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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Without looking I thought Vince took the fall? Don't forget the Backlash 2001 HHH Austin vs Taker Kane match. That one had predated Kane would take the IC Undertaker WWE if they won. They predictably didn't


This isn't correct. If HHH or Austin were pinned, they would lose their respective title to whoever pinned them. So if Kane pinned Austin, Kane would've won the WWF Championship and Taker would've left with just his own Tag Team Championship.

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Kevin Owens isn't defending that title at WrestleMania, is he? I can't see past Reigns defending against Balor, to be honest. And if so, Roman's taking the title either tonight or at the Rumble. Whoever wins tonight, I think the Rumble title match will be a triple threat between Reigns, Owens and Jericho.

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Yeah I'm with the two of you on that one. Balor v Roman is bound to be The Universal title match. The only way I could see Owens defending the title is if it was against Jericho, but they have started the break up now and I don't think they can keep it going until April.


They could backtrack on the break-up between Owens and Jericho, by having them beat The New Day for the belts to try and keep them together and then do the break up officially when they lose the tag titles. But even though that might drag the KO/Jericho match out until Mania, they won't be able to keep the title on him until then for that to be the title match.

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KOTR 2000: Vince goes for the People's Elbow on Rock, who gets up and gives him a Rock Bottom for the pin and the belt.


If Balor's fit for Rumble time I could see him maybe winning it to set up a match against Owens at Mania, but can they run with Owens as champ until then?

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I watched this year's rumble last night and when Owens comes out, limping from the match earlier with his music playing he looked like a proper hard, do anything to win, fuck my body sort of bloke that would have been great with the main belt.


Fucked that up didn't they.

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world championship defended in tag match is very WCW.


The set up for this stipulation made sense though, as the idea was that Rock, Taker & Kane all wanted to be champion, so they wouldn't stay on same page as they all wanted to get the pinfall. Think they started attacking each other for that reason.

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I watched this year's rumble last night and when Owens comes out, limping from the match earlier with his music playing he looked like a proper hard, do anything to win, fuck my body sort of bloke that would have been great with the main belt.


Fucked that up didn't they.

Didn't he also stop selling the second he got in the ring

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I watched this year's rumble last night and when Owens comes out, limping from the match earlier with his music playing he looked like a proper hard, do anything to win, fuck my body sort of bloke that would have been great with the main belt.


Fucked that up didn't they.

Didn't he also stop selling the second he got in the ring


Yes. he looked a proper plank.

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I only realised this was on because I went on the Network to watch an old Raw this morning.


I wathen the Iron man match which I enjoyed. It never really got going and the crowd weren't bothered at all but I liked their work. It felt real and built nicely. The crowd should have been creaming themselves for Sasha to hang on at the end but just weren't into it.


Sasha always comes out of their PPV matches looking like a loser. This one particularly because she made the challenge and there is no re-match.


Tag title match was refreshing. Sure that will please everyone. The ending to the Zayn/Strowman match was so anticlimatic. Horrible concept.


Pretty shit finish to the main event too. Be OK in isolation but it's the third cop out finish on "PPV" of Owens reign. It's building Jericho but it's killed Owens and any interest in Reigns and Rollins challenging has gone too. Pretty terrible scene currently.

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