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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I really like the Stardust gimmick, I think it could last a while.


There is no point rushing into a feud between the two as there's currently not much else for them to be involved in.


Could lead into a retirement match for Goldy? That would be a good blow off at a big PPV.

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I thought it was a good Raw. The first three matches were ace and the lack of finishes helped the show rather than hindered. It felt pretty chaotic. Six seriously talented guys who make me feel positive about WWE's future. Added to the battle royal with the brilliant Reigns/Rusev teaser and the solid main event, this show flew.


The puke stuff was fucking shit but it achieved its aim. I thought it felt about ten years out of date though. Teen gross out movies are a long way in the past. I'd be interested to know whether people think it made Reigns cooler. To the general audience, not us moaning bastards.


Speaking of moaning, I've got a little one. Pitcos should look away now. I'm not happy with what they've done with presenting Seth Rollins this past couple of weeks. Firstly, his music is absolutely shit. It doesn't say star at all. Suggests they made a snap decision to turn him and had no idea what to do with it. Secondly, why the hell is he standing on the stage with all the riff raff at the beginning? He's a Triple H guy who just sold his soul. The riff raff should be parting to let him through. He should be in the ring front and centre. Just a couple of small things that, to me, are the difference between Rollins being top level, or on the same level as the other guys in those 6 matches at the beginning.


This is wild speculation but with Trips having Rollins on board and using Barrett as a hired gun (cracking accent btw), I'd love to see this morphing into a faction. Orton, Rollins, Barrett and Sheamus. Backed by Trips. The hhhWo.

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Thought it was a good Raw.Agree that Rollins has been presented badly since he's turned (bar the first week when he wore that suit),shit new music and he's still knocking about in his old Shield gear.Not a huge fan of Ambrose at all, but he was really good this week,a leather jacket always helps!


Cameron is actually decent enough for someone who doesn't wrestle on TV that often,better than her clumsy huge arsed mate anyway.Paige is just blandness personified at the moment though.That submission finish is shite too.


Sheamus calling Wyatt ''some man for one man'' was fantastic.

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the vomiting spot was just embarrassingly performed, it was so unnecessary too.


As cool as Reigns is, he's shoddy in backstage segments, the acting stuff doesn't feel natural with him. Granted he's new with it but he's got a long way to go. His showdown with Rusev at the end of the battle royale was tremendous though.


Stardust was a bit weird, the crowd didn't react and whilst they may nail it from an in-ring perspective the actual act was a bit shit. The interpretive dance routine analogy was on the money.


oh, and ive decided that Adam Rose is the worst thing ive ever seen. I can't believe so many people on here were excited for his debut when they skits and the NXT thing was happening.

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Rusev may be my favourite thing in wrestling, at the minute. WWE are doing a grand job protecting him and building him up. You just need to watch the Reigns/Rusev face off in the battle royal to see the fans are into what they're doing with him.


Can't wait for the eventual showdown with Cena. Be great if they did a Survivor Series match with Putin-endorsed Soviet super soldier types (lead by Rusev) v Team USA (lead by Cena). Or I could just watch Rocky IV again.

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I really like the Stardust gimmick, I think it could last a while.


There is no point rushing into a feud between the two as there's currently not much else for them to be involved in.


Could lead into a retirement match for Goldy? That would be a good blow off at a big PPV.


A feud sounds far more viable this time round, as there's a definite Riddler vibe in Cody's appearance and mannerisms - he's moving in a more deliberate but fluid manner, and his execution looks crisper than even '95-era Goldust.


I can see the turn being sharp and brutal, and as long as Oldust gets enough heat in the build a Mania blowoff sounds really appealing - kinda like the Hollywood Backlot Brawl from WM12 with the roles switched. And hopefully without Cody in a basque.

Edited by seph
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Ambrose looked like the boy, really looking forward to seeing how he progresses.


There was a graphic that looked like Rollins was without compression shirt but cut off at the neck. Reckon he got a new attire and had promo shots but they nixed it for whatever reason.


Here we go:



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As cool as Reigns is, he's shoddy in backstage segments, the acting stuff doesn't feel natural with him


Barely, if any, of the current roster come across as natural in backstage segments because of the shitty unnatural scripts they have to read through. As long as he continues to be so good and charismatic in the ring he should be fine.

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