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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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They do what they want anyway. Remember Harry Smith's first strike? Rumours at the time were he failed one in developmental so they brought him up for a fortnight to push him just to suspend him to say "We'll suspend you even if you're pushed talent!"

Edited by PowerButchi
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Definitely think it's more likely to be a monetary issue rather than a failed drugs tests for a couple of reasons. If they did only find out Monday why would one of their first responses be to tell Brock Lesnar? And even if this was the case how would that cause Lesnar to storm out of a show? As has been mentioned, UFC are never going to turn him away cause they know his next stop would be Bellator who'd pick him right up. Guilty by association is bollocks too, go on record saying you disagreed with the decision to let Reigns remain in the main event and pass his own piss test, why should another guy's actions be any reflection on him?

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I thought Raw was okay this week. Don't mind the Orton tease too much as its obvious he will turn on Rollins so at least they are trying to build something rather than have him turn in one night (although the fans were decent last night). 


Some matches seemed more fresh than normal, not sure where they are going with the tag division, love the Accession entrance and music but am thinking they need to to surely go in a positive direction, whether thats a face turn, being thrown in with Wyatt or something with a meaning, also thought given there run it was ridiculous to have them lose to the prime time players, who writes this stuff?


Speaking of tag teams how annoying is Naomi with the USO's, it was her fault they got into a feud with Miz/Mizdow, her fault they got into a feud with Cesaro & Tyson Kidd and she just seems to have dragged them back both in a storyline perspective and as a wrestler, are the USO's that bad they need to base all the storylines around Naomi?


Reigns seemed better on the mic this week so enjoyed his exchange with Heyman, agree that he seems to be set for a heel turn.


I think that's all that needs to be said about Raw. 


Hopefully Rollins doesn't end up cashing in his MITB only to be screwed by Orton at some point, I can see this happening further down the line. 

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I thought Raw was okay this week. Don't mind the Orton tease too much as its obvious he will turn on Rollins so at least they are trying to build something rather than have him turn in one night (although the fans were decent last night). 


He was already a babyface. He had everyone behind him when he came back at Fastlane. Then on Raw being mates with the Authority again, will it really lead to a much bigger pop or be more interesting if he turns on them next week or the week after?

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I can't see the point of him joining unless he's going to try getting his hands on the MITB case somehow. Maybe he'll try making Rollins look bad as often as he can so the Authority will give up on him and put the case on the line at WM. Looks a bit dumb reading it back but I can't think of anything else.

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I think that did happen to Orton at one point, and the reasoning given was that they didn't want to punish viewers for the talent's mistake. I can't think what the thing was though, did he come back a week earlier than expected to set up a PPV match with Kurt Angle maybe?

I think he got suspended right after WrestleMania, and then came back early (still during his suspension period) to build a match with Angle for that event which would've been early June?


Spot on. Randy did the job to new champ Mysterio on the first SmackDown in a 20 minute match that did much more to make Rey look top dog than the rush-job which was his title win, then a week later Angle smashed him in a KOTR qualifier and re-applied the ankle lock a couple of times after the bell to put him out. They used Randy to make the new champion look strong AND Angle look a killer again before they took him off TV. And then he attacked Angle on the first Raw of June to start the build for their match.

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I thought Raw was okay this week. Don't mind the Orton tease too much as its obvious he will turn on Rollins so at least they are trying to build something rather than have him turn in one night (although the fans were decent last night). 


He was already a babyface. He had everyone behind him when he came back at Fastlane. Then on Raw being mates with the Authority again, will it really lead to a much bigger pop or be more interesting if he turns on them next week or the week after?



if I'm honest I was thinking during the show how predictable it would be that Orton would agree to be in the authority so he was in the ring with Seth only to take him out and do the whole babyface thing. 


So from a surprise element him not exactly turning on Seth works for me, but depends where they take it I guess. 

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New issue of the Observer says the problem was solely to do with the terms of renewing Lesnar's contract and that it had nothing to do with wanting to fight in UFC and nothing to do with creative. It also says Lesnar's expected to make the rest of his contracted dates, but there's no word on signing a renewal yet.

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