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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Thought it was a decent Raw. A few naff bits but a lot went on and there was a lot of development. There's no forgiving that Cena win though, I usually don't care much about the whole Super Cena thing but being already injured, taking a pre-match brutal kicking with chairs and steps, wrestling with literally one arm and taking three of Sandow's top moves and still winning is fucking shocking.

I'd have rather they didn't do the match at all, it was just there to either make Sandow look shitter or Cena look good which he hasn't needed for about half a decade.

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By the look on Reign's face he's gonna squash the two little blokes and send them back to NXT. They've become such an important part of the show. The drop in quality will be massive without them.

They've well peaked as an act. How many times do you have to see all those six man tags and tag matches featuring the same people. Its time to split them up and actually try and create some stars out of the potential all three have. Its time to get out of them Big Boss Man outfits as well. Reigns is a big time act if they get it right with him. His upside is huge in terms of his look, background, family and everything else. Dean Ambrose should be set free and get some singles time and he could be up there. He's excellent on the microphone and a good worker. And Rollins in the best out of the three of them in the ring. And if you are going to try and reboot the Wyatt's the other trio needs to take a step back. Also, Ambrose is taller than Reigns by an inch. And Rollins is over 6 foot as well. Hardly "little blokes".


As far as Raw goes, the bits I saw of it I liked. Kane vs Daniel Bryan is probably happening, if that Stephanie thing (and the Wyatt's beat down) is anything to go by. And Kane is usually the test for any big star. If you can come out of a feud with Kane with any value left, you should be on your way. Kane just says "massively shit feud coming up" when he gets involved in anything as a heel. I didn't mind the Cena thing, even though I see everyone tearing their hair out about it. I cant say I'm one for thinking Damien Sandow should be walking around with the belt. He's a pure comedy act. And a good one, but he shouldn't have had the case in the first place.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Not seen it, but READ like a good show. Looking forward to catching the highlights.


Anyone else thinking that Sandow still has the original blue case and might still win the World Title?

That'd be fantastic. They just take the case when MITB is cashed in, what if they reveal next week that the officials opened the chocolate case and it was empty, making the Cena vs Sandow match null and void? It'd fit Sandow's character perfectly and give his character more heat in addition to the in-ring credibility he got through his pre-match aggression and subsequent effort.


I think Sandow suffers a little from not having established enough finishing moves. He was using the Terminus as his only one, now has the You're Welcome slam, but he hasn't gotten any big victories with either move, so it was hard to buy into the near falls. Once it was clear they were having a full fledged match, I strongly felt Cena would overcome the odds. That aside, it was a fun match that elevated Sandow in defeat.


I really enjoyed the beginning of the show, the rest was quite average. Big Show's absence from HIAC meant that the end segment was quite predictable. Show did show (heh) great fire in his performance though, I much prefer "pissed off, nothing to lose rebel" to "giant crybaby". The crowd reaction made it better too.


And heel HBK was great. He waits until he's retired to bring that back? Bastard, he was fantastic here. Bryan played his role well by not smiling or playing to the crowd, just a great segment overall.

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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Anyone else thinking that Sandow still has the original blue case and might still win the World Title?

That'd be fantastic. They just take the case when MITB is cashed in, what if they reveal next week that the officials opened the chocolate case and it was empty, making the Cena vs Sandow match null and void? It'd fit Sandow's character perfectly and give his character more heat in addition to the in-ring credibility he got through his pre-match aggression and subsequent effort.

What a muppet Sandow would be. He threw the kitchen sink at an injured Cena, smashed the shit out of him with the case and came as close as he will ever come to getting a victory over him and he did this without the Money in the Bank contract in his briefcase? Why would he do that? If I was him, I'd be glad I didnt have to wrestle Cena again. If I'm giving someone a good hiding with a briefcase who isn't even fully fit and I'm the one on my back after it, I dont want to fight this fucker again. He's supposed to be a smart man. That makes him a right thick cunt.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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You're right, bugger. It just kinda sucks that a MITB cash-in was just used as fodder to make Cena look superhuman, when that's been established over the past 7 or so years. I don't think Sandow should be a top guy, but he'd be a fresh challenger for Cena and some kind of shenanigans where he got another chance would be welcome.

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Its time to split them up and actually try and create some stars out of the potential all three have.


I would be chuffed if that is the case. It's just that their TV has taught me to be sceptical to be honest. There's certainly bundles of potential there, hopefully enough to not fuck up or squander.


Also, Ambrose is taller than Reigns by an inch. And Rollins is over 6 foot as well. Hardly "little blokes".


I was just joking mate. Although Ambrose's 6.3 billing is quite surprising to me. Land o' the giants.

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Anyone else thinking that Sandow still has the original blue case and might still win the World Title?

That'd be fantastic. They just take the case when MITB is cashed in, what if they reveal next week that the officials opened the chocolate case and it was empty, making the Cena vs Sandow match null and void? It'd fit Sandow's character perfectly and give his character more heat in addition to the in-ring credibility he got through his pre-match aggression and subsequent effort.

What a muppet Sandow would be. He threw the kitchen sink at an injured Cena, smashed the shit out of him with the case and came as close as he will ever come to getting a victory over him and he did this without the Money in the Bank contract in his briefcase?


From what I remember from an interview from a previous Smackdown, Sandow actually got a "brand new MITB contract." I'm personally suggesting he might have two contracts, both of which are valid.


In fact, here's the promo:

Edited by andrew "the ref" coyne
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I wonder if they had Sandow cash in kinda quietly to get rid of the case, some folk on here have mentioned that World Champion vs WWE Champion would be a big match for Mania 30 so they'd want the case gone before the build to that starts.


I thought Sandow came out looking great despite his lose.


The Wyatt stuff was good and Bryan and Punk will give them all something to sink there teeth into


I think The Shield break up will be a slow burn leading to a 3way at Mania


Wonder why Kane unmasked? least he's a new guy for The Authority to use


I would've liked Orton to get a new or remixed Theme to show a change and freshen him up, its one thing I feel wwe has been bad for for years now is missing subtle things like that, I know people know there themes but Austin, Rock, HHH etc changed up things and it didnt affect them


Glad October is almost over its been a bit of a pain watching everyone wearing pink, I know its for a good cause but did EVERYONE have to wear pastel pink even the heels.

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I thought Raw was ace.


I chuckled all through the Cena/Sandow segment, knowing what would happen. Ian's right, though, the sole thing they wanted to achieve by Sandow having the case in the first place was turning Cody face and they did that. Anything after that, Sandow would be relying on a lot of luck for them to decide to put the belt on him. He hasn't even established a finisher. He's nowhere near the main event, or even upper mid. The match was ace, though. Which is nice. God bless John Cena.


If the plan is to have Cena carry through to Mania for a unification match, he'd have to dispatch Sandow eventually. They're not going to draw a dime with Cena/Sandow at a PPV and under normal circumstances, Cena smashing Sandow means nothing. They might as well use it to further the 'is he hurt? ....oh, no, wait....he's a fucking boss.' angle.


I can see them working a Cena/Orton feud by pushing the 'face of the WWE' shit with Orton, only for Cena to counter that 'no one man is the face of the WWE, the Universe is the ever changing face of the WWE'. The way they love their social media, they can even have the match for control of the company, if Cena wins the company is 'handed over' to the fans as a de facto general manager. Obviously you frame the decisions they can make for a decent outcome, but they could use the app 'you decide' features in more prominent positions on the card to make it feel like its an interactive show. Yeah, I thnk they might do that.


It's nice seeing the Wyatt's mattering a bit more.


I don't care how perfect he is for the role, its a shame someone with more worth and more miles on the clock isn't getting Big Shows push.


Funny that HBK managed to get in a dig about not being sure if Bryan is an A+ player anymore. Though, Bryan's connection with the audience is clearly still strong. Given how loved HBK is, I'm amazed the fans went with that angle.

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To my utter astonishment, HBK wasn't complete shit. He was actually pretty decent. I was also surprised the crowd were keen to boo Michaels, but then again he's been so shit since he retired that it's pretty easy.


Bryan getting battered by the Wyatt's screams demotion and with Punk it's another unwanted diversion from the main storyline on the show. At the very least the Wyatt's are getting a chance to wrestle proper World class talent and if Punk/Bryan can't get a good match out of them then they probably deserve to be kicked back down to Fandango's level.


I have a feeling that Show's current financial struggles has lead to him being behind on his air bills, meaning one man is coming back to collect at Survivor Series. He's big, he's bad, he's balder than your Dad.

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I don't think it was right in this particular instance, but why couldn't Sandow be a World Champion? Yes, there's the comedy aspect but there also the snobbery, aristocracy, the understated violent nature he has and he's a solid hand in the ring. His character is the perfect heel for the PG generation. He's a larger than life character, something people keep crying out for.

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On the subject of the potential Shield disbandment, if a Reigns turn is imminent I'd be more than happy to have a month or so of Reigns & Langston vs. Ambrose & Rollins before they all go totally separate ways. That sounds like real fun.


Goldust is the best wrestler in the company right now.

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