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Things you got rid of which are now worth £££


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I read an article online a few days ago about Pokemon Cards in which one I own is apparently worth quite a bit of money now, I've been looking for my plastic card sleeve which held all the better cards ever since(pretty sure it's at my parents house).


I also owned the original Star Wars figures which I ended up giving away to my nephew who then went on to flog them at a car boot for pennies.


Is there any old rubbish you gave away/threw out down the years that has become valuable?

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My sister used to work in McDonald's and I had loads of happy meal toys. The ones that were food items that turned into monsters are worth a decent amount now, even loose. I must have had 20 of them still in bags but my mum gave them to a jumble sale when I was about 10.

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Yeah, Happy Meal or cereal box toys must be a good shout for this thread. Everyone will have collected shitloads of these as a kid. Obviously because they were just shitty, disposable toys few will have wanted to keep them for long or really look after them, but certain ones are now considered to be highly collectable.


My big regret is flogging my entire He-Man collection at a boot sale when I was still a kid, although they aren't actually worth much today.

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Being a child of the 80s I have thrown away countless amounts of money by selling stuff at boot fairs or giving toys to younger relations.


So I will start with he man. I had most of the figures and castle gray skull. Never got snake mountain mind


Star Wars was all g1 baby. No muscles here! Had snow speeders and X wing no at at.


Transformers again all g1 I didn't have many until my older cousin dropped some off one summer... Every dinobot but swoop.


I don't want to even think about how much it would all be worth now.

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Its a case of where to start for me!


Transformers generation 1 figures along with a good sized collection of the comics - they go for a decent amount, although slightly less these days as they are available on Ereaders and the like.


I am also into my retro gaming magazines, I still have my Total! Nintendo Magazines, along with some Edge magazines from the 1990's but I am gutted I got rid of my Sega Mega magazine collection as they are far to expensive to replace. Ultimate Future Games Magazine is another magazine that I had but, got rid off and very rarely do you see them pop up on eBay.


I had a few of those Happy Meal food toys that transformed. I think they may be still at my Mum and Dads.

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I think the closest I might have to anything of worth might be old PS games and the like, but not sure how 'rare' they are in this modern age. I know Final Fantasy 7 is meant to be a hard to get game and I still have that amongst tons of other games.


Failing that I collect coins so although some may not be worth much now, I think its possible they will do in years to come. 

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My problem is I never get rid of anything, just in case it turns out to be worth £££, but what I'm probably left with is a load of stuff that's not even worth ppp. Is scanning eBay the best place to find out whether it's actually worth anything? My Pogs are surely in the hundreds of pounds now. And my World Cup 98 commemorative coin things from Sainsburys. And...

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Re Pokemon cards, I still follow Pokemon a bit (one of my nerdy hobbies) and I know for the most part, cards from the late 90's aren't worth as much as people think they are. There are a few limited edition cards that are worth a lot but chances are, you didn't have them in the first place. As for shiny Charizards and the other cards we were all familiar with, they don't command a huge amount. Once you take inflation into account and the fact that you wouldn't have been able to play with them when you were younger (they need to be mint condition obv), it's difficult to imagine they'd be worth looking after for 15 years to make a tenner or £20 from.


Sealed booster packs (and definitely sealed booster boxes) can get a decent amount of money. Booster boxes were the boxes shops would have bought in bulk with 36 (I think) packs of boosters in, so again, you're not likely to have ever bought any. Mint condition/sealed booster boxes might get £1,000 or so, and I don't think there'll be that many of them left still unopened. A lot of YouTubers are opening them for views~ (workrate term for vlogers) which will mean there'll be ever fewer of them still unopened a few years from now, which will bump the prices up a fair amount. I wouldn't be surprised if the booster boxes are nearer £2,000 within the next 5 years because of it.

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Look at sold listings on ebay, it's the best way to find out what something is worth. There are always active listings at unrealistically high prices, looking at the sold ones only shows what people are really willing to pay.


I'm into vintage toys (and I still consider wrestling the most embarrassing thing I like) and I've made some great profits buying your old shit at bootsales and charity shops and sticking it on ebay.

It's not all worth as much as you think though and 90% of figures from the 80s and 90s aren't worth more than a fiver unless they're something special or are in great nick with all their accessories. A whole set of transforming Happy Meal toys only goes for about a tenner on ebay so you don't have to call your mum and shout at her for throwing them away.

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Spent a lot of time on ebay buying and selling loose Star Wars figures back in the day. Made good profit but wish i had some of the '77's-mid 80's to coincide with when the market went nuts for The Force Awakens. Market has settled back down for now until Rogue One comes out. As it goes I've still got about 150 mint carded 95-96 era figs and a shit load of rarities.

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My Dad, the fucking pleb, let a 2 year old me loose on die cast metal Matchbox versions of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Batmobile and Aston Martin DB7 with working front torpedoes. Each worth a couple of Gs last time I looked.


What a numpty.


Re: Happy Meal Toys, only full collections are really worth anything significant.

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