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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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10 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I don’t think I watched a PPV after Mania last year, and only caught up on TV angles via YouTube. I’ll start with Summerslam!

Nah start before then, his matches against Big Show and Reigns were before then and they were excellent. Quite a few of his best matches have been Raw main events too, so I would explore those as well rather than sticking to the PPVs.

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Was it Payback where they used a blood capsule and kept them brawling into the start of Raw Talk? That was one of my favourite matches of the year. Love that at the bell Reigns just leaps straight for Braun, was a real great feud and I'd place that above Fastlane and the ambulance match if you're short on time.

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23 hours ago, BrodyGraham said:

If they'd pushed forward with Lex in the early 90's would that have made the product better? Fans SHOULDN'T cheer someone they're not positively invested in.

There are reasons to be behind Roman, he can go well enough and you could see even in developmental that he was the absolute prototype for a main eventer in WWE.

The Roman Reigns character though has been historically booked terribly and it doesn't help that he did his best to convince everyone he's a massive ballbag outside of kayfabe in the run up to WM31.

I'm resigned to him. I don't feel strongly either way now but I don't feel obliged to cheer a guy just because he's on top. I wouldn't do it for Hogan or Lex in the early 90's and I won't do it now. I don't think that makes me a bad fan. 

Let’s just throw away the millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars that WWE has made through John Cena because the fans boo’d him because he didn’t do moves very well. I’m not saying Reigns is Cena. He’s not.  But the guys recently that the fans want have been complete failures money wise. Even Bryan admits in his book that business tanked with him on top. 

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I've carried on with their 100 Raw moments to fill time at points over the last couple of weeks. I'm only in the 75-50 section and it's ridiculous. HBK's retirement speech is at 67. Which seems low already until you realise 66 is the chuffing New Day celebrating their year as tag champs by soaking Stephanie. Terrible.

Then 65 is the fucking brilliant momemt where Batista chooses Trips as his opponent at WM21 and turns face. Can it get more ridiculous? Yes because sixty-fucking-four is the fantastic Austin/McMahon angle that finally won a week in the Monday Night War. 

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What I loved was "Shawn Michaels has left the building" .... because its exactly the kind of low key nod to the very long ago that's nice fan service to those of us that have been watching it for 25 years or so.

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1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

I've carried on with their 100 Raw moments to fill time at points over the last couple of weeks. I'm only in the 75-50 section and it's ridiculous. HBK's retirement speech is at 67. Which seems low already until you realise 66 is the chuffing New Day celebrating their year as tag champs by soaking Stephanie. Terrible.

Then 65 is the fucking brilliant momemt where Batista chooses Trips as his opponent at WM21 and turns face. Can it get more ridiculous? Yes because sixty-fucking-four is the fantastic Austin/McMahon angle that finally won a week in the Monday Night War. 

I’m still working my way through it too. Just wait til you get to the 40s - Daniel Bryan’s retirement and the Nexus debut are beaten by that time Brock Lesnar smashed up Seth Rollins’ car that I don’t even remember happening.

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The gauntlet match to open Raw was excellent. What a great way to start the show, having nearly two hours of wrestling. Seth’s hour was the main highlight of the gauntlet match. And then it went back to the usual Raw of phoning it in for the last hour. But still, one of the better go home shows lately. 

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I reckon so. The first hour is brilliant, second half of the gauntlet is pretty good, and the third hour is standard Raw fare. 

I will say, even though I know Reigns is almost certainly going over on Sunday because, the plan, I actually wouldn't mind seeing Rollins get that spot after this show. He was superb, which is not something I often think of Rollins. Fuck, I'd even happily go with Rollins, Reigns and Lesnar in a three-way which you could easily build given the history of the three at Mania. 

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It's a shame Reigns isn't Mr Money in the Bank.  Having Rollins vs Lesnar at Mania with Reigns running in and cashing in and winning would be pretty good.  Especially if him and Rollins had made up and were getting on great (as they are) but have Reigns come in and beat him and show no remorse about it.

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Especially if they'd had the sense to call back to when Rollins cashed in. It'd be a lovely piece of turnabout.

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