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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm up late usually anyway so I'll often put at least the first hour or two on out of curiosity.


It's a bad habit that they're slowly breaking me out of, not that I'll actually sleep instead - last night I gave up and stuck Jessica Jones on.

Edited by Benno
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It is so easy to FFWD so much stuff on RAW, even at the end there was nothing new or interesting. I was hoping when the Wyatts came out to confront the LON that was the new direction and a change of things but not to be.


There is just not enough content to be able to put on 3 hours every week, even 2 hours is pushing it. I thought it was better to have people demanding more than to think thank f**k that is over as the 3rd hour drags on.


Every new decent star from Wade Barratt/Nexus through Ryback, Rusev and Kevin Owens has been ruined , all of them could have been main event status but had to give the loss back to Cena and now 50/50 booked all the time. Until they stop this the rot continues. 

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I went back to watching Raw the past couple of weeks, and I've realized that I've been duping myself — I've woke up the next day thinking "that show was alright," but now I've realized that I'd twice been sidetracked away from watching hour three by something weird happening* — the result of this is that I see the relative cream of the show, and then record the last 1/3, only to delete it later that week.


*this week, it was a massive explosion noise three blocks away that turned out to be a building shedding 100 square feet of bricks from the 34th floor facade, and raining them down on the street

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I've only watched the opening match so far, but never has it been so glaring what a mess they're in. The amount of talent in those four teams of four is ridiculous. It's absolutely criminal that there's not a genuine main event star amongst them.


The mid card era.

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I just saw The Rosebush. I liked it again, purely for the fact the material is dogshit but you can clearly see Adam Rose trying his damndest. It also seems totally a 'Vince hates so and so, write mean jokes. He won't shout at us'.

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This was my first RAW since Survivor Series, so I don't know how long it's been going on for, but The Rosebush was probably my favourite part of the show! Just someone doing something other than having another fucking match. Heaven.


It's a cute idea for a character too, a sort of TMZ/Perez Hilton gossip reporter dickhead. Of course, it'll likely go nowhere and nothing will come of it, but as is often the case it's not a bad lower to mid-card character if they actually come up with some fun ideas.

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The League of Nations is a good idea, just as is most of WWE's good ideas of late, shite in execution. Three of the four have scraps, apart from the opening four team match, and none of their mates come and help them? It's mind blowing at times how daft the writing can be.


Also is Charlotte a babyface or heel or what? The only thing I do know about her, is she's Ric Flair's daughter. Still. After all this diva revolution bollocks, that is all she still is. She's not her own character. She's just a caricature of her arl fella. And a bad one at that.

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I haven't watched RAW consistently in years. The issues I find are:


1. Everyone is the same - we don't have characters anymore. Generic promos, generic ring gear with next to no personality. Funk, Flair, Piper, Austin, Rock they were believable because most of the time it was them turned way up. I don't care how good you are if you are playing a role not living it...


2. Matches are meaningless - there is no consequence to matches. Feuds are no longer 3 months + with a clear reason and build. At least have reasons... Advancing to title matches, rankings etc. 50-50 booking kills my interest.


3. Psychology - the movez have never been better. But nobody knows how to tell a story anymore. Every move should mean something yet the abundance of finisher kick outs leaves me cold


4. Heat - I genuinely believe Austin hated McMahon, Savage hated Flair and Piper hated Hogan. Nowadays there is no passion, no hatred... They are mates that pretend to dislike each other...


5. Unpredictability - there is none.

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Tommy Dreamer pinning Wyatts in 2015. You couldn't make this shit up.


Is the idea at this point to just fuck so many people off that there is only Reigns fans left? It's hillarious. Son. Son son son. Son.


"Vince is going to make money despite himself".


Can almost imagine him doubling over during the tator tot stuff, and all. They've just lost it. Raw has become it's own B show.

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I don't think psychology is lacking at the moment because they can't do it, it's because everyone is competing against eachother to have a certain style of match. They should be putting out a better variety of match but so many people are wrestling the same. Remember that divas match years ago that everyone raved about because it was all based around a headlock? That was cool

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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Roman Reigns is pretty much dead in the water isn't he?




[insert any person on the roster] is pretty much dead in the water isn't he?



True, but most of the rest of them didn't have superstar potential.


I liked the Adam Rose segment again. Wasn't as good but it was different.

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