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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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If you don't have it on your to watch list you should add Orphans by Peter Mullan it's oddly brilliant. Morvern Callar too.


Small Faces, Trainspotting, A Sense of Freedom, Red Road and My Name is Joe would probably make up my top 5 Scottish films.

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I love Scottish 80s films. Every one of them has a Chic Murray cameo in it, and that's fine with me. "Local Hero" for one.


I remember "Ae Fond Kiss.." by Ken Loach being quite decent. Might want to check that out.


"Ratcatcher" is really good. Definately check that out. Utterly miserable. I remember the first 30 minutes being really tough emotionally due to...


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the main character's wee pal drowns in the Forth & Clyde Canal and his family all come to terms with it.


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Good watch though.

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With regards to the Scottish thing.


Hallam Foe's a pretty good scottish film


Renegeration is about Craiglockhart Hospital and the War Poets and is a cracking watch if you get a chance.



Finally, Im pretty certain that Honeymoon, with Emilia Fox is shot in Scotland, but Ive not seen in for ages.

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I'm trying to make my way through every Scottish film ever made. I'm on 25 so far. Finally got round to watching The Acid House, an Irvine Welsh adaptation. Released in 1998, it's odd in the fact that it's actually three short films at about 40 mins each. It's fair to say it's one of the strangest films I've seen in terms of storylines. It features a grown man reverting back to having the mental age of a baby, courtesy of some lightning and acid, and a man transformed in to a fly by God. The second story was my favourite, with Kevin McKidd's character playing a cuckolded husband. It's great, although I love McKidd so I may be being slightly biased. Not on par with Trainspotting, but what is?



I made a 10 minute short for my degree based on one of the stories in the book. The one about the man who has a car accident and is now just a head, floating in a jar (doesn't stop him and the wife having friends over for dinner). There are some right weird stories in their, I'd recommend the book.

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Embarrassingly I've never read an Irvine Welsh book even though I've enjoyed all of his films. I thought Filth was fantastic. James McAvoy was phenomenal in it.


I would also recommend Peter Mcdougall's Just a Boys Game. It's such an atmospheric piece of work. Greenock in the seventies with the shipyards and darkness. I love it!

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I thought Filth was fantastic. James McAvoy was phenomenal in it.


I've never read the book, but I know a few people who have who said the film didn't really do it justice at all. Usually the case when comparing films to literature. I thought the film was pretty disappointing to be honest. James McAvoy was good in it and there were some amusing parts of it, but the film just didn't flow properly and had too much crammed into 90+ minutes.

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Went to see Muppet's Most Wanted this afternoon with my girlfriend which we both enjoyed greatly. Not a big fan of Ricky Gervais but he actually does a good job as the slimy manager/villain sidekick. Some of the cameo's were well done, including Hornswoggle as one of the prison inmates. It probably ranks around 3rd on my all time best Muppet movies behind the 2011 one and Muppets Take Manhattan

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Your top three doesn't include Christmas Carol or treasure island?


I was trying to think of other novels they could adapt the other day. Which would have been putting my English degree to good use but I came up if I could think of anything. They'd do a fun hound of the Baskervilles I reckon.

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I'd watch a Muppet Sherlock Holmes.


Alice in Wonderland would cast itself, mostly - Stadtler and Waldorf as the Tweedles, Kermit as the (Green) Rabbit, Piggy as the Queen of Hearts - but it'd probably end up a bit too similar to that Wizard of Oz one they did.

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Embarrassingly I've never read an Irvine Welsh book even though I've enjoyed all of his films.

I seen Irvine Welsh in a pub in Glasgow City Centre once. He was a right arse shouting and bawling with his junkie mates.

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