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2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

HHH/Undertaker feels massive - as it should. Thinking long term when it comes to WWEā€™s strategy, I think you could keep rolling out a huge event in other continents, ala the Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia, this Supershow in Melbourne, etc. They could surely roll one out in the UKĀ at a big stadium in the summer months, maybe another one somewhere else in Europe, etc, say you have something like four to six a year. And for each one, you can rotate it in terms of your part time big stars who have a rivalry outside of what the main touring roster are doing. Not only does it keep things fresh, but it also avoids the part timers going over guys on the main touring roster and killing their momentum. Have HHH vs Undertaker at Super Showdown, bring two more old timers back for the next one, etc like how they rotate fighters in UFC, boxing etc for different events.Ā 

This is such a good, straightforward idea. Everybody likes to see the legends, just not at the expense of going overĀ the current guys or making them look like twats like Foley, Michaels and Stone Cold did the other year.

Who else would/could they use though as that group of big named part timers is getting increasingly smaller. They're also likely to save Cena vs Taker II for Mania so it rules that one out. Same as if they brought The Rock in, you'd assume he's only going to do Mania or another Saudi show for mega money. Has Old Man Steptoe said he's definitely not wrestling again?

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12 hours ago, Supremo said:

You can imagine Vince waking up in a cold sweat, realising his entire Raw division consisted of the B-Team, Revival, Ascension and Titus Worldwide.Ā 

That's the status quo, isnt it? Ric Flair wakes up bleeding every morning.

3 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:


Brie Bella - Jesus Christ those botches looked hideously bad. The first oneĀ where she effectively just flops onto the ropes is one of the worst I have ever seen. Fair enough sheā€™s been out of the ring quite a while, but she clearly wasnā€™t ready to come back at this stage.Ā 


Let's not be overly generous! Brie wasn't ready to come back on her best day, while an active member of the roster. Terrible wrestler and always was.

31 minutes ago, ColinBollocks said:

Aye. BatistaĀ offered to wrestle Triple H at 'Mania, but they coldly didn't bother getting back to him. Big Dave is well up for at least one more big match.

Wha? I'm not sure what's surprised me more, Drax being up for going back after last time or "best for business" Paul not fancying that. I suppose he knew the best person to put Ronda over was himself and he committed. Fair fucks, seems like they'll get more out of that route than one good Mania pop.

Still wish Dave and Lesnar had been given a really fun five minutes wailing on each other at some point.

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We got it a bit with the Shield and Evolution, but a Guardian of the Galaxy wanting the Universal title andĀ challenging Roman for it would be rather nice. Especially if Daveā€™s going to end up with a bit of free time if they donā€™t have him back for Guardians 3.

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2 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

We got it a bit with the Shield and Evolution, but a Guardian of the Galaxy wanting the Universal title andĀ challenging Roman for it would be rather nice. Especially if Daveā€™s going to end up with a bit of free time if they donā€™t have him back for Guardians 3.

You're projecting.

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HBK's probably my favourite wrestler of all-time, but I've never wanted to see him come back. I always loved that he honoured his retirement match. But, man... that segment really got me excited for the idea of a one-off comeback at 'Mania in which he retires The Undertaker once and for all. I don't care if that's fantasist stuff that never happens, but it made for a corker of a segment when I was expecting another boring "HHH, be careful! The Undertaker's dangerous! You don't know what you're getting into!" type deal.

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I'm actually somewhat surprised this show is getting a bit of praise. Just god awful.Ā 

They literally couldn't have fucked up the Owens thing any worse, an angle that had a bit of buzz with people wondering if he might show up elsewhere etc, cunt was off tele ONE WEEK.Ā 

The Lashley segment, and Lashley.

This might not be popular on here but i'm so over the Shield, big time can't be arsed with them. I was loving Seth, one of maybe 3 reasons to watch the show, now he's being derailed in my opinion.Ā 

Literally the whole shows purpose is lets get Reigns as few boo's as is humanly possible, and everybody i like is being hit with the shrapnel.Ā 

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I really hope they leave HBK/Taker well alone and that it was just a cocktease. The two matches they had are damn near as perfect a wrestling match as you will find. No way would they top them and letā€™s face it we would all be expecting miracles from them which they likely (Taker more so at this point) could not deliver.Ā 

It would be like when everyone was getting hard dicks thinking of Taker/Sting despite it being about 10 years too late for the match to mean anything to anyone under the age of 30.Ā 

Let HBK stay retired with an amazing match under his belt as his swan song. Taker can continue to wobble around the ring and hit his spots for the next few years. Also Shawn cut his fucking hair, no one is paying to see short haired, boss eyed shawn dodge punches from FrasierĀ with spray tan.Ā 

Edited by Joe Blog
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1 hour ago, CTXRussomark said:

That was the ultimate cock tease if they aren't working towards a Michaels/Taker match. Ā Did anyone even remember Taker/Triple H was happening by the end of that segment?Ā 

Just imagine if HBK could come back for one more match and they did a match we've seen over and over? What a waste that would be.

They'd probably stick him in with Trips again.

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1 hour ago, Ambulance Chaser said:


This might not be popular on here but i'm so over the Shield, big time can't be arsed with them. I was loving Seth, one of maybe 3 reasons to watch the show, now he's being derailed in my opinion.Ā 


Nah. He's gone from treading water every week with Ziggler to..... well, working every week with Ziggler but with four extra characters helping mercifully dilute the Zigglerness of his segments and storylines. I'd say he landed on his feet.

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26 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Just imagine if HBK could come back for one more match and they did a match we've seen over and over? What a waste that would be.

They'd probably stick him in with Trips again.

I can't think of anyone fromĀ the current generation I'd beĀ interested in him coming back to work against. Even lessĀ in seeing him work with Triple H though. Basically Taker or nothingĀ for me.

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A year ago Iā€™d have loved to see HBK come back for a match with eitherĀ AJ Styles or Daniel Bryan. Now though, theyā€™veĀ both cooled off so considerably that I canā€™t imagine being particularly fussed. Might as well just do the Taker match again. Or have him lose to Roman, of course.

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