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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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Yeah it came across that way. The only way out of that is that hes cleverer than he looks and was planted seeds for a future feud, but I dont think it was that kinda talk.

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It really bugs me when they call it a "podcast".   When Austin does it, its on the understanding that the audio will be used for a future podcast (i.e. something that you download and listen too) but Foley doesn't even have his own podcast does he?   Why don't they just call it an interview?  


That whinge out of the way, I thought it was interesting.    I do wonder how much real stroke Shane's got at the moment, aside from the backstage stuff on the last Nitro, you don't really hear much about what he did/does behind the camera.    

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No, but the common definition is that it's something you can subscribe to and automatically download when a new episode is released, which isn't the case here.

That's how they're commonly distributed but the definition of a podcast, audio or video, is that it's distributed digitally. That's what this is.

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i think they should bring back byte this and have kevin owens as the host, anyways since i got that out the way, i actually enjoyed the interview last night


anybody got the network on their smart tv and is having issues with it? mine seems to load to a black screen and just pauses for a few mins.

Edited by buba3d
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That whinge out of the way, I thought it was interesting. I do wonder how much real stroke Shane's got at the moment, aside from the backstage stuff on the last Nitro, you don't really hear much about what he did/does behind the camera.

He was in charge of the web division at one point. He was often the man for sorting out celebrity involvement and looking after celebs. And he used to get laughed out of creative meetings for ideas that were too bad even for wrestling. I'd love to hear what some of his suggestions were.

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Aye, for all the shite Stephanie got and still gets, Shane was apparently like some subpar Russo-type. So bad Vince decided in the end to give his daughter and son-in-law the real power positions, over his first born and only son.


Although, unlike Stephanie, most people seem to think Shane is a decent person.


The Foley podcast was alright (there was a Jim Norton story, after all), but Foley's insecurities very nearly derailed the whole thing. As always, the parts about Vince were the most fascinating.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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