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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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I quite like the idea of Zayn and Owens against the Usos. That'd be boss. Usos are surely tag team of the year at this point.

I don't think there's anything more unsettling to watch than guys doing bumps on the top of the cell. It's terrifying. 

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Bit of a shit sandwich that. The opener was tremendous. MOTY contender for sure. Brilliant stuff between two brilliant teams. The spot with the sort of doomsday-device-cage-spear thing on Big E was amazing.

Main event was good but not great. Helps when the crowd are into it though, takes it up a notch. Falls count anywhere though, except a foot from the ropes. Loved Owens refusing to jump off the cage. Proper heel stuff. Then turning to the fans when they booed and saying "Well you fucking jump then!"

They ruined the most likeable act in the company to the point where he now has to be a heel to be relevent. Great turn though. Didn't see it in realtime. Very well done. Fair play to Shane McMahon, the crazy motherfucker.

Stuff in the middle was either uninteresting or baffling. Nakamura jobbed clean on PPV to Jinder Mahal. I just typed that and even I don't believe it.

Next time the debate comes up about which wrestling fans are the real bottom-feeding virgins, remember the people who popped for Baron Corbin winning the US Title.

I love Rusev. Always and forever. He's too good for this shit. He's The fucking Barbarian. And he's a million times better.

Edited by tiger_rick
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42 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Usos are surely tag team of the year at this point.

I was thinking about that the other day. I don't know of a wrestler in WWE who has had a better year than these two. Not sure how you'd separate them for wrestler of the year but they're up there.

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Will it ever not feel like a massive demotion, a semi-over star losing clean to bloody Jinder? I appreciate they're really giving it their all with Jinder (by 2017 standards), but a wet fart wouldn't even bother slipping out to see him. He's more Kozlov than JBL.

I watched the main event on YouTube this morn and I felt it delivered what most expected. I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing Shane kill himself with that elbow to the table.

The heel turn is exactly what Sami needs. Owens will do a good job giving him a bit of personality. He's like a wet Cesaro, right now.

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This morning was the only chance I'll have til probably Thursday to see this show, so I've watched the two Cell matches (and the Fashion Files) and skipped to the finishes for everything else.

The opener was absolutely outstanding, I loved it. So good, so inventive, great pace, just excellent all round. It'll be joining Bate vs Dunne from Chicago as one of my picks for match of the year.

Main event was a fine stunt show with a good twist at the end, in that I'm intrigued to see where they go with Sami and Owens now.

That opener though - wow! What a match!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Thinking about it, I'm cautiously optimistic about Sami as a heel, so long as they don't reduce him to being Owens' lackey.

He wasn't doing anything as a face and, as good as I think he is in that role, we just haven't really seen what he has to offer as a heel. I don't recall him ever having worked heel on the indies, and before he came to NXT he'd never really been expected to cut a decent promo, or to show facial expressions beyond the kind of cartoonish grimacing you can get away with under a mask, and I think he excelled at both of those things. He may well have a brilliant heel streak buried in there somewhere, and if he can channel real life frustrations about how he's been booked into it, it could work well.

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It is actually starting to anger me a little how much WWE cannot capitalise on the star aura that wrestlers coming from NXT to the main roster have and make it even greater, instead actually completely ruining it to the point of making what should be big stars for them [or at least as big as they can be in this era] into just another face in the crowd.
I hear all the 'Oh well WWE is a whole different animal to NXT, which is a smaller more hardcore audience' talk from WWE yet I call bullshit.

 Go back and watch the video of Nakamura's main roster debut. Sure, it was the post-WM crowd but he got a HUGE reaction and now he is stone dead. Seriously, where does he go from here? Trading wins with Rusev or something? They will NEVER get back the momentum he had.

Sami is arguably one of the most natural and likeable babyfaces they have yet they have killed him dead in the role. Same as Bayley on Raw.

I honestly fear for Asuka when she debuts. Handled correctly they could book her as the undefeated killer v Ronda Rousey at Mania and get loads of media attention. 
Instead she'll probably end up trading wins Emma and working Main Event main events with Alicia Fox.



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36 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

It is actually starting to anger me a little how much WWE cannot capitalise on the star aura that wrestlers coming from NXT to the main roster have and make it even greater, instead actually completely ruining it to the point of making what should be big stars for them [or at least as big as they can be in this era] into just another face in the crowd.
I hear all the 'Oh well WWE is a whole different animal to NXT, which is a smaller more hardcore audience' talk from WWE yet I call bullshit.

I think this is the thing they do worst at the moment. WWE being different to NXT isn't bullshit. It's absolutely true. They can't just get by on someone's reputation outside of the main roster, be that in NXT or elsewhere, with the majority of the audience. What's unforgivable is how utterly obvious that is and how little effort they've made with the likes of Zayn, Naka, Bayley, Corbin (however shit he is), Dillinger, etc to explain who they are and why they're special and to keep that up.

It's not that it never works. Owens and Styles have got over despite it. Charlotte has and Banks and Lynch have sort of. The rest have generally struggled though.

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I don't think it's as simple as introducing a wrestler and explaining who they are. Granted, it'll certainly help, but it's not going to help that much if you're still going to book Sami Zayn as an annoying shite in backstage segments where his tag team partners walk away from him as he's talking to them.

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1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

It's not that it never works. Owens and Styles have got over despite it. Charlotte has and Banks and Lynch have sort of. The rest have generally struggled though

Owens first match in the WWE was a win over John Cena, AJ Styles was never in NXT but has been known as the best wrestler in the world for the last decade, Charlotte is a Flair, they even changed her name to Charlotte Flair just to get that across at one point and Sasha and Becky have been jobber fodder since their brief title reigns came to an end.  It just seems any new roster member that  comes through NXT, Vince takes one hard look at and says “Fuck it, throw them in with Ziggler”

Corbin, Roode and Nakamura confirm this.  They better not throw Asuka in there with him too

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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1 hour ago, drkopen said:

They don't have any star aura coming from next though as not enough people watch it. 

Shinsuke Nakamura - the most charismatic performer I've ever seen live - making that entrance with a live violinist absolutely had a star aura on his debut. That they did sod all to capitalise on it is the problem.

He debuted interrupting The Miz - the perfect opponent to introduce a new top level babyface, and someone the fans will want to see Nakamura kick in the face - only to never do a thing with it, have him dick around with Dolph Ziggler, do a half-arsed job of explaining his gimmick, and then this seemingly interminably long feud with Jinder Mahal that has interested nobody. Mahal's not the kind of wrestler Shinsuke can work that well against, and you don't give someone the xenophobic evil foreigner gimmick only to have them fight another foreigner for months on end!

Contrast with Kevin Owens who, let's be honest, has very little in the way of an "aura", but had people talking because he debuted and immediately fucked up John Cena, and then was more or less consistently positioned as someone who mattered. You can't expect the audience to give a shit about a wrestler just because they're there, you have to give them a reason.

I worry about Asuka because they just can't present wrestlers who matter any more. And in NXT, Asuka could miss a couple of weeks of TV with no ill effect, had a limitless supply of opponents to tear through outside of her big matches - on the main roster, how do you keep up the "unstoppable champion" gimmick when she's only got four or five potential opponents?

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2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

I think this is the thing they do worst at the moment. WWE being different to NXT isn't bullshit. It's absolutely true.

I probably didn't explain that correctly - I didnt mean there weren't differences, just that THAT was their excuse when someone like Shinsuke or Bayley, who they have absolutely killed, do not become bigger stars than they were in NXT. Some were never destined to, like Ascension, but holy fuck some of their mishandling of wrestlers on the main roster has been atrocious.

You explained it far better than I did to be fair. :)

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I'm not sure how to feel about that show. Rick described it best as a "shit sandwich." Everything I expected to enjoy, I did. The stuff I had no interest in ended up proving to me why I didn't care about it. 

The opener was fantastic. I loved it. These five have great chemistry and have stolen the show everytime they go out there together. 

The main event was carnage, with some huge bumps and stunts, as well as being genuinely scary when they were exchanging moves on top of the cell. Fair play to both men.

The show however felt really long.

The U.S Title, WWE title and Ziggler vs Roode all ranged from boring to bad. I expected that to be the case though so they didn't disappoint. Rusev vs Orton was fine, with a lovely finish. I think the two of them are capable of much more than that together, but they aren't in the kind of spot for that to be the expectation. 

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