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I can think of 3 great TNA matches just from Sean Waltman's mini run there in 2005. As others have said, there's been plenty of time when their in-ring stuff was way ahead of WWE's for the most part. Times have changed, especially when the two guys who had most of their best matches are now the two best things in WWE, but there was a time where when you wanted good matches you'd go to TNA instead of WWE.

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Aside from in-ring action, WWE still hasn't matched the backstage segments being produced during the Bischoff era, including the after hours reaction show. Slick, believable stuff that puts overrehearsed hallway interviews with Sasha Banks to shame.

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There are loads of alternatives. 


Meh, I've never liked any of them tbh. WWE NXT is painted as the second coming, but I've never been on that bandwagon, and ROH has always come over as indy fap material to me.

Not as much over recent years of course, but nowhere apart from the WWE have you seen genuine star power like Sting, Hogan, Angle, Flair etc.

Edited by garynysmon
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Lucha Underground is great and all but it's not the same kind of show and you could never see it stepping up as the national 'No.2' in the same style as WCW or TNA.


ROH seems to have run its' course. They wouldn't take the risk of expanding.


NXT doesn't count because at the end of the day it's just another WWE product, as good as it often is. I don't consider it an alternative at all.


My days of watching Japan are pretty much done. They seem to have PPV's that go 5 hours and the thought of watching something like the G1 Climax, 14 days of 3-4 hour shows filled with endless big matches one after another sounds like a chore. Back in the day maybe but I'm not sure I like the style of the last 3 or 4 years. I'd rather go back and watch the 90's.


Jarrett's a no go, unless he gets the money.


I guess the best thing that would come out of it would be I might have time to reactivate my Chikaratopia account and finish 2011!

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TNA has never been a true 'alternative' to WWE - it has always been happy to present wrestling in exactly the same way and format as WWE.


For me, an alternative in the Western world would be Lucha Underground, ROH, New Japan, Chikara, SHIMMER, CMLL, PWG, PROGRESS etc.  None of them are as popular as WWE and never will be, but their aim is to make wrestling available in a different format/presentation/style for those who are looking for it.  In many cases they aren't necessarily looking for mainstream recognition or success, they are just hoping to attract enough attention and support from those who are interested in looking for an alternative to achieve their own level of success in their own bubble.


They are by their very nature niche interest, but those who are interested will likely be more loyal, be more willing to spend their money in following them and be more willing to buy higher priced tickets and merchandise for a presentation of wrestling that is close to their own niche preference.

Edited by Big Benny HG
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I can think of 3 great TNA matches just from Sean Waltman's mini run there in 2005.

Not to mention when he made Eric Young look like the dogs bollocks in the course of one episode.


TNA have put on a load of awesome matches, which makes it even more frustrating that the company was run so badly. They allow the talent to do something awesome but then fuck it up at the first opportunity. For every awesome match there is usually a story of how they failed to capitalise on it.


Jay Lethal is a prime example of this. The match with Angle and the promo with Flair both executed brilliantly, but followed up poorly.

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There've been some decent matches in TNA through the years.

Name 5.



Joe vs. Angle 1 & 2, Joe vs. Daniels vs. AJ (twice), Harris vs Storm, Jerry Lynn vs. AJ series. That cage match with Elix Skipper's mental tightrope walk. That's 5 seconds of thinking. There'll be many more.


Angle v Desmond Wolfe/McGuinness is one that escaped my notice until recently. Superb

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