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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Probably a typical smark comment this, but I'd have an hour hype show with analysis (like they do on the Network), more sit down interviews directly followed by two hours of wrestling and in ring, backstage segments. Have it all move at a break neck speed and don't be afraid to be edgy. Doesn't have to be gratuitous, but you need to look at what else is on TV at the same the Raw 2nd and 3rd hours are on.


Behind the scenes assign specific members of the creative teams to specific characters, I feel this would allow for real character development and would hopefully bring out more conviction from the wrestlers in question.

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If they do insist on keeping a three hour show, I'd rather they broke it up with promos like that Zayn/Owens one etc. I know it'd suck for the live crowds, but they're invaluable in actually giving people reasons to care.


WWE have always done some of the best video packages in the industry and there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be doing more of it.

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Honestly, they can't be that surprised with this.


The casual fan doesn't have a clue who Gallows and Anderson are, they're the crux of the main story, and other than "they're AJ's friends from Japan", it isn't something that can carry the show on it's own.


They told everyone that cared enough to watch Mania that of the current crew, only Reigns matters. The TV hasn't been bad at all, but if they are looking at this as a rebuilding period, then they need to work on this for another month or so and actually book guys consistently well to seriously get over. Raw was promising in putting all the ducks in a row, but it'll take time. Austin was the focus as a babyface for almost a year before the overall ratings showed a major difference.

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. Austin was the focus as a babyface for almost a year before the overall ratings showed a major difference.

I'm not really sure what you are saying here Liam, Reigns has been the focus for over 2 years, people have rejected him, it isn't a work in progress anymore, like "let's see how it goes", it's gone, and the public have said no, he's been rejected in every market they have ran. How much more time do the WWE and Reigns need, at some point you have to chuck your hands up in the air and say we gave it our best shot (they haven't, he's been booked atrociously at times) and move on with something else.

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I don't think anyone should be panicking just yet. The rating will be back up next week providing neill is brills prediction doesn't happen....


Given that the kids are still tuning in for Roman (and incidently what a bunch of cunts for booing the hell out of this guy for making those kids Make a Wish come true - the main reason I dont hate Cena anymore) I'm wondering more if this is proof that AJ is not a draw. Only the likes of that fat redneck from the Edge & Christian show are tuning in for him and it's his demographic that suffered the most. Go figure.... I don't think Styles is a patch on the entertainment of what he was in TNA for anyone saying none of that was ever worth watching.  Putting him in the ring with the likes of Sheamus for 15 minutes really exposes him for what he's become in my opinion. Sure he can have a great match with Joe or Neville and may even get something out of Apollo Crews but that very much is his future as i see it....

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Just remember that when you say "This show has to be two hours" you sound exactly like Vince Russo in 1999. Look how that worked out.


Three hours is a contributory factor but it's not the problem. The problem is the lack of stars on the roster. On Monday night there wasn't a single wrestler on the show with a record of drawing money. Chris Jericho is the closest.


They've been telling the audience for three years that the real star come out at WrestleMania while the number of stars on the regular roster dwindled almost month on month. There's no Cena at the mo, no Orton, HHH, Punk, Bryan, Undertaker, Batista, Edge, etc. name after name gone and if we're being fair, numbers have dwindled for years even with those guys working full time.


The only choice they've got now is to keep going with these current guys. Keep telling the audience they are stars until they believe they are. Liam's 1997 comparison is a good one. They didn't worry about low ratings, they just kept booking compelling TV and making their next generation guys like Austin, Foley, The Rock and Mankind look cool and edgy and new. They've got to tread that path again and it's harder now because there's no Taker, HBK or Bret to carry the load. There is no quick fix.


That's not to say you don't do anything. I'd still turn Roman and have him carry the title as a superhero-douche until WM.

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Remember, they've advertised John Cena's proper return for this Monday.


Given the current state of things, I'd be surprised if they let him piss about with the US title again.


I wouldn't be surprised if they jumped straight in with a Cena/Reigns feud.

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I very much enjoyed watching Anderson and Gallows this week. They looked a good fit and their music was good. Sounds like it could be a grower.


Its just a shame that the main event result is pretty much predictable. The only thing of intrigue is how he loses and not if he can win.

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. Austin was the focus as a babyface for almost a year before the overall ratings showed a major difference.

I'm not really sure what you are saying here Liam, Reigns has been the focus for over 2 years, people have rejected him, it isn't a work in progress anymore, like "let's see how it goes", it's gone, and the public have said no, he's been rejected in every market they have ran. How much more time do the WWE and Reigns need, at some point you have to chuck your hands up in the air and say we gave it our best shot (they haven't, he's been booked atrociously at times) and move on with something else.

Oh I agree completely on Reigns - What I'm talking about is with the guys they want to elevate up there with him. Reigns isnt getting over big in this incarnation, but they can't have four weeks of patience to hope Owens, Zayn, Styles, Anderson, Gallows, etc...can hack it if they want to build the show on their backs. Its going to take longer to get the casuals to buy this crew when the only person WWE told them was important at Mania was Roman. Even the biggest draw ever took time.

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Remember, they've advertised John Cena's proper return for this Monday.




No he returns on Memorial Day which is on May 30th.



Yeah, that confused me. I had to Google it because I haven't got a clue when Memorial Day is, and they didn't give a date.




. Austin was the focus as a babyface for almost a year before the overall ratings showed a major difference.

I'm not really sure what you are saying here Liam, Reigns has been the focus for over 2 years



He really hasn't. The focus shifted onto him around last January when they had him win the Rumble, and then beat Bryan at Fast Lane, but then they shit the bed with him at Mania and he wasn't thrust into the fans as much for a bit. That focus lasted all of three months.


Later in the year they chucked him back to the top of the card (after Sting and Rollins were injured, not to mention Cena too), so he's probably been THE focus for about 6 months now.


I mean, everyone knew he was going to be THE main focus of WWE going forward, so perhaps that in a way also made him the focus? Oh I don't know.

Edited by PunkStep
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