, but maybe they will also remember how the shooting star made them smile and laugh. And the bad thing can kiss all of our bottoms because in the end it will lose.





Tommy!, TNA's current situation, September



Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.

Vince McMahon, smiling politely.





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Hang on, it bloody is now. Confusing.




HarmonicGenerator, scummy things in wrestling, January


I'm going to stick to on-screen stuff here. There's frankly too much that must have gone on behind the scenes that we'll never know about that will be even more reprehensible than anything we do know. The premature deaths, the effect of all the unprotected head shots with weapons, the hazings and 'ribs', the prevailing mindset of 'you go on even though you're injured, and if you get even more injured, that's your fault', the cover-ups… too much to even think about.

So I'm going with a few on-screen things. They're not individual moments, more related to attitudes, but each one has plenty of offending moments.

1) Misogyny.
The Attitude Era's the biggest culprit for this, but its effects went on for years afterwards. How long were the majority of female characters in wrestling defined by how much cock they'd had? It's excruciating to watch back and see how women were treated. There's the fact women would be physically abused by men for babyface pops (Austin beating up Lita, the Dudleys having their whole gimmick based on putting women through tables and getting pops for it, Austin stunning Stacy Keibler FOR NO FUCKING REASON), and the fact they'd be physically abused by men to get heel reactions as well. The idea of anyone beating up Mae Young or Moolah has always made me feel ill, quite frankly, and I know you can respond to that with a little "the idea of even looking at Mae Young or Moolah makes me physically ill" joke, or say "well, they were up for doing it, weren't they? So it's fine", but I don't accept that. I don't care if they were happy to do it, or that either of them were ten thousand times tougher than I'll ever be, I do not find the concept of eighty year old women being physically attacked entertaining IN ANY WAY.

And even they couldn't escape the overt sexualisation of women in that era. Want to get a pop, and you're a woman? You're going to have to take your clothes off or get your tits out. Virtually everything about women in that time was defined by, as I said, how much cock they'd had, or whose cock they were currently having. You've got the obvious examples like Sable and her hand-print bikini, Debra and her 'puppies', The Kat wanting to get naked all the time, and so many others. And these, by and large, were your babyfaces. If you had a woman who didn't want to strip or get her tits out, like Ivory, say, or Molly Holly, SHE BECAME A HEEL FOR IT!

But you've got the women who were ostensibly all about their in-ring skills. Lita, say, who I would argue got over by her wrestling, with moonsaults and Litacanranas and so on, or Jacqueline, who wasn't too shabby as a wrestler at all, or Molly again. Even they get sexualised. Lita when she was a babyface had a thong hanging out of her arse the whole time, and her biggest ever storyline was based on her being a slut. Jacqueline got her tits out how many times? And when Molly was all about wrestling, the thing they had with her was that she was a virgin (HEEL!) and had a big bum. I don't want to sound like a Shimmer-obsessed neckbeard here, and I don't want to make it sound like all female wrestlers should be boring technical wrestlers who just wrestle and nothing else (I've only watched one Shimmer show and found it quite boring, actually) but everything was about looks or sex.

And this went on long past the Attitude Era. How long did female wrestlers basically have to get a boob job to get noticed in WWE? Nidia, Shaniqua, Mickie James, Melina, Gail Kim I think, the list goes on. The Bellas, too, if I'm right. There's Serena and her nose job as well. No wonder when TNA started the Knockouts Division it was such a breath of fresh air, at least until it started focusing on Velvet Sky's arse or having Roxxi unwillingly have her head shaved for a babyface pop.

And again, you can say "well, they must have been happy to do it, or they wouldn't have done it", but that's not the fucking point. The 'Trish barking like a dog' angle has already been brought up, and that (along with the times she had to snog the face off Vince) was awful to watch then, I can only imagine how unbearably offensive it would be to watch today, and I don't care if Trish was happy with it, or if she suggested it, or whatever, I don't find women being treated like that entertaining.

You've also got the general treatment. Chris Jericho in 2001 whenever he was talking about Stephanie McMahon. The Rock, also talking about Stephanie McMahon. The language used about women in promos, both in these specific cases and generally. I know Stephanie was a heel, but come on. Jerry Lawler on commentary. The level of objectification is appalling. It's really, really appalling. Woman's a heel? She's a whore! She's a slut! She's probably a hooker! Woman's a babyface? Get your tits out, lass! And again, that went on for years afterwards - God-bothering Shawn Michaels getting a blowie off a random skank under a table at a barbecue in 2006, for example. Fucking hell.

Then you've got Bra And Panties matches. Lingerie Matches. Mud wrestling matches. Lingerie Pillowfights. People go on about the Stacy miscarriage angle. I watched New Blood Rising last week, for which I blame this forum entirely. That angle is offensive. Hideously offensive. But it came at the end of a match where she and Major Gunns (case in point) had to wrestle each other's clothes off and then jump in a mud bath for some reason. That's not as offensive, I grant you, but it's still horrendous. You can again argue "product of its time, blah blah", but that doesn't change the fact that it's so, so misogynistic, and watching it with adult eyes, I'd consider it indefensible and, more importantly, SCUMMY AS FUCK.

2) Homophobia.

Want to land a great verbal blow on your opponent? Accuse him of being gay! Everybody boo him, he's different to us! There are hundreds and hundreds of examples of the latent homophobic prevalent in wrestling, especially in the Attitude Era, but again, afterwards as well (Vince Loves Cock comes to mind, you've also got Billy & Chuck, you've got most of John Cena's raps), but there are so many during Attitude I can't even begin. I think every babyface probably used homophobia to get pops at one point or another - The Rock certainly did. The very idea of Goldust being gay provoked heel heat and, significantly, was portrayed as such, but I'm talking about the stuff in the background. The little comment you drop in your promo, the 'dick in mouth' expression you make during a match, the little jibe you make at your opponent, the little 'cock sucker' joke you might make so the audience laughs at the other guy. Basically homosexuality was an insult, and something to be ashamed of, to furiously deny, or a concept so offensive that you have to attack the guy who accused you of it. You might want to say "product of its time, redneck audience", blah blah fucking blah I don't care. To use the idea of being gay as something vile, as something to provoke you, as something inherently wrong, is dreadful, and SCUMMY AS FUCK.

3) Jingoism.

Bit more straightforward here. Are you foreign? YOU'RE A HEEL, YOU HATE AMERICA, YOU EITHER LOVE IT OR GET OUT, USA, USA, USA! You've got your tasteless angles, like Sgt Slaughter in 1991, you've got your obvious attempts to provoke the cheapest of cheap heat like Muhammad Hassan. Watch those introductory vignettes again - the guy is making a valid point about the treatment of Muslims in post-9/11 America, and his arguments make sense, and he wants to show that not all Muslims are terrorists. So he debuts and the crowd BOOS THE FUCK OUT OF HIM SO THEY TURN HIS CHARACTER INTO A TERRORIST. Horrendous. You've got the stereotypes. Fucking hell, the stereotypes. Japanese stereotypes - Kenzo Suzuki and Hiroko come to mind, but you've got Yokozuna ​even though he wasn't even Japanese. French stereotypes - I dare you to watch the Christopher Nowinski vs. Scott Steiner 'debate' from that Raw in 2003 where La Resistance interrupt, the jingoism on show there is abominable. Mexican stereotypes - the Mexicools on their lawnmowers, anyone? And so on, and so on. So they play on those stereotypes, and these Trumpian fears of FOREIGN = EVIL, not to show their young, impressionable audience that being different is okay, but so the glorious heroic 'Murican can save the day against the evil foreign Johnny, USA USA USA SCUMMY AS FUCK.

4) Straight up blatant racism.

Booker T in the run up to WrestleMania 19. Black guys coming to the ring in chains. Saba Simba. Cryme Tyme. And that's not even getting into the 70s and 80s where you didn't even have to pretend you weren't racist. And this all coming from Vince McMahon, the world's biggest fan of Bobo Brazil. SCUMMY AS FUCK.

(don't worry, I'm nearly done)


Eddie Guerrero and Brian Pillman have already been mentioned. But they are far from the only times wrestling has exploited real life deaths to … well, to do what, exactly? It's never been proven to draw, has it? And the worst thing is, they don't fucking learn from this. Paul Bearer. Jerry Lawler's mum. Reid Flair. Once again, you can claim "oh, their families were alright with it if it got on TV, so it's fine". Leaving aside the fact that arguably in the case of Reid and indisputably in the case of Pillman that that's just not fucking true, EVEN IF THEY'RE OKAY WITH IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO DO IT. I am not entertained by real life exploitation of real life people who have really died. IT'S A FICTIONAL TV SHOW, IT DOESN'T NEED TO DO THIS. (and that's leaving aside 'fictional deaths' like Big Show's dad or Katie Vick which are offensive on a whole different level.)

I could go on and on and on about how utterly awful it is that any wrestling angle should have to resort to this, the fact it gets okayed by anyone, and the fact that they don't learn from something like Pillman or Eddie and JUST STOP EXPLOITING THE DEAD. If Chris Benoit hadn't murdered his family I daresay he'd have been used in an angle within a year of his death. And it's a whole other argument to bring up continuing Over The Edge 1999 after Owen Hart died in the ring in the middle of the show, but they carried on the show after Owen Hart died in the ring in the middle of the show. I know that's not exploiting the dead, and I know that must have been a phenomenally tough decision to make, and you could argue for hours about whether it was the right thing to do, but sometimes, just sometimes it's okay for the show to not have to go on.

But using recently deceased wrestlers, or relatives of wrestlers, as mere fodder for a storyline? It's the most shameful, disgusting, sickening thing wrestling does, and sadly keeps on doing, to no benefit for anyone, and it's SCUMMY. AS. FUCK.

And like I said at the start, this is just the stuff we see on screen...





IANdrewDiceClay, Big Boss Man, March


Hard Times. Good Memories.

by @ian_stewart7


"The WWE Hall of Fame now finally has its law and order. As first reported by CBSsports.com , the newest inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame is The Big Boss Man.




I love the Big Boss Man. He’s one of my favourite wrestlers ever. His match with Hulk Hogan was my version of Austin vs Rock when I was a young lad. He was a police man, so that’s always cool when you’re 6. He was huge (a good 400 pounds on his arrival), he could move as fast as anyone, and he’d always get reactions out of my Dad saying “his punches look like he’s really belting him”. He arrived in the WWF as the bully boy heel. A rough policeman who would handcuff his opponents to the ropes, mace them in the eyes and then smack them about with his night stick. He was managed by Slick and was pals with a Akeem, to form the Twin Towers. Boss Man was thrust into the main event scene straight away, when he attacked Hulk Hogan on an edition of the Brother Love Show. Known for being one of the safest workers in the business, BBM and the former One Man Gang wrestled the Mega Powers all over the country. Fans were throwing babies at the Boss Man and Akeem at the Survivor Series, when they were both eliminated and decided to take their frustrations out on Hogan. Boss Man cuffed Hogan to the ropes and beat him senseless. Boss Man and Akeem got the upper hand on Hogan yet again in a first ever PPV Royal Rumble. They dumped Hogan out, clean as a whistle. In a bitch move, Hogan eliminated Boss Man, even though Hogan wasn’t in the match. Which still remains an injustice the WWE hasn’t cleared up yet.


ABOVE: You always knew the Boss Man was going to have a good night when he had his silver wrist band on.


What followed was a WWF title match between the Big Boss Man and Hulk Hogan on a highly watched Saturday Night’s Main Event. Still Hogan’s greatest ever match, it had a massive bump from the Boss Man from the top of the cage. Considering the ring was an NBC ring, where they didn’t want it to move so people didn’t think it was fake, it must have fucking killed. Boss Man lost, but it might have been his finest hour. Not long after this blinder, he turned babyface. In an angle on WWF Superstars, Boss Man was hired by Ted DiBiase to take back the Million Dollar Belt that Jake Roberts stole from Ted. Which was fair enough really. He was a copper, and someone had stole something. It was when the talk of money came up that the Big Man got angry “WHAT’S THIS ABOUT A PAYCHEQUE?!!!~” he yelled. That did it for the Boss Man. Off with the belt he went and gave it to Roberts. He was now a good guy and made it clear to anyone that If they ever on the off chance took a trip down to Cobb County, Georgia, it was advised that they had better read the signs and for fucks sake respect the law and order. He feuded with DiBiase in a lovely bit of WWF ham. DiBiase went to Boss Man’s home town and paid people to say things like “he beat me and my children” to drag Boss Man’s name through the mud. Once he got done with that, on request of Hulk Hogan (after they dumped Tugboat out of the main event positions), the Boss Man became the new member of Team Hogan. He was in Hulk Hogan’s corner at SummerSlam 90 (pulling double duty after refereeing a match between Roberts and Bad News Brown). In a promo I still remember to this day, without looking on youtube, Boss Man said:


“Let me you tell something Earthquake, Jimmy Hart, Dino Bravo … this is Philadelphia. Where many of the rights of our people were first formulated. But the only rights you are entitled to are the rights to be beaten into silence. The rights to have people present during that beating. And the right to a fair and impartial trial with Judge Hogan presiding”


Boss Man was the best match not involving Randy Savage at WrestleMania VII as well. In a result they got hugely wrong, Boss Man failed in his attempts to win the WWF IC title. But ended the night happy as Andre The Giant palled up with him, giving him a giant sized on screen endorsement. Next up for the man from Cobb Country was The Mountie. In probably his best feud of the early 90s, they battled it out who was “the only law and order of the World Wrestling Federation”. They had a Jail House match, which is still played on WWE On Demand as much as the Hell In A Cell from 98. Boss Man won, dragging the poor Mountie off into the NYPD jail and judging by the end angle as SummerSlam went off air, recieved a severe bumming by his cell mates. Boss Man didn’t do much until his feud with Nailz. Nailz turned up and gave Boss Man a kicking like no other.


Black and Blue – Nailz had less success when he met Boss Man in a pole match


Might not look much now, but as a 7 year old seeing the poor Boss Man given a massive hammering by jail scum was like sucking off Ernie Hudson in front of your Mam and Dad. Which was even more surprising, when one-on-one Boss Man pissed through Nailz with ease. I was watching Survivor Series 92 thinking we were going to see Mike Tyson’s harder and whiter brother, but Boss Man arsed it with no bother what so ever. That was the last of the Boss Man. He wrestled Bam Bam Bigelow at Royal Rumble 93 and did a clean job. They might as well have stuck his pink slip on his forehead as he wrestled, because it seemed like a noticeable jobbing out even without the benefit of the internet.


After losing to Doink before doing a series of jobs to Bam Bam Bigelow and Razor Ramon on the road, he was sent on loan to the USWA to help them out and because they wanted to give Boss Man a break from TV and have him return with some impact. Like they did Earthquake and the likes back in the early 90s. He'd team with Jerry Lawler or Jeff Jarrett against the Harlem Knight (the Men on a Mission), as well as working small indies in Georgia. While he was there he began negotiating with All Japan for a few tours over there, which he worked with Musawa and Kobashi the likes, to show who the superior worker was. He was only meant to be on a break from the WWF, and was set to return to the WWF in July 1993, but that got put off for some reason. All his indy bookers were ran through the WWF and the Titan Towers staff. He even did a tour of Australia where he worked with Nailz of all people, which I‘m surprised the WWF allowed. He worked for Smokey Moutain Wrestling, ECW and all the top name independents, all while under contract to the WWF. Meanwhile Boss Man had a two 3 and a quarter star matches(!!!) with Stan Hansen and Kenta Kobashi, in All Japan. So he wasn't really needing the WWF at the time. Boss Man was reinventing himself as a work rate perv in late 93.

The Boss Man was penned in to return to the WWF to referee a match between Jerry Lawler and Bret Hart after Survivor Series 93. But Lawler was serving some hard times of his own. I wonder if Boss Man was the one who alerted the authorities of Lawler's wondering eye. So that was put off. Boss Man actually returned to the WWF in December to referee the main event of a Arrowhead Pond house show between Bret Hart and Jeff Jarrett. So it was a big shock when he showed up on a WCW TV taping to wrestle Rick Rude, because WWF officials had him returning at the Royal Rumble in 94. WWF assumed they had him under contract, but after Sid and the Bulldog left WCW, they made a money play for Boss Man and they got him. Its a misconception they got rid of him in a Duke Drose/Terry Taylor-esque clearout. He got a better offer and told them where to go.


THE BOSS (as he was now known) debuted in WCW in a match with Rick Rude. Boss Man vs Rude was meant to happen 3 years prior, but Rude left. Never missing a trick on the nostalgia front, this match happened on free TV as soon as Boss Man turned up. The Boss Man even started wearing a lovely black version of his former outfit and had blinders with fellow big man Big Van Vader. Poor Ray Traylor couldn’t eat his Sugar Puffs on a morning without slipping over cease and desist letters from the WWF when he turned up as the same character. A change was made. He became The Guardian Angel, but again the WWF were on the phone telling him he can fuck off any idea of being a pillar of the community in WCW. He went to his original gimmick of Big Bubba Rodgers and he seemed settled. He didn’t seem keen on wearing the Blues Brothers shit in 1996, so he changed the character up a bit. He became a biker type character, complete with a leather hat, sunglasses, big gay studded choker, barber sheers (?) and he joined up with the Dungeon of Doom. To prove he was always up for a laugh, he shaved off Earthquakes hair and beard and the pair had a It’ll Be Funny Watching Two Fat Blokes Climb A Pole Match. Earthquake won. Big Bubba then joined the nWo in late 96. He had a match with Hugh Morris on the dreadful nWo Souled Out PPV, which was notable for the finish. Tired of the Boss Man Slam, Bubba got on a motorbike and just ran him over. And pinned him. Inventive stuff. Rogers went down with an injury and returned as RAY TRAYLOR!~ He formed the best ever short lived stable with Rick and Scott Steiner, to battle the nWo b-squad. Although Hogan actually came out one Nitro and the two had a stare down. Hogan lifted the belt and said “you want this?” Everyone who still believed in Traylor thought “ideal scenario: Hogan beats Sting at Starrcade and they build up Traylor vs Hogan for Starrcade 98”. Never happened though. Poor Ray got the chop.


He still had some friends up North. One an episode of Monday Night Raw, Vince McMahon’s head of security was revealed. Throughout the night a big man with a night stick and a ski-mask was standing by Vince’s side. This was when the WWF never brought old blokes back, so even the night stick wasn’t a hint. All my sources (Sky Text and the WWF Hotline) didn’t hint at any Boss Man related news either. No chance were they bringing back the Boss Man. When he twatted Austin and took his mask off, our whole house and everyone at school the following Monday went “ITS THE FUCKING BOSS MAN”. It was a great moment in time. I saw the Boss Man main event a show at the Telewest Arena in 1999 during this heel run. They were hanging from the rafters to see the Boss Man’s return to the UK after a 7 year wait. His run was more than memorable. He beat Mick Foley for the Hardcore title, he had a match with the Undertaker at WrestleMania, he was constantly a thorn in Steve Austin’s side and he was forever linked with Vince McMahon, whether it was with the Corporation, the Corporate Ministry or the McMahon Helmsley Faction. They just wanted Boss Man in a high profile angle. Case in point, we all remember his matches with Al Snow. Poor Al was having a spot of bother with the Boss Man at the time, so Boss Man kidnapped his dog, and as a peace offering invited him for a slap up meal. The catch was, the Dog was the meal. “Try not to get one of them paws stuck in your teeth.” Al even had a funeral for it, but Boss Man showed up and pissed on his grave sad.gif



Above: Walking that aisle.


Boss Man’s final highlight came when he feuded with the Big Show. “MAAH DADDY!! Like I’m supposed to feel sorry for that big piece of trash”. When Big Show’s Dad died of cancer, you’d be forgiven if you mistook the Boss Man for showing any sympathy. But instead, he turned the taste down a bit. He smashed up the watch Big Daddy left for his son, he wrote a lovely poem (“he lived a full life on his own terms. Soon he’ll be buried and eaten by worms”), but the one thing everyone remembers is Boss Man invading the funeral wearing his old leather jacket from the early 90s. Boss Man hooked that coffin up to his squad car and dragged the Big Show’s Dad around the funeral home. The match lasted about 4 minutes though. It was more about the angles than the matches anyway. Boss Man would disappear and return a few times over the next few years (usually to fight Austin). He worked as a trainer in OVW and other developmental leagues in 2000-2001. They seemed to send everyone down there during the Invasion angle, since there was a million guys on the roster. He formed a team with his old foe Mr. Perfect in 2002, which was a nice little Sunday Night Heat style act (and my WrestleFest team come to life). He was released from his contract in 2002, never to return. He would pop up in Japanese leagues wearing his black gear with no gloves, which was always a turn off, wrestling the likes of Freddie Kruger and Hacksaw Duggan. A TNA run on top with Jarrett was on the horizan, I'm sure.


Traylor sadly passed away on September 22, 2004 aged 41. It was a sad loss, as wrestlers and fans from the mid-80s to 2000s mourned the passing of one of wrestling’s true good guys. His memory lives on in WWE’s annual video games and action figure releases. On March the 7th, it was announced the Big Man has finally made it into the WWE Hall of Fame. Joining fellow 1992 Survivor Series team members the Road Warriors as the hasbro kings of the Hall.





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The Cheese On post is so good it should be spoiler tagged so you dont read it and damage your kidneys through laughter. Lister's Kris Travis post is both clever and lovely.


Can I just say, "IANdrewDice Clay Big Boss Man March" sounds like a charity walk which I might put on in 2017 if anyone fancies it

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Let alone a forum thing, that's quite possibly the funniest thing I think I've ever read anywhere. I must've read it 20 times and had to leave rooms to calm down on my own. I swear to god, one night I woke up at sbout 3am, and after 5 minutes it popped into my head and I had to sleep downstairs.


I'll be on the train or in a cafe and it'll just come in again and I'll start laughing to myself. It's unbelievable.

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I was sure I'd be voting CHEESE ON for this and then I saw Ian's Bossman post there (which I somehow missed at the time) and now I'm torn. Two very different posts I loved reading.


I'm going with Ian's I think just because Bossman > cheese on toast for me. Can't think of any other way to decide it.

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Cheese On will top the vote and you can't begrudge Cannibal Man the win, because it is fucking hilarious, but this place is a wrestling forum first and foremost so I voted for Ian's Boss Man post. It also happens to be hilarious in parts, but it encapsulates everything the UKFF is supposed to be all about, which is sharing our love of wrestling and all the hard times and good memories that come with it.

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