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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Blue M and M's and European water is my new snack of choice, I'm loving The Miz right now! I also thought Wyatt looked re-energised in the ring, lets hope he can find that fire he had at the start of his run. Things are looking up in terms of the product to be honest, that was a good Raw.

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I enjoy the irony that for all the daft, "you deserve it," chants that Ryder got, he immediately dropped the belt to someone who truly does deserve it in The Miz. How that guy stayed motivated and continued to be brilliant for all these years is astonishing. He's one of the most underrated guys on the roster. It's great to see him getting a fair shake again.


I've been a Miz for a long time, but I can't say he's been "brilliant" all these years. You're right, it's great he could keep motivated and turn shit like promoting Subway on Raw into something acceptable, but let's not go overboard now he's getting plaudits again.

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"Brilliant," may have been too strong, but he continued to be one of the better acts in the company, even when he existed solely to advance other people's feuds hosting that talk show. If nothing else, he deserves a medal for doing his best with that Divas Revolution stuff when they were still scripting all the girls to act like annoying bitches. I would've quit the business if I had to make the best out of that shit.

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In context, I agree with miz being brilliant. He's given 100% to everything he's been involved in, even if it included the women, charisma vacuums like Barrett, or complete shitarses like ziggler, and I have no doubt that he's one of the only people who could get 100% boos against reigns.

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Sign me up to the Cesaro is shit club. His performance really didn't do anything for me this week. To me he comes across as a guy pretending to be a wrestler, trying to have a good match that entertains the fans. As opposed to just watching a wrestler trying to win. I'm so keenly aware he's performing it hurts to watch.


AJ vs Zayn was cracking. I loved this match and completely bought into everything they did. Both guys are so great at the little things, the facial expressions and the little mannerisms between moves. This what a great example of putting on a quality match with out actually giving away a whole lot or doing very much at all.

For me this was probably AJs greatest showing in WWE so far. Not for the wrestling but for all of the things mentioned above. He really seemed to come to life as a personality. Psychology wise he took on the heel role in this match and I think it suited him, I don't see why after some appropriate build he couldn't turn full heel along with the rest of the Bullet Club.

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Wwe confuses me.......

Why did just 4 weeks ago they seem like they didn't know what wrestling even was too now where its enjoyable.

what was the point in the cell match??? if shane is just running the place now

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Because they needed something for Mania and went crazy. Do have to wonder if this was their plan with Shane all along or a response to the reactions he's been getting.


Because they needed something for Mania and went crazy. Do have to wonder if this was their plan with Shane all along or a response to the reactions he's been getting.

Mate shane is getting such a good reaction because he is a breath of fresh air and a babyface.

And does the silly leg thing.......we all have a soft spot for silly leg thing.

It just renders him trying to commit suicide in front of his family so pointless.

If i was his wife and he did that in front of my kids i would have his balls pickled and painted gold on my mantle piece 

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Also on board with this show, fun from Start to finish. Nice to see NXT Sami show up...I said last year that Sami could walk into the Daniel Bryan babyface role and he has done well so far.


This was Cesaro's worst showing in WWE amd he was given every chance to shine. He is best as a tag team guy in WWE, I think that is his ceiling.

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Because they needed something for Mania and went crazy. Do have to wonder if this was their plan with Shane all along or a response to the reactions he's been getting.

I wonder whether Undertaker was contemplating retirement and then went 180 on it... or Vince just blurted it out on stage that night. Then they've had to make the booking fit the result.

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Just looking at the segment again between Styles and Zayn after their match, and obviously he’s not going to be thrilled about losing but they made Zayn out to look a bit confused and almost bitter. They couldn’t turn Zayn heel, could they?


Miz is tremendous. Cesaro went from looking like Statham to Michael Stipe in a couple of years. Styles is growing on me, Natalyas clitoris must look like fungi. I want a Biz Cliz shirt and I’m 36. I love anything involving the Usos getting assassinated.  I don’t think Kevin Owens can get past upper midcard. Ambrose is inconsistent. Wyatt is a fucking tremendously endearing babyface.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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They couldn’t turn Zayn heel, could they?


Hey, it did wonders for Daniel Bryan. He'd be over more than ever when he finally turned face again.


*Fantasy Booking Alert* *Look Away Now* - Have Zayn spend a year as a heel and start teasing a face turn in time for Wrestlemania 33. At the same time, start teasing a Kevin Owens face turn too. On the post-Wrestlemania Raw, have Zayn get beaten down by a team like the League of Nations. When Kevin Owens finally makes the save the roof would blow off.

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