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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm talking from the point of view of vince here and his obsession with a particular look. When I say in spite of, I mean that they were significantly over or talented enough that not conforming to Vinces ideal look wasn't enough to keep them down. There's a reason Roman Reigns is the guy and Dean Ambrose isn't and a reason Randy Orton didn't get fired all those times that 95% of the roster would have.


I think it's stupid that they focus so heavily on finding the look but, unfortunately, it's what they seem to value most.

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I think I see what you mean. Makes sense for the 80s, when the mullet and the perm ruled. Not sure he took the same catch-all view in the 90s though. He seemed like he wanted to push Johnson, for example.

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All I'm saying is that I believe two of the reasons that he doesn't push Cesaro is because of his foreign accent and that he he has the non fully shaved bald look. There is nothing about Cesaro that says money.


Ahmed, while fucking horrendous, was massive and Vince loves that.


Billy Graham was before Vince anyway, but he was an amazing talker with a massive roid physique.


D Lo was a midcarder so that doesn't count.


Hogan was enormous and super charismatic.


Don't know who you mean by Anderson? Arn? Arn wasn't really bald and he wasn't a main eventer. Unless you think Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase were main eventers. Arn, while fantastic, was a mid card member of a team that backs up the main eventer.


Austin is self explanatory.


I'm not saying he won't push bald people. That would be mental. I'm just saying that I think to Vince it might be a negative. Cesaro has nothing going for him that Vince likes. Nothing at all. And I think being bald is just part of it. And I like Cesaro.

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I fucking hadn't. Miss that glorious adonis, easily in their 5 best workers available on both rosters. I'd say in no particular order Cena, Lesnar, Nakamura, Styles, Cesaro. He can/could be a superb long-term upper-midcarder, if only they still knew how to keep the emphasis on 'upper'. He should be at least be on every PPV card as 99% of the time he goes out there and steals the show.

Anyone want to bet a literal, physical fiver his comeback pop is bigger than Orton's? Obviously it'll depend on when, where & how but I'm feeling optimistic.

Edited by sj5522
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Getting rid of that fucking siren would get a big pop in and of itself.


I'm beginning to think Reigns's push is just a big joke to annoy people that can't stop watching. The discussion is over. He's as charismatic as a teaspoon. His delivery is a sack of soggy dicks. Sure, he can wrestle a bit, but who cares? There's nothing interesting or compelling about his character. 18 months as the heir apparent to Cena, some fucking coronation Wrestlemania's gonna be. Wank pheasant 4 life.

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I assume WWE only printed about 10 of those Y2AJ tshirts, seen as it seems to be dead already. I can maybe stomach one more AJ/Jericho match, but it has to be done after that.


Suprised to see Sami Zayn turn up also, was sure he was going to be the big NXT call up on the post-Mania RAW. Looks like we could maybe get Owens v Zayn at Wrestlemania afterall

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Not only am I a bajillion more times invested in Dean Ambrose's titles push then I am Roman's, when Bray stared down Triple H I thought 'fucking hell, I'm even more interested in this than I am HHH/Reigns.'


Easily the most uninspiring Wrestlemania main event in ages.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Not only am I a bajillion more times invested in Dean Ambrose's titles push then I am Roman's, when Bray stared down Triple H I thought 'fucking hell, I'm even more interested in this than I am HHH/Reigns.'


Easily the most uninspiring Wrestlemania main event in ages.

It's hard to work out how they managed to fuck this up. Reigns/Trips should be money in the bank. They've got about two years of build on and off to work with. They've got The Shield destroying Evolution, Trips paying Rollins to turn on Roman, months of Trips' boy destroying Roman's opportunities, the moment Reigns snapped and destroyed HHH, the Sheamus retribution and the eventual title switch. It writes itself. They've easily got six weeks of highlight packages, sit down interviews, talking heads and then finally, face to face. How is it possible to ruin it to the extent where you've got to build a show just to keep the champion occupied so you can pretend the challenger doesn't exist.


I also enjoyed Wyatt's little hint. For such a potentially brilliant character, they've fucked him up too to the point where there's no interest in anything he does. An interest in the title does give him a little bit of focus that maybe we can get behind.


Quite enjoyed the McMahon's bit at the start until Super Shane turned up to beat up the four Supermarket security guards they'd hired. Fair play to whoever put that video package on Shane together. Made him look like the love child of Steve Austin and John Cena. Top conning.

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Not only am I a bajillion more times invested in Dean Ambrose's titles push then I am Roman's, when Bray stared down Triple H I thought 'fucking hell, I'm even more interested in this than I am HHH/Reigns.'


Easily the most uninspiring Wrestlemania main event in ages.

It's hard to work out how they managed to fuck this up. Reigns/Trips should be money in the bank.


To be fair 'they' haven't. WWE have done absolutely everything in their power to get Roman over. All the things you have mentioned show that ...I mean what more could they possible do? It shows that booking will only take you a guy so far. At some point the talent has to then make the most of the opportunity just like Cena and Bryan did. Reigns just hasn't got it in him. Other guys would be ridiculously over by now they even had a quarter of the opportunities that Roman has had. Never mind the comparison to Diesel, Reigns is this era's Test.

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Not only am I a bajillion more times invested in Dean Ambrose's titles push then I am Roman's, when Bray stared down Triple H I thought 'fucking hell, I'm even more interested in this than I am HHH/Reigns.'


Easily the most uninspiring Wrestlemania main event in ages.

It's hard to work out how they managed to fuck this up. Reigns/Trips should be money in the bank.


To be fair 'they' haven't. WWE have done absolutely everything in their power to get Roman over. All the things you have mentioned show that ...I mean what more could they possible do? It shows that booking will only take you a guy so far. At some point the talent has to then make the most of the opportunity just like Cena and Bryan did. Reigns just hasn't got it in him. Other guys would be ridiculously over by now they even had a quarter of the opportunities that Roman has had. Never mind the comparison to Diesel, Reigns is this era's Test.



I think the problem hasn't been what more could they have done but what they shouldn't have done. Reigns should never have been booked to be John Cena. He's not a terrible promo but he's nowhere near a good one so he should never have been exposed by having to attempt Cena-humour or Cena-Jackanory. He should never have been booked to sell for 15 minutes for Big Show and Kane every week. He shouldn't be booked as a superhero who saves the day one week and a cunt who leaves his "family" to get the shit kicked out of him the next. He shouldn't have been booked to lose title match after title match. The list goes on and on.


I'll hold my hands up too, I didn't have a problem with the Royal Rumble but everyone who said he looked a fucking idiot has been proven spot on. I was wrong. Going into the Rumble, he was getting decent reactions standing up to Vinny Mac, his title win over Sheamus was popular and it looked like they might have salvaged something. And since the RR, it's been worse than ever.

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It also isn't helping that they're constantly putting him in matches with people much more popular than him.  He was cheered against Sheamus partly because he looked like a badass beating the shit out of everyone, but also because people don't like Sheamus.  Since then he's been up against AJ Styles in his debut match, Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar at Fast Lane, and now NXT-Triple H at Wrestlemania.  It's madness.

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To be fair 'they' haven't. WWE have done absolutely everything in their power to get Roman over.


They've cut his balls off repeatedly. Having decided to make him the next top guy, they had him win a Royal Rumble then pussied out of having him beat Lesnar when the whole point of Lesnar ending The Streak was to make him look the monumental deal for Roman to beat. Over the months of the Rollins reign he had a multi-man shot at the title he didn't win, much like the previous summer in Money In The Bank. Then they put him into Survivor Series' tournament and while he won the belt, he still ended the night a loser. He was a loser again at TLC. Then after finally taking the belt back from Sheamus, mere weeks later Triple H outsmarted him in the Rumble and he was made to look a loser again.


There's only so many times you can tell your audience that someone's a loser before they believe you.

Edited by air_raid
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I thought it was mostly a good Raw. Ambrose is so obviously the man, and so obviously never going to get that spot, but it's fun to see him be used to make HHH the villain so that Roman won't get booed. (He will).


The Owens vs Neville, and New Day vs Jericho & Styles matches were great, and I loved the post-match in both.


I also loved Vince calling The Undertaker "The Under".

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